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发布时间:2012-04-12 14:59:31 Tags:,,,

作者:Destin Bales

















“工作室的核心和灵魂存在于他们制作出的游戏中。玩家花数百个小时的时间玩这些游戏。玩游戏是你理解工作室及其玩家的最佳方法。你会在不熟悉产品的情况下前往谷歌或Facebook参加面试吗?”——Riot Games运营开发总监Manu Diwakar

英雄之城(from gamecareerguide)

英雄之城(from gamecareerguide)

“我是《英雄之城》的狂热玩家,每周都通过游戏中的CoH任务构建系统制作各种各样的故事。开发团队看到了这些成果,这最终成为我投身行业的敲门砖。我的作品让开发团队看到了我对游戏的激情、在故事讲述方面的经验和持续稳定制作出产品的能力。你或许也拥有激情,也能够成为优秀的设计师,但是如果你不能集中精力来完成自己的作品,别人就不会注意到你的能力。”——Paragon Studios设计师Sean McCann




Gamasutra网站的求职公告(from gamecareerguide)

Gamasutra网站的求职公告(from gamecareerguide)








“一直以来,我的目标都是成为程序员,但是直到我在大学求职的最后时刻才考虑到游戏行业。我有软件公司的实习经验,我觉得那样的工作过于枯燥。很幸运,当时我看到了一个游戏编程工作,它看上去很吸引人。在面试时,我完全被工作室的环境所吸引,包括墙上挂满的美术作品和正在制作游戏的员工。从某种程度上来说,我此前从没有见过这么棒的场景,那种感觉至今仍然记忆犹新。”——PDI/Dreamworks软件工程师Luke Halliwell










“孩童时期,我总是阅读各类编程书籍或在电脑上制作简单的游戏。在大学学习过计算机科学课程后的数年时间里,我在游戏行业之外的工作中提升自己的基础技能。拥有C/C++经验确实对我很有帮助。随后,我辞职成为独立iOS开发者,因为我希望能够体验自行运作所有事情的乐趣和挑战。我觉得,最重要的是能做你喜欢的事情,并投入精力提升其质量。如果你能够找到适合自己的岗位并投身其中,金钱和成功就会随之而来。”Razeware创始人Ray Wenderlich


“在游戏行业中取得持续性的成功并非易事。每个工作室的成功都来源于团队成员对项目的激情,无论产品状况如何都能够保持协作和积极的态度,还有解决问题以及对团队、工作室和用户负责的动力。通过研究、联系和发展新技能提升自己,努力提升自己在团队中的影响力。从世界上各行业最成功的公司中借鉴优秀的做法,根据团队的需要来运用。这就是我们游戏能够年复一年获得成功的指导性原则。”Paragon Studios总经理兼执行制作人Brian Clayton



How To Break Into The Industry, Part 3

Destin Bales

Step 7: Finding Your First GameDev Job

The time has come to achieve your goal! This article discusses both traditional and non-traditional ways to be noticed and get your foot in the door.

Before you jump straight to sending off your resume though a last bit of research is in order. It is important that you set your expectations appropriately regarding potential salary, viable job duties, and physical location, before beginning your search in earnest.

Let’s start with location. Are you aware of the key hubs of game development today? Gamedevmap is an outstanding resource for finding active game companies, and it is frequently updated to reflect the latest in the industry. If you have any illusions about being able to work from home you should promptly eliminate those from your thoughts. It is a requirement that you relocate to the area of your new job, most likely even at your own expense for your first position. Therefore consider your options carefully.

Average salary information is gathered and shared online each year, providing you with a rough idea of the traditional ranges for each role. There are two things that you must keep in mind when reviewing these numbers. First, as an inexperienced candidate you will most likely fall at the low end of the pay scale. Second, many game studios are located in areas that inherently have a high cost of living. Be sure to thoroughly evaluate the differences between where you currently live and where the studio is located to understand how far each dollar will take you. For those in the states, this cost of living calculator will come in handy for this evaluation.

Now that you have some desired studios in mind it is time to dig deeper on them specifically and take note of the following information:

How long have they been in business?

If they are not independent, who owns them?

Which games have they released to date?

Who published them?

What games are currently in development, if announced?

Who are the executive members of the team? (use LinkedIn to find out)

Where did they work previously?

What is the community like for the game(s) they have released?

Are they publicly traded companies?

Finally, the most important part of your research is to play their games. Do not expect to be hired by any established game company if you have not played the games that they have created.

“A studio’s heart and soul goes into the games they create. Players spend hundreds of hours with these games. Playing the game, I mean really playing the game is the best way for you to connect with the studio and understand their players. Would you walk into an interview with Google or Facebook and be unfamiliar with their products?” – Manu Diwakar, Business Development Manager | Riot Games

“As an avid player of City of Heroes I created weekly story arcs through the CoH Mission Architect system in game. These arcs were recognized by the developers and ultimately served as my way to break into the industry. My work showed the team that I had a passion for the game, experience in storytelling, and the ability to ship a product on a reliable and consistent schedule. You can have passion and be a good designer, but it won’t matter if you can’t focus yourself and get your work finished.” – Sean McCann, Designer | Paragon Studios

Next, create a spreadsheet that includes all of the game companies that you would be willing to work at and track columns for location, released products, contact information and currently posted positions. Additionally, use a column to track when you submitted your resume and to whom. Lastly, evaluate the minimum amount of money it will take to support yourself or your family for each specific location and track that information as well for future reference. This collection of information will prove instrumental in the process of juggling your submissions and keeping each company straight in your mind.

