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发布时间:2011-05-21 16:37:05 Tags:,,



虽然Facebook是该国最为强悍的社交网络,但还有一些本土社交平台也极有市场,Mynet就是其中典型。该网站因其休闲游戏中心“Mynet Oyun”这项服务而广受欢迎,除此之外,Mynet还在当地发行了多个知名社交游戏和以sMeet为代表的虚拟世界。平均有10万用户同时在该网站玩游戏,它的每日活跃用户约为100万。当地的另一个人气极旺的社交游戏平台是,其每日活跃用户约50万。这类游戏平台基本上是以《Okey》、《Tavla》或《Gard Games》等传统土耳其游戏唱主角。

土耳其的Facebook平台也有不少新兴社交游戏,其中表现最强劲的是《Townster》,这款城市规划类游戏的MAU已达56.8万,该游戏开发商是Gamester。而土耳其移动运营商Turkcell最近也加入社交游戏的战局,推出了《Footbo City》,它没有投入大量广告营销预算就已收获36.6万MAU。尽管这个市场发展前景光明,但游戏的盈利问题却是一个难点。与当地在线游戏一样,社交游戏也因土耳其用户的在线消费意愿偏低,而陷入创收难的困扰。虽然手机支付方式有助于缓解这一局面,但目前除了Sanalika(游戏邦注:Sanalika是一个虚拟世界,曾进入2009年度谷歌全球热门搜索关键字排行榜)之外,鲜有其他游戏能够单凭销售道具而顺利实现收支平衡。




Turkey – Shining Diamond of Eastern Europe (Guest Post by Afşın Avcı)

By Sebastian Sujka

Social Economics has passed its infancy in the US and Europe. Now these markets are growing daily and grabbing a seat in these markets is getting harder and harder. However, there are some baby-markets that are highly promising. Turkey is one of these markets. You will probably have heard about the potential of the Turkish market. Just to illustrate: It is the country with the fourth biggest Facebook audience. Talking about the social games market in particular, the demand in Turkey is huge.  There are 7 Turkish Social Games in Top 500 games on Facebook. The biggest one is Okey with 4.3 million MAU.  Okey is a table game that is very common in the Turkish culture. It is played by four people and is highly popular in Turkey. It is the game you see men playing in cafes all day.

Although Facebook has dominated the market, there are other social networks in Turkey. The most important one is Mynet, which provides casual games in its game center “Mynet Oyun”. Moreover, Mynet distributes well-known social games and virtual worlds such as sMeet in Turkey. On average, 100k users play games on Mynet at the same time and the network has about 1 million daily active users. Another stand-alone social gaming platform is which has daily active users around 500k.  In general, these gaming platforms mostly consist of traditional Turkish games such as Okey, Tavla(Backgammon) or Card Games.

When we get back to social games on Facebook, we see new start-ups popping up. The best known of them is Townster, which is an Urban Planning game that has 568k MAU.  The developers behind Townster is Gamester and I am positive that they can join the big players by reaching 1 million MAU. Turkcell, the leading mobile operator in Turkey recently also entered the social gaming market with a game called Footbo City. The game has 366k MAU without Turkcell spending a lot on advertising or marketing activities yet. Although the market is very promising, the catch is monetization. Social games same as all other online games have to deal with the problem that Turkish users are not accustomed to spending money online.  Mobile payment solutions improved the situation a bit but right now no game except Sanalika can make a positive balance just with selling virtual goods.

Sanalika is a virtual world that was also listed in Google Zeitgeist 2009. Because of the slow online spending mentality it is believed by many that offer-based monetization will boom in Turkey. Some companies already adapted to this model. But currently, there is a big problem on the advertiser-side becuase the market is not developed and ad-models such as CPL or CPS are hard to find. Still, most offer based monetization companies turn their eyes on the Turkish market and and currently I see SponsorPay in the leading position in Turkey. Despite all current problems, online spending is increasing day-by-day and it is to expect that games with a sufficient user base will be able to earn good revenues soon.(source:socialgamesobserver

