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每日观察:关注Animoca Brands将推Astro Boy新游戏12.05

发布时间:2014-12-05 13:22:18 Tags:,,




2,据gamesindustry引述Niko Partners的数据分析称东南亚市场(印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国和越南)的移动游戏将超越PC游戏。

Niko Partners(from

Niko Partners(from

3,据inside social games的消息称InnoGames将在美国就Rising Generals这款MMO策略游戏进程测试。

Rising Generals(from

Rising Generals(from

这款游戏由Civilization和Age of Empires series参与者Bruce Shelley进行主导。

4,据inside mobile apps的消息称Animoca Brands将推出两款基于Osamu Tezuka漫画形象的手机游戏:Astro Boy Flight和Astro Boy Siege: Alien Attack。(本文由游戏邦编 译,转载请注明来源,或咨询微信zhengjintiao)

Astro Boy Flight(from

Astro Boy Flight(from

1,It was big – if not unexpected – news when Rovio announced its first significant round of job cuts in October.

The good news is that the company has concluded those negotiations and has confirmed around 110 job losses, compared to the 130 original headline figure.

In terms of areas worst hit, Rovio has shut down its development studio in Tampere, consolidating its Finnish operations at its head office in Espoo, near Helsinki.

Rovio also has a development studio in Stockholm.(source:pocketgamer

2,Japan, China, and Korea get much of the attention when it comes to the Asian gaming scene, but a new report from Niko Partners focuses on some less commonly observed markets with lucrative potential.

The firm’s 2014 Southeast Asian Games Market Report provides a forecast on Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam through 2018, built on results of a survey of 10,000 players and interviews with various executives of game companies and tangential businesses in the local scene. Of those markets, Niko expects Indonesia to show the most growth in revenue over that span, while Vietnam will see the largest boost to its online player base.

“The Southeast Asian games market is often compared to that of China, and we can see that it is following behind China by a few years,” said Niko managing partner Lisa Cosmas Hanson. “Gamers in Southeast Asia embrace massively online battle arena games, shooters, and mobile games, just as they do in China. However, older Chinese gamers still embrace higher revenue generating MMORPGs, a segment that many Southeast Asian gamers shy away from. Therefore the
challenge to developers is to compel an increase in the level of spending on the type of games for which Southeast Asians have shown enthusiasm.”(source: gamesindustry

3,Tribal Wars 2 developer InnoGames has announced the open beta launch of its strategy MMO, Rising Generals, exclusively in the United States. For the development of the game, InnoGames was supported by American game designer Bruce Shelley, known for his work on the Civilization and Age of Empires series. In Rising Generals, players command their own military base, defending it against hostile attackers while unlocking new technologies over time.

In Rising Generals, players have access to their own base and military units, but the game doesn’t see players micromanaging a base in a 3D view, as is typical for the genre. Instead, gameplay is handled through numerous animated menus, as players can view their Barracks and other production facilities and set them to produce troops and resources through timed actions. For instance, players can create fuel in the fuel depot.

Each shift produces a different amount of a particular resource, and takes a different amount of time to complete. Meanwhile, the Barracks is used to produce military units. Players start with access to just combat vehicles, but will eventually unlock helicopters, tanks and more. These troops take time to recruit, and it should be noted that timed actions can be sped up with premium currency. In addition, buildings can be upgraded to increase their productivity.

4,Animoca Brands has today announced the launch of two new mobile games in its Astro Boy series, based on the popular anima and manga icon from Osamu Tezuka. The first, Astro Boy Flight, is an “endless flyer,” while Astro Boy Siege: Alien Attack is a strategy defense game.

In Astro Boy Flight, players help Astro Boy save the planet, which is being attacked by mechs. In each run, players drag their finger across the screen to control Astro Boy’s location as he flies. There are no set lanes, so players have free movement (including vertical movement) available to avoid oncoming enemies, rockets and other obstacles.

Astro Boy shoots his weapon(s) automatically, and players can collect coins from fallen enemies. If players last long enough, boss characters may appear, which reward players with even greater rewards if defeated. Power-ups may also appear from fallen enemies, like a magnet field, a double-score boost and more.

In between stages, players can spend their currency on upgrades for Astro Boy’s weapons, or assistant bots that fly alongside Astro Boy, unlocking special perks. One may fire its own weapon, for instance, while another helps collect coins players might otherwise miss.(

