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发布时间:2010-09-11 10:51:13 Tags:,

作为Alex St.John核心打造的社交游戏战略,事实上HI5并没有表现出在这一领域的强势。相反本周HI5榜单上的社交游戏大多出现了下滑的态势。



根据social games observer的监测,在前十名的游戏中,除了    Gamesworld公司旗下的Jumper(跳跃者)有少量增长(增长幅度仅为1.7%)外,其他游戏都出现了大幅度的下滑,其中以Ocean Breeze Games公司的Cube Crash下滑最为严重,达到18.14%。Sneaky Games旗下的Fantasy Kingdoms也有超过两位数的下滑,达到了13.37%。而Playdom旗下的Poker Palace以及Social Moray旗下的Legend of Spirehold也都有超过9%的下滑。

在这份榜单中,除了The Broth旗下的Barn Buddy有279万的活跃用户以外,其他的游戏用户数量让人失望,排名第二的Social Moray旗下Organized Crime仅有35万,排名第六的Casual Collective旗下Backyard Monsters更是跌破10万,仅仅有8万余名用户。前十名的最低门槛不足6万,Social Moray旗下的Legend of Spirehold排名第十,活跃用户仅为59666名。

hi5 game list

hi5 game list

Hi5 continues to show high fluctuation on its game section. Two weeks ago we found two Mahjong games in the Top 10 and praised their popularity on Hi5. This week both Mahjong games disappeared from the Top 10 after a heavy de-install wave.

Other games like Fantasy Kingdoms and Cube Cash also lost a lot of ground last week. Even Hi5’s top game Barn Buddy seems to be on a slight downward trend. New entries this week are Backyard Monsters, a strategic game that is growing very popular on Facebook, Build-A-Lot Metropolis by Immortal and PortCasino Poker, the second poker game now in the Hi5 charts next to Poker Palace by Playdom.(source:social games observer)