At long last it is finally time to submit your resume. Regardless of whether or not a company that you have interest in is openly hiring submit your cover letter, resume and portfolio to the contact listed on their website. Staffing in game studios is an ongoing process and many times positions are indeed available even if they are not posted as such online.

Remember to tailor your cover letter and resume to the company in which you are applying. If they have job postings online use similar terminology found in those postings on your cover letter and resume to reflect your capability to fill the position. The premier resource for finding game development job postings is Make sure that you triple check your submission before hitting send! Every year people errantly submit resumes to companies filled with information on how much they desire to work for a direct competitor.

After sending off your submissions there is still much that can be done to improve the odds of landing your job. Don’t just sit back and wait passively for a reply. Here are some suggestions to keep things moving and help you create opportunities:

Track your submission dates on your spreadsheet and follow up once via email if you receive no response after 5 business days

Use LinkedIn and attempt to track down the hiring manager for each company and invite them to join your network

If they accept, introduce yourself and submit your resume directly to them

Join various game development groups on LinkedIn and post links to your resume and portfolio while sharing your interest to find work

Utilize social media by professionally sharing your interest in finding a job in the industry through sites like Facebook and Twitter

If a company that you are interested in happens to be in driving distance, deliver your resume in person (dress nicely and do not expect to talk to anyone but be prepared in case you luck out)

“I was set on being a programmer for a long time but didn’t even consider games until the last minute of my job search in college. I’d had some internships at other software companies and there was something ever so slightly dull about them. It was pure luck that I saw a game programming job advert and it sounded intriguing. I was totally hooked from the studio tour at the interview, seeing all of the artwork up on the walls and people in the process of making games. For some reason I’d never thought about how cool that would be before then… and that feeling never really went away.” – Luke Halliwell, Software Engineer | PDI/Dreamworks

If you have followed each step above and are still unable to land a job, do not give up! Volunteer, apply for an internship, beta test products and provide well-written feedback, and/or continue modding and creating games with others online. Re-apply to your desired companies of choice every 60 days, continue to gain hands-on experience in game development, and grow your personal network through continued collaboration and communication with others online and you will eventually get the opportunity that you have been working so hard for.

Step 8: Keys to Continued Success

Congratulations, you are now working in the games industry! However, now is not the time to be complacent. Behind you are hundreds of thousands more with similar aspirations, some of whom would gladly do your job for free. If you’re just getting started, you likely have far-reaching aspirations that you’ve only just begun to achieve. Outlined below are the keys to being successful over the life of your career.

Stay relevant by continuing to maintain a current knowledge of the market and study newfound discipline and development practices vigorously

Maintain friendly relationships with your co-workers as the industry is very small and you will most likely see them again at a new company in the future

Don’t ever let your passion for creating games wane, as it is the fuel that keeps you going through the rough times

Practice humility and take time to watch and learn from those around you

Recognize the somewhat transient nature of the games industry and think long and hard about where to put down roots for your family

The unfortunate reality of developing games today is that positions are often added and just as frequently dropped at a moment’s notice due to the volatility and relative youth of the overall industry. Though getting your foot in the door is cause for celebration, it is likely that you will once again be looking for employment in the future.

“As a kid, I was always reading programming books or making simple games on the computer. I got into the industry after studying Computer Science in college and having a job outside of the gaming industry for a couple of years to build up base skills. Having a solid C/C++ background helped a lot. Later on I left the normal sector to become an independent iOS developer, since I wanted the fun and challenge of running everything on my own. It’s been a blast, and I’d say the most important thing is to do what you love, and put high quality into everything you do. If you can choose a niche and own it, money and success is sure to follow.” – Ray Wenderlich, Founder | Razeware

Thank you for taking the time to read through the information presented on this site. We appreciate any feedback that you may have, and are always striving to improve the presentation and substance of this information.

In conclusion we will leave you with this one last thought. When hiring developers of all disciplines we look long and hard for three key characteristics: Passion. Attitude. Drive.

“Continued success is never easily achieved in the games industry. A strong foundation for repeatable success begins with each team member having an unwavering passion for their craft, a collaborative and positive attitude regardless of the state of play, and a drive that leads to creative problem-solving and total accountability to your team, studio and ultimately the customer. Always strive to expand your sphere of influence within a team by bettering yourself through researching, networking, and developing new skills. Borrow best practices from the most successful companies in the world (regardless of industry) and adapt them to your team’s needs. These are the guiding principles we’ve used to achieve continued success with our games year after year.” – Brian Clayton, General Manager and Executive Producer | Paragon Studios

Continue to grow your wealth of experience, play nice with others, and hang on tight to that desire that brought you here in the first place and you will have a long and rewarding career in game development. (Source: Game Career Guide)

