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Owlient推出首款Facebook游戏Howrse for Friends

发布时间:2010-12-14 14:57:50 Tags:,,,

最近,法国知名网络游戏开发公司Owlient将发布首款Facebook游戏,Howrse for Friends。此前,该公司制作的Howrse.com和Babydow.com游戏广受玩家的欢迎。其中,Howrse.com遍及全球12个市场,拥有游戏玩家近1500万人。通过发布社交游戏Howrse for Friends,Owlient公司希望在社交平台环境中再创佳绩。



据游戏邦了解,在新款社交游戏Howrse for Friends中,玩家可以建造自己的马场,在朋友的帮助下饲养马匹,与朋友一起组织竞赛等。游戏的目标就是成为最好的马匹饲养员,建设最高级的马场。

Owlient公司希望借助Facebook社交网络提高游戏的用户基础。目前,Howrse for Friends仅有法语版本,英文版本即将发布。

此外,Owlient计划在2011年初发布iPhone版 ,同时发布该游戏的葡萄牙语,意大利语,土耳其语,波兰语和瑞典语等版本。未来,Owlient将在全球各国发布新版本的Horse游戏。(本文为游戏邦编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Owlient, the French online game editor known for games such as and, has now launched its first Facebook game, called ‘Howrse for Friends’.

With this new game, Owlient expects to reproduce its previous success with web games but in the social platforms environment.

The company’s most popular game, is now present in 12 different markets and Owlient has reached more than 15 million registrations all over the world. The idea is to replicate this big success from a different platform while continuing to develop its leading role in the field of social games.

‘Howrse for Friends’ players will be able to build up their own equestrian centre, request the help of other users to lend a hand with its construction, breed their own horses and organize competitions amongst friends.

The goal is for users to become the best breeder or the best equestrian centre director amongst all their friends.

The company expects to benefit from Facebook’s network and to continue growing its customer base of horse lovers. Currently, the game is only available in French but an English version will follow soon.

Furthermore, Owlient plans to launch a new iPhone version of during the first semester of 2011 and, following its the roll out of Dutch, Italian, Turkish, Polish and Swedish versions of the game, the company will continue its internationalisation process with new versions of its horse games in different countries.

With all these projects planned, Owlient expect to consolidate its five years of experience in the simulation game and virtual goods world and continue to build a strong presence in the industry.

About Owlient

Owlient gathers game enthusiasts and allows them to extend their hobby online and share it with other players.

Owlient design games that offer maximum interaction between players, and its games are played by thousands of players, which enables it to build a virtual world with users participating in its evolution.

Today, Owlient offers games for people who are passionate about horse racing games, pony games, child care games and fashion games, with its games being available in six languages (French, English, German, Russian and Portuguese). Owlient’s efforts are directed toward designing new games for people who are passionate about playing them. (source: prnewswire)

