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发布时间:2010-12-28 10:04:16 Tags:,,,

如果一款手机应用拥有品牌效应,那么它的开发商就好比是App Store里的星巴克、eBay或者耐克,但据Harris Interactive公司委托的应用界面设计、开发代理机构EffectiveUI本月公布的一项调查表明,38%的手机用户对这类品牌应用产品并不满意,还有69%的受访者认为如果某款应用的产品体验很不如人意,就有可能对该公司的品牌形象产生消极印象。




EffectiveUI的联合创始人及总裁安东尼·佛朗哥(Anthony Franco)表示,许多公司将应用视为一个“微型网站”(宣传公司品牌形象),比较重视产品的视觉设计和副本外观,但却很少考虑用户的产品体验效果。这并不是说明用户不重视良好的视觉设计,因为还有57%的受访者称希望应用产品有一个养眼的外观,与此同时也有74%的受访者表示应用产品必须使用方便(游戏邦注:这两种需求互有重叠)。最重要的是,有73%的用户认为,手机应用的功能必须比企业网站的服务更实用。





Mobile Users Want Branded Apps that Are Useful, Not Just Marketing

Branded mobile apps – that is apps from companies like Starbucks, eBay or Nike – are now a standard fixture in mobile app stores, but a new survey that user interface design and app development agency EffectiveUI commissioned from Harris Interactive found that 38% of users today are not satisfied with these branded apps. That alone would be bad, but these users are also quite vocal about their experiences and 69% of respondents said that a bad experience with a branded mobile app resulted in a negative perception of the brand as a whole.

Users Want Useful Apps – Not Marketing

As Anthony Franco, EffectiveUI’s co-founder and president, told us yesterday, a lot of companies still think of apps as “microsites” and don’t consider that mobile apps have to offer more than just great visuals and good copy. That doesn’t mean that users don’t want good design, too, though. The majority of respondents (57%) noted that apps should be well designed and 74% said that they want apps to be easy to use (leaving us to wonder if there are users out there who want apps that are badly designed and hard to use…). Even more importantly, though, 73% of those surveyed by Harris Interactive think that mobile apps should be easier to use than the brand’s website.

The problem here is that brands often approach app development without even considering their customers’ needs. Most users, for example, are not interested in apps that are just marketing vehicles for a brand and will leave negative reviews when they encounter such an app. Given the nature of mobile app usage, customers expect to get some value out of the app that is related to the brand and its products.

EffectiveUI’s Advice for Brands:

•Focus on the customer need, as well as the business need.

•Design for the right device: uncover which devices your customers use most.

•Make sure your feature set fits the mobile experience: Too often, companies try to put the same features in their mobile device as their website.(source:readwriteweb)

