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作者:Destin Bales

在本文,我们将谈论如何开发实际游戏体验及准备丰富的面试文件资料。下文来自Bales的博客“I Need To Make Games”。(请点击此处阅读本系列第1、第3部分




无论是你希望涉足哪个具体学科,你需要坚持的最重要的一点是,通过呈现艺术元素或设计感觉,在荧屏上证实自己的价值,或通过共享功能演示内容、模型、修改内容或新创建的游戏展现自己的编程技能。虽然实现这一目标有很多渠道,但我们建议从学习免费的强大游戏开发引擎Unity入手。Unity过去曾帮助开发者在PC和iOS平台推出众多商业成绩显著的作品,它提供直观的界面、众多在线指南及书籍,甚至还允许我们花几美元购买可运用于游戏中的资产。此外,Unity支持C#和Javascript语言,所以如果你遵循我们的意见,参加免费Stanford Programming Methodology课堂,那么你就能够动手编写任何必要的代码元素。


——Paragon Studios技术总监Neal Kettler


* 下载和安装Unity引擎

* 通过阅读若干基本教程熟悉界面

* 通过高级指南、书籍或在线文章研究更多引擎的高级功能

* 着手通过引擎创建自己的内容




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——Paragon Studios制作人Ellisa Barr






* 在这一高度竞争的领域,你应该争取所有的有利条件

* 没有学位会限制你的长远发展潜能,限制你在行业的发展空间

* 获得学位能够提高你的创造性思维,扩宽你的兴趣,赋予你稳固的工作技能,这可能会在今后派上用场

* 最终你也许会放弃游戏开发,那么学位将能够给你的其他事业增添筹码


——NCSoft品牌和商业策略高级副总裁Ross Borden


此外,如果有兴趣,Ross Borden之类的大学会集中培训学生,帮助他们入行。虽然我们无法证实相比更传统的大学,就读这类型的学校能够提高你在行业内找到工作的机会,但显而易见的是,专注于这一过程能够协助你提高自己的开发技能。






* 突出你的实践经验,作为没有开发经验的求职者,突出自己修改过的作品或Unity工作经验至关重要。

* 将内容限制在2页之内

* 仔细校对你的简历,同时请好友帮忙查看

* 不要满足于传统模板,上网搜索富有创意的范例

* 制作突出开发激情和自我成就的求职信

* 就所申请的各职位定制相应的求职信和简历,运用相关职位的常见术语


* 网上有许多免费的托管和设计网站

* 在资料夹中融入不针对特定公司的简历版本

* 突出自己的工作经验,清晰、简要概述你所扮演的角色,具体制作什么内容

* 只展示自己的突出成就,因为在此质量远比数量重要得多

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“若你有制作样品录像带,要将时间控制在1分钟以内,大小要在10mbs以内。保持简历的简单性、易读性,只融入重要信息。将Google Analytics同网站绑定,方便查看谁何时阅读过你的资料夹,这样你就能够获悉是否有公司阅读你的信息。仔细填写自己的LinkedIn资料,因为公司通常会在阅读简历前查看这一信息。”

——Paragon Studios高级动画师Colin Brown




How To Break Into The Industry, Part 2

By Destin Bales

In part two of this introductory series for aspiring developers, Destin Bales discusses some of the best ways to develop real experience and prepare a solid portfolio for a future job. The following text comes from Bales’ blog, “I Need To Make Games.”

Part one of this series is available here.

Step 4: Build Hands-On Experience

Now it is time to get your hands dirty and begin building applicable experience that you can use as a stepping stone to secure your first development job.

Of all of the articles and bits of advice in this series, “Build Hands-On Experience” is by far the most important one of the bunch.  Follow this path and you will reach your goal of working in the games industry. If however you skip this step you will find it significantly more difficult to break into development and the odds may not be in your favor. Yes it takes time — possibly a considerable amount of time.  In the end, however, it is the most valuable experience you can gain and it is this work that you will ultimately feature on your resume and use to sell yourself to prospective employers.

Regardless of your desired discipline the most important thing that you need to do is prove your worth on screen by showing your art, design sense, or engineering skillset in a game engine by sharing a functional demo, prototype, mod or newly created game. While there are a number of different ways to achieve this goal we suggest getting started by learning a powerful and free game development engine named the Unity engine.  Used to make many commercially successful games on the PC and iOS platforms, Unity offers an intuitive interface, numerous online tutorials and available books, and even the ability to purchase assets for use in your game for just a few dollars each. Furthermore, Unity supports both C# and Javascript so if you followed our advice and participated in the free Stanford Programming Methodology class you are practically equipped to write any code necessary.

“The Unity engine has a great mix of powerful features and ease of use.  There are other free engines out there, but none give you the creative freedom that Unity has to offer.”

- Neal Kettler, Technical Director | Paragon Studios

Take it slow, and follow these steps towards achieving your goal:

* Download and install the Unity engine

* Familiarize yourself with the interface by completing some basic tutorials

* Read up on the more advanced features of the engine through advanced tutorials, books or articles online

* Begin creating content of your own using the engine

This process can be used regardless of your discipline to showcase your talent.  The Unity engine allows for exporting of projects to a web player which may allow you to demonstrate your work online via the online portfolio we help you create in Step 6.

