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每日观察:关注iPhone 5及7英寸平板电脑的用户支持率(9.6)

发布时间:2012-09-06 14:23:07 Tags:,,,

1)Strategy Analytics最近报告显示,至少有62%的英美及中国iPad用户偏爱10英寸的平板电脑设备。


7 inch tablet(from

7 inch tablet(from









3)据Apple Insider报道,Piper Jaffray分析师Gene Munster最近指出,已有大量用户为新iPhone推迟购买手机计划,预计苹果iPhone 5发售首周销量将达600万至1000万部左右,这将创下iPhone历史销售新纪录。

iphone 5(from

iphone 5(from

苹果iPhone 4S在2011年发售头三天销量达400万部,之前iPhone 4发售头3天销量则是170万部。

4)据Techcrunch报道,Eric Schmidt在近日的摩托罗位“On Display”大会上宣布,Android设备目前每日激活量达130万部(游戏邦注:去年12月份这一数据为70万部,今年夏季增长至90万部,7月底时达到100万部)。


5)据Techcrunch报道,诺基亚与微软在最近的纽约新闻发布会上宣布,Windows Phone Lumia手机目前在全球54个市场和130个运营商渠道的销量为700万部,但第二季度在美国仅售出60万部手机。诺基亚Lumia设备在第二季度销量为400万部。



上一季度诺基亚全球智能手机出货量达1020万部(包括基于Symbian操作系统的移动设备),据Strategy Analytics数据显示,诺基亚该时期智能手机市场份额为7%。而同一时期三星智能手机出货量达5050万部,市场份额高达35%;苹果出货量为2600万部,市场份额为18%。

6)据pocketgamer报道,Twitter用户Brad Larson日前发贴称苹果App Store添加了一项新功能,支持开发者向苹果反映自己的应用被山寨或剽窃的情况。苹果收到开发者提交的相关信息后,将会联系双方当事人,从中进行调停,促使双方免于诉诸法律行动而解决问题。





有45%受访者表示当然想要iPhone 5,有10%计划在该产品发售当天就去排队购买;2012年3月份新iPad面世时,希望购买新iPad的受访者占比48%,不打算买该设备的比例是17%。

在这些受访者中,有20%的Android用户希望得到新iPhone,三分之一的黑莓用户、非智能手机用户中就有一人想买新iPhone ;74%的iPhone 4用户打算购买iPhone 5,iPhone 3G用户的这一比例为71%,iPhone 4S用户的这一比例则是64%。

93%受访者希望iPhone 5拥有更长的电池续航能力,90%希望该设备拥有更快速的处理器。




1)Almost a third of iPad owners fancy a seven-inch screen

by Zen Terrelonge

But you can hold off on the iPad Mini as 62 per cent still think a ten-inch option is most appealing.

Screen size is a rising consideration for smartphone and tablet OEMs. It seems more of the former are opting for four-inch plus designs, while the latter deliberates over a high end ten-inch option or low end seven-inch model.

And with talk of an iPad Mini on the way, Strategy Analytics has found that at least 62 per cent of iPad owners in the US, the UK and China prefer ten-inch devices.

The ten-inch favour fell to 46 per cent of owners in Germany, though 31 per cent of would prefer a seven-inch screen, and a quarter of Japanese user would also go with the smaller option.

However, 20 per cent of all tablet owners across all six surveyed countries would be willing to go seven-inch for their next buy.

Martin Bradley, author of the report, Strategy Analytics, said: “The survey also indicated that demand for seven-inch screens among future tablet owners was slightly stronger than for current iPad owners.”(source:mobile-ent

2)Forty per cent of ad clicks are fraudulent or accidental

by Mike Shaw

Email. Are advertisers really getting an ROI from mobile devices?

A study of six million ad clicks from mobile devices suggests that pay-per-click fraud is rife.

Mobile app marketing platform Trademob analysed ten top advertising networks during June and found that 40 per cent of click-throughs generate a conversion rate of less than 0.1 per cent.

The study showed that 22 per cent of ad clicks are made accidentally, while a further 18 per cent are “overtly fraudulent”. What this means for advertisers is that approximately 40 per cent of their ad spend generates zero return on investment.

Of the fraudulent clicks, more than half (56 per cent) were found to be the result of botnet and client-side fraud. The report says: ” Botnets are inventories of hijacked devices on which viruses are installed, creating fake clicks which go unnoticed by the user. Most botnets rely on non-mobile inventory but fraudsters can manipulate click data to appear to be mobile ad clicks.”

The other 44 per cent of fraudulent clicks were due to server-side fraud, where publishers tell servers to report millions of clicks that never happened.

While fraudsters will always find a way, advertisers can improve their prospects by analysing  header data and IP addresses, identifying suspicious clusters of clicks and blacklisting the IP addresses and publishers responsible.

Instances of accidental clicks appear to be falling, as a 2011 study showed that 47 per cent of all ad clicks were not deliberate. Trademob’s figures show a 25 per cent year-on-year drop in misclicks. This can be improved further by thinking more about ad design and positioning.

Ravi Kamran, founder and CEO of Trademob, said: “Mobile app marketers are demanding a greater level of accountability when it comes to ad spend. There’s a problem when only 60 cents of every dollar are actually being put to work.”(source:mobile-ent

3)Pent up demand likely to power iPhone 5 to 10 million in first week

by Keith Andrew

It’s not the most complex of predictions, but Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster believes a slow down in iPhone 4S sales could deliver a record start for its successor later this month.

