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打造App Store热门游戏需遵循的10大原则

发布时间:2012-08-15 09:41:47 Tags:,,,

作者:Bora Kutlu

当我们成立了Picnic Hippo工作室并开始投入开发第一款游戏《Bucketz》时,我们意识到即使拥有最出色的工作伙伴,但如果没有花时间去明确一些基本原则,我们的产品也很难成为真正受欢迎的主流游戏。

而以下内容便是《Bucketz》(从原先的默默无闻最终变成受到App Store推荐的游戏)发行前1年半时间里我们所遵循的一系列原则:




当你最初进入App Store领域时,你将会发现周围有许多人想与你分享自己多年积攒的经验。他们将快速呈现给你大量相关数据——甚至比八卦消息传播的速度还快。但是你需要注意的是,那些对他们有帮助的方法在你身上却不一定有效。









如果你在游戏中获得了高分,便能够保住在Game Center中的最高位置,但是如果你希望游戏获得更广泛的吸引力,它便需要能够吸引同堂三代人的注意。








不要依赖于“复制”“粘帖”方法。既然App Store都未限制你的创造性,你自己更不应该如此。

Lois Lane(游戏邦注:是DC漫画公司旗下的漫画人物,她是超人的妻子)并未骑在超人身体上——在他们第一次共同飞行时她只能够碰到超人的手指。我们可以借鉴市场上其它游戏的一些优秀的游戏元素,并在此基础上极大提升其余的游戏设计。而如果你能够背离主流游戏理念而创造出属于自己的游戏,你便可能取得更好的成果。手机市场中还存在许多未被开发的领域,众多玩家们也希望能够在此看到更多新理念的诞生。









让我们将拥有上百万潜在用户的App Store比作俱乐部。打个比方来说吧,如果你在过去五个月中都穿相同的衣服并且头发凌乱,那么肯定没有人会去关注你。


在Picnic Hippo我们是经过无数次讨论才最终明确了这些主要的原则。而能够否定这10大原则的最有力表述就是——“让我们闭嘴开始创造最出色的游戏!”(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Principles to adopt on the way to a Featured App

by Bora Kutlu

When we founded Picnic Hippo and started to ambitiously work on our first title, Bucketz, we immediately noticed that even if you have the best people on the planet working with you, it’s not easy to achieve mainstream appeal if you don’t take the time to layout some ground rules.

Here is a brief list of the principles we have committed to on our one and a half year journey leading up to the release of Bucketz – which went from being a totally unknown title, to an Apple-featured game around the world in App Store:

1. Listen to everyone, they are hilarious

When you first venture into App Store space, you’ll find yourself surrounded by people willing to dispense wisdom beyond their years. They’ll whip out a plethora of slightly relevant statistics at you faster than the speed of gossip. The thing is, what worked for them may not work for you.

If you are putting the finishing touches on a game about a daffodil eating dinosaurs for revenge then it may be a good idea to duck the avalanche of advice coming your way from a guy that makes accounting apps for a living.

Bottom line, don’t be led down the safe path of conformity.

2. Not all mobile games are played on a toilet seat

We’ve heard from our friends in the industry that you should design a mobile game for use in the John. For starters, it’s not healthy; your legs might feel like  they are someone else’s for a while after a long gaming session. If you are trying to dumb down your application because you think it will only be used in a bathroom, then it probably will be.

Make your app’s content as rich as you like – but also consider making some of the gameplay or features optional. Do not sacrifice it all for the limited few who have betrayed age old customs and substituted handhelds for magazines. Today, mobile devices usually travel with their owners. They can be -and in fact are- used everywhere.

3. Before starting, appear to be doing nothing for quite a long time

Think hard, brainstorm, dream or have nightmares about the application you want to create. Play it in your mind, sketch it, plan it but DO NOT kick off any other work process before you know exactly what you want your end product to be like. Always remember to visualize instead of making the creative team do it 200 times over. Archers in war movies “hold” so long not because they have limited arrows but a “literal” deadline rushing towards them and so do you… Make your shots count…

4. Make sure your grandma can use your application

You may have reserved your top spot in Game Center with a million plus points but remember if you want widespread appeal, three generations in a single household may need to be able to play your game.

Always test your app with children, soccer moms and grandma while she’s over your house for a 4 season True Blood marathon before proclaiming in your app description that “it’s easy to pick up but difficult to master.”

Oh, and actually please don’t use this phrase ever in your description, the last quarter million that did may be cumulatively pissed.

5. Listen to your heart but also to the piggy bank that holds your life savings

It may have started sounding hollow while you were taking your time creating your app. App creation is quite costly especially if you are going for a triple A production. You don’t need to put in all the features that your heart desires at once, in version 1.0. Like in roulette, if you don’t know when to stop adding more chips to the table, you may be surprised at your latent and perfectly serviceable hitchhiking skills on the way home…

6. Join the collective

Network the brain power and creativity of your entire team. Your skull may be having a hard time housing a bulging brain running havoc with overly creative ideas but do not presume you have all the best solutions. Always share them with colleagues working in vastly different areas for their input, chances are coughing at the screen may not be the best solution to activate an in game power-up.

7. Don’t play the same tune with different lyrics

Switching angry animals with heated boulders while keeping the CTRL+C & V’ed gameplay mechanics exactly as it is may sadly be the order of the day. However the App Store doesn’t put any restrictions on your creativity and neither should you.

Lois Lane was not riding on superman like he was a donkey on their first flight together, just barely touching his fingers. It’s ok to pay homage to other great games on the market with some gameplay elements while vastly improving upon the rest. Better yet if you can, depart altogether from main popular concepts and create your own. There are still so many unexplored areas in the mobile market and customers respect brand new concepts.

8. Enjoy yourself

Creating a successful app is very similar to cracking a good joke. If you know it’s funny and love it yourself even before blurting it out to your friends then you’re on the right track to receiving quite a few genuine laughs.

Make apps that you feel good about, stuff that you yourself keep getting pulled back into even after work hours, in your bathroom for example.

Enjoy every moment of the process of creating apps and never get stressed about it. Think about all the people that are working in assembly lines in cramped factories around the world. You have a really cool and fun job. Don’t think about surf instructors, though, their job is way cooler than you can possibly imagine.

9. Treat bugs like pets

Accept it, they will never go away entirely. Like pets, bugs like to hide and come out to play at the most unfortunate moments. Remember that bugs are actually small segments of code that are actually trying to please you by doing exactly what you told them to do.

Make a list of them rather than running to your programmers every time you spot one. Programmers are genetically bred to respond badly to bug reports thrown at them in short intervals and will do whatever is necessary to exact revenge on you when you least expect it.

10. Put make up on if you want to attract attention at the club scene

The club being the App Store with millions of potential customers. Figuratively speaking, the same shirt you wore for the last five months and a hairdo in wild disarray will not exactly cut it.

Perfect your graphic design, the code working in the background, the audiovisual elements, gameplay, everything before you step out. Settling for results that are  “good enough” or “satisficing” will ensure you get the placement and attention you deserve. Which is approximately between “None” and “Neglible.”

In Picnic Hippo, these are the main principles we have settled for after countless debates on establishing our working guidelines. The biggest contender to these 10 pillars of conduct was a much more simpler one though:

“Let’s just shut up and make some awesome games!”

But we still went with these ten guidelines, and you should consider them too!(source:GAMASUTRA)

