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发布时间:2012-11-01 10:41:02 Tags:,

1)独立开发商22Cans日前宣布将于11月7日向iOS和Android平台发布游戏《Curiosity:What’s Inside the Cube》(游戏邦注:该工作室由电子游戏行业元老Peter Molyneux主导,专注于手机及社交游戏市场,Molyneux代表作包括《Populous》、《Fable》、《Black and White》)。

Curiosity(from inisdemobileapps)

Curiosity(from inisdemobileapps)



2)Strategy Analytics最近调查发现,西欧市场的苹果iPhone用户忠诚度首次出现下滑,有13%用户表示不会再购买iPhone。不过仍有75%的iPhone用户表示还将支持苹果手机。




Strategy Analytics指出,这一现象可能与最近iPhone 5被指责缺乏创新性,Apple Maps功能缺陷等一系列负面报道有关。

3)Kantar Worldpanel ComTech最近数据显示,Android在欧洲智能手机市场份额已从一年前的50.9%上升至67.1%,但其增长率也已经减缓,而iPhone销量增幅在美国和英国则持续上升。




4)pocketgamer最近发布信息图表显示了非英语地区的应用市场表现情况:2012年初俄罗斯iOS和Google Play应用收益增长将20%,有25%的iOS下载量来自中国和日本,2012年头4个月Google Play在巴西市场收益增长88%;日本iOS应用营收榜单前10名全部是日语应用。

speak your language(from pocketgamer)

speak your language(from pocketgamer)


Rovio成立于2003年,旗下代表作包括《愤怒的小鸟》、《愤怒的小鸟太空版》、《Bad Piggies》,有300名成员。

Zynga成立于2007年,代表作包括《CityVille》、《FarmVille》和《Zynga Poker》,现有员工3000人左右。


2012年,《愤怒的小鸟》下载量超过10亿次,每月游戏玩家达2亿,每日玩家达3000万(该游戏玩家数量超过了巴西人口)。Zynga游戏《CityVille》月活跃用户为9000万,《FarmVille》则是4300万,《Zynga Poker》则是3500万。


angry birds(from gamesbrief)

angry birds(from gamesbrief)


1)Peter Molyneux’s Curiosity to release on Nov. 7 for iOS and Android

Scott Reyburn

Indie developer 22Cans announced today that Curiosity: What’s Inside the Cube will release on Nov. 7 for iOS and Android.

Video game industry verteran Peter Molyneux leads the new startup that’s focused on the mobile and social gaming market. Molyneux is best known from his work on game titles such as Populous, Fable and Black and White.Curiosity: What’s Inside the Cube

The players’ objective in Curiosity is to work together with other users to reach the center of the cube, in hopes to become the first person to reach the center and discover a secret, which has remained a secret all this time.

Since 22Cans wanted the game’s secret to remain a secret, the title was first submitted to Apple for certification on Oct. 1 and continually popped in and out of certification because the developer didn’t even want Apple employees to know the secret, according to Polygon.

The app will be available for free with in-app purchasing of more efficient tools that players can use to tap their way to the cube’s center.(source:insidemobileapps

2)iPhone ownership loyalty drops for the first time ever

by Zen Terrelonge

iPhone ownership loyalty drops for the first time ever

13 per cent decline of repurchase plans could spell bad luck for Apple’s future.

Apple has been accused of lacking innovation following the mixed feelings about the iPhone 5 release. However, it has since gone on to reveal a 7.9-inch iPad mini, though plenty of other companies have already made ‘portable-sized’ designs.

Apple has always had something of a cult following, but has experienced a dip in brand loyalty for the first time ever, according to Strategy Analytics, finding a 13 per cent decline of repeat purchase plans among iPhone owners in Western Europe.

Of course, it should be noted that a dominant 75 per cent of Apple handset users still expect an iPhone purchase encore.

There was also a US-based decline, falling from 93 per cent in 2011 to 88 per cent in 2012.

Paul Brown, director at Strategy Analytics’ User Experience Practice, said: “There is no doubt that Apple is continuing its success in retaining existing user base while attracting new customers.

“However, negative press prompted by a perceived lack of recent innovation by Apple has meant we are starting to see some growth in the number of previously highly loyal consumers who are now reconsidering whether or not they will purchase a new iPhone for their next device.”

Taryn Tulay, analyst at Strategy Analytics’ Wireless Device Lab, said: “It is the shift in the number of those who are unsure whether they will remain with the same brand for their next phone that Apple should be concerned about.”

Presumably, users have lost faith in the brand after it decided to launch Apple Maps, which lost a string of locations.(source:mobile-ent

3)Android ups European market share to 67.1 per cent

by Daniel Gumble

Android ups European market share to 67.1 per cent

As sales of Apple’s iPhone 5 begin to gather speed, Android devices have managed to increase their market across Europe to 67.1 per cent from 50.9 per cent 12 months ago, sales data from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech has revealed.

However, the smartphone data also shows that the rate of Android growth has slowed after initial iPhone sales show iOS gaining in both the US and Great Britain. Apple’s share has increased from 18.1 per cent to 28.0 per cent over the past year in the UK, while its US share has grown by 14.2 per cent.

Dominic Sunnebo, global consumer insight director at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, commented on the findings: “While this latest data set only includes one week of iPhone 5 sales, we can see that in markets with a large number of existing Apple customers, sales have already seen a significant boost.  We expect this momentum to be fully realised in the next set of results.”

While the iPhone 5 hit shelves across Europe throughout September, it is yet to become available in China and Brazil.(source:mobile-ent

4)Infographic: Do you speak the same language as mobile gamers?

by Mike Cook

Localising an app might not be at the top of every game developer’s checklist, but with markets growing all over the world, the value of a good localisation may be on the rise.

So in the latest of a ongoing series of neat infographics from, we took a look at some of 2012′s growing global markets, and wondered if developers might be wise to start brushing up on their language lessons.(source:pocketgamer

5)Zynga and Rovio: the numbers [infographic]

Zoya Street

This great infographic puts the numbers on Zynga and Rovio side by side. With Rovio planning an IPO next year, it is doomed to the same crisis as Zynga? Can Zynga even hope to emulate Rovio’s success in the mobile space?(source:gamesbrief