Munster believes, more so than for any previous iPhone launch, consumers have been holding off buying the existing model knowing a follow up is due any day now.

Million matters

The result, he states, could be week one sales of between 6 and 10 million units.

The prediction was made in a note to investors, with Munster stating the next iPhone – currently dubbed iPhone 5 – could help Apple exceed all expectations for the firm’s current quarter.

Indeed, such a number would represent a record for the company.

Apple’s iPhone 4S reportedly sold 4 million units during its first three days on sale in 2011. The previous record was held by iPhone 4, which sold 1.7 million units during the same period.

iPhone 5 is expected to be unveiled at a now confirmed Apple event on 12 September.(source:pocketgamer

4)Eric Schmidt: “There Are Now 1.3 Million Android Device Activations Per Day”

Matt Burns

Bam! Eric Schmidt just dropped bombshell number during the opening of Motorola’s “On Display” event. Giving context to the sheer size of Android’s growing ecosystem stated that there are now 1.3M Android devices activated each and every day. He added why Google needed Moto Mobility, “We have to play in this ecosystem. We have to be competitive and state of the art.”

Android is growing at a rapid pace. Last December there were 700k devices activated each day. Then, earlier this summer, that number was at 900k. One month later in late July it hit 1M.

Now, in early September, there are 1.3M devices activated every single day.

Schmidt later added that there are close to 500 million Android devices worldwide right now. As comScore noted the other day, that’a factor of at least two or three times greater than the competitor.

Out of the 1.3M Android activations, 70k are just tablets, something that Schmidt acknowledged Google was late to embrace.(source:techcrunch

5)Nokia: 7M Lumia Devices Sold To Date In 54 Markets

Ingrid Lunden

D-Day (that is, device day) for Nokia and Microsoft has kicked off with their press conference in New York. But speaking to analysts in Helsinki beforehand, Nokia revealed a sales number: it said that it sold 7 million devices so far in its Windows Phone Lumia line. The number is not huge, but it points to a global reach: those sales were across 54 markets and 130 operators.

But the challenge in the U.S. in particular is acute. It sold only 600,000 handsets there in Q2.

Still, numbers are growing. Nokia sold 4 million Lumia devices in Q2; with around 2 million across the previous two quarters. And the global reach, if Nokia and Microsoft leverage them well, could point to a better growth curve ahead.

The company is also likely to push services today and in the weeks ahead as it looks to attract more users to its new devices. Yesterday there was a sneak peak of that when Nokia announced Nokia Music free streaming in the U.S.

Today there are some 100,000 applications for the platform. Four out of five cars that have navigation systems have Nokia mapping on them, Elop said at the press event today.

Nokia has a big climb ahead of it in the smartphone race. In the last quarter, Nokia shipped 10.2 million smartphones (that includes devices built on its legacy Symbian OS), which Strategy Analytics estimates gave Nokia a 7% share of sales — less than half its share the year before. In unit terms, Nokia shipped (which SA equates with sold) 10.2 million devices. Yes, if you consider that Nokia sold 4 million Lumias in Q4, that means that it’s still selling more Symbian devices.

In contrast, Samsung and Apple are currently dominating the game. In the same quarter, Samsung sold 50.5 million smartphones, for a 35% share of the market. Apple sold 26 million for an 18% share.

We’ll be refreshing this post with other numbers as they get revealed in New York.(source:techcrunch

6)Apple unveils app content and copyright infringement tool for iOS devs

by Keith Andrew

With no official announcement or fanfare, Apple has added a new component to the App Store that allows developers to complain if they believe their original content has popped up in a rival title.

The new tool – initially spotted by Twitter user Brad Larson – allows developers to send an alert to Apple highlighting the app in question.

Apple then connects the two developers to, in theory, enable them to revolve the dispute without the need for any legal action.

Attention Apple

Should such talks break down, Apple’s own legal team can then step in to give advice or, latterly, help force a decision one way or the other via the courts.

“If you believe that an application available in the App Store violates your intellectual property rights, you can use this form to submit a claim to the App Store Legal Team,” details

Apple of the form.

“Once you have identified the app and described the alleged infringement on the following pages, we will respond via email with a reference number and will put you in direct contact with the provider of the disputed app.

“Any further contact with the App Store Legal team should be made via email and should include the reference number in the subject line.”

The real test

Though a logical measure, this is the first time Apple has served up an easy way for studios big and small alike to highlight any content or copyright infringements.

Indie devs have often complained that, while the big publishers have been able to alert Apple to any apparent infringement – or, indeed, deal with it themselves – smaller outfits have a far harder time gaining the giant’s attention.

The test now will be to see whether the new component is able to adequately deal with what could be a flurry of complaints – substantiated and unsubstantiated alike – or whether it ends up overwhelming Apple itself.(source:pocketgamer

7)Six per cent of people won’t buy an iPhone because they hate Apple

by Mike Shaw

Meanwhile, 20 per cent of Android users want the new Apple smartphone when it arrives.

Thirty per cent of people say they don’t want the new iPhone when it comes out, with 20 per cent of those saying that they will never buy an iPhone because they hate Apple. A further 35 per cent refuse to consider an Apple handset because of the prohibitive cost.

The survey conducted by found 45 per cent of respondents definitely do want the iPhone 5, with five per cent planning to wait in line on the day of release.

Of those questioned, 20 per cent of Android users want the new iPhone and a massive one in three BlackBerry and non-smartphone users want to make the move to Apple too.

The data also shows that when the new iPhone finally arrives, what consumers want to see more than anything else is increased battery life, followed by a faster processor.(source:mobile-ent

