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Facebook Credits礼物卡登陆GameStop等零售商店

发布时间:2010-11-17 11:15:27 Tags:,,

据Inside Facebook报导,在节日来临之际Facebook Credits礼物卡现已登陆GameStop,Radio Shack和Safeway等商店。自这款购买力庞大的虚拟货币Facebook Credits最先登陆Target等零售商店之后,社交游戏玩家的“购物欲”节节攀升,而且节日的到来更加助长了玩家的购物气焰。

facebook credits gift card

facebook credits gift card

目前市面销售的Facebook Credits礼物卡面值为15美元,25美元和50美元,在各款社交游戏中分别代表着150,250和500 Facebook Credits。相信在节日之际,Facebook Credits礼品卡将成为送给年轻人和不便使用信用卡的社交游戏玩家最好的节日礼物。毕竟在Facebook与Zynga,CrowdStar和EA等社交游戏开发公司达成协议后,玩家不愁没有地方花费这些虚拟货币。看来今年,Facebook公司也将迎来乐意“快乐的”圣诞节啦!(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Just in time for the holidays, Facebook Credits Gift Cards are now available in GameStop, Radio Shack and Safeway, according to Inside Facebook. Ever since Facebook introduced its seemingly omnipotent virtual currency to Target, the social gamer’s go-to gift idea has been popping all over the retail world. Nothing says “Happy Holidays” like enabling a potentially dangerous habit.

The cards are available in increments of $15, $25 and $50, which amount to 150, 250 and 500 Facebook Credits to use in our favorite games, respectively. These cards serve as the perfect gift for your younger or less fortunate family members who happen to be social gamers because they allow players without credit cards to buy virtual goods. And after Facebook’s “deals” with companies like Zygna, CrowdStar and EA, there are plenty of places to spend the social gold. It looks like Facebook is going to have a very merry Christmas this year thanks to the impulse buy section. (

