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mobilecrunch消息:谷歌称苹果非宿敌 必应是威胁

发布时间:2010-09-26 10:43:00 Tags:,,,

你可能认为谷歌和苹果之间正在相互较劲,担心谷歌会因与苹果掐架,撤走对iPhone的所有服务,但我可以告诉你,这种忧虑是多余的。这两者之间的相互需求,已经让他们无法轻易与对方撕破脸皮。谷歌首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)表示,谷歌最近延长了向苹果提供搜索服务的协议,而且谷歌从来没有将苹果视为竞争对手。

Schmidt said Bing is the enemy

Schmidt said Bing is the enemy



Schmidt makes nice with Apple: search deal extended, Bing is the enemy

If you’ve been troubled by the tensions between Google and Apple, afraid that Google might pull a jack move and yank its services from iPhones, worry not. The companies are clearly necessary enough to one another that such extreme measures likely won’t take place for a long time. Eric Schmidt, in a recent interview, said that not only have Apple and Google “extended” their search agreement, but that Google doesn’t consider Apple a competitor.

That’s true enough, really: although Google competes indirectly with Apple through Android, their worries are higher-level than whether their tablets will succeed against the iPad. Practically every device coming onto the market uses Google services, and whenever you’re on the internet, you’re making Google money.

Google’s direct competitor, he said (without irony), is Bing. As silly as it sounds that Google could consider this Johnny-come-lately a competitor, the fact is it’s quite a good search engine and has some actual advantages over Google. Google needs to worry about being feature-inferior, since that would indicate laziness and monopoly.

Unfortunately, Schmidt didn’t drop any chestnuts about changing your name or doing what Google tells you to.(source:mobilecrunch)