Once you are familiar with the engine and creating content on your own, it’s time to enter the general mod (modification) community. Many retail games like Team Fortress 2 and Neverwinter Nights 2 can be modified by enthusiasts to include revised gameplay or new content for others to enjoy. While creating desirable content from scratch can be a monumental task (as you’ve no doubt learned from your time with Unity) it is possible to build off of established works to create something compelling in a relatively short amount of time. Through modding you even have the opportunity to work with others and gain valuable cross-disciplinary experience. Last but not least, successful mods are enjoyed by players allowing you to experience the feedback cycle from customers first hand. This is all gold for creating a stand-out resume and landing your first official development job.

Today two of the hottest mod-able games available include Minecraft and Skyrim. Make a compelling mod for either of these two products and you will have a fantastic wealth of experience to leverage on your application.

“When I’m looking through resumes, I tend to pay more attention to candidates that have already built a mod or who have a demo. They are more likely to learn our tools quickly, and it shows how passionate they are about making games.

There are people who want to make great games, and there are people who need to make great games.  It’s a no-brainer who I’d rather hire.”

- Ellisa Barr, Producer | Paragon Studios

Step 5: Education

Here we share our advice on education as it relates to game development. Whether you are a grade school student preparing for college, or a working adult who lacks the time to earn a degree, we discuss a variety of options available to you.

The most common question with regards to education and game development is whether or not a college degree is required to get a job in the industry. The answer to that question is no, you do not have to earn a degree to make games.

But you should.

While a college degree is not an absolute requirement to professionally develop games, having one can only help increase your chances of both landing that first job and ultimately reaching your full potential. Reasons that a college degree is valuable for entering game development include:

* In such a competitive landscape you should obtain every modifier in your favor possible

* Not having a degree could limit your long-term potential, capping your upward mobility in the industry

* Having a degree may help you think more critically, widen your interests, and give you solid work skills which may help you in the future

* Should you decide that ultimately game development is not for you, a degree adds value in other careers you may pursue

“I feel fortunate to work in an industry as fun, creative, and relevant as video games, and my education has been an important part of my success.”

- Ross Borden, Sr. Vice President, Brand and Business Strategy |NCSoft

There are a variety of options available when considering what type of degree to obtain or which school to attend. Many traditional colleges offer degrees in Computer Science and recently some have even begun to offer curriculums in game development.

Furthermore, for those who are interested there are even universities like Full Sail dedicated entirely to training students to enter the industry. While we’ve seen no evidence that attending such a school over a more traditional university will increase your chances of finding a job in the industry, it stands to reason that being immersed in the process will help you improve as a developer at some point in the future.

What if I am unable to go to college you ask? Perhaps you are an adult with other responsibilities and you lack the time or finances to do so. Don’t fret. By following all of the steps that are outlined on this site you are still more than capable of achieving your goal. Many of this young industry’s best and brightest found success through self-directed learning and determination.  What you lack in educational experience you can make up for with hands-on experience through the creation of mods or other displays of your work.

Step 6: Resume and Online Portfolio

It’s almost time to go after your dream.  Be prepared by creating an appropriate resume and online portfolio.  Let’s discuss how.

When the time comes to begin applying for jobs in the games industry, your resume and online portfolio will become critical in effectively communicating your value to a prospective employer.  In today’s digitally driven world we do recommend creating both a resume and an online portfolio to ensure the maximum level of exposure and ease of use for your target organizations.

Tips for Creating a Compelling Resume

* Feature your hands-on experience, as a candidate with no prior dev history it’s critical that you highlight the work you’ve done modding existing titles or working in Unity

* Limit your information to two pages or less

* Thoroughly proofread your resume and have friends review it as well

* Do not settle for traditional templates, search the web for attractive examples that you can build upon for your work

* Create a cover letter that emphasizes both your passion for development and your self-directed accomplishments to date

* Customize both your cover letter and resume to each job that you apply for, using familiar terminology found in the associated posting

Tips for Creating a Compelling Online Portfolio

* There are many free hosting and design sites available online

* Include a company-agnostic version of your resume in your portfolio

* Feature examples of your work with a clear and concise summary of what role you played and which elements you personally affected

* Show only the best of what you have accomplished as quality is far more valuable here than quantity

“If you have a demo reel, keep it to one minute or less in length and under 10mbs in size. Ensure your resume is simple, easy to read, and contains only the most important information. Attach Google Analytics to your website to track who looks at your portfolio and when, allowing you to see when a company views your information. And thoroughly fill out your LinkedIn profile, as people these days often look at that before reviewing a resume.”

- Colin Brown, Sr. Animator | Paragon Studios

Today many developers use LinkedIn as a means of sharing their work history with one another and we encourage you to do the same.  This free service allows you to link your resume and online portfolio to it as well, providing an accessible one-stop-shop for all prospective employers to view your information.

Game studios receive thousands of applications each year so it is critical that you take your time, create a polished resume and portfolio, share only your most promising work, and perhaps most importantly be as brief as possible.

If you would like feedback on your resume and portfolio feel free to link them in the comments below or in our discussion section.  Consider removing personal information such as your home address prior to posting.(Source:gamecareerguide

