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作者:Altug Isigan



save point from

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A Save Point for Interactive Fiction

Altug Isigan

In many IF’s a problem in narrative design shows up: People need to go through the same long sequences over and over again only to witness a different ending or to be informed about a different perspective that was hidden in the story. While IF designers seem to be enthusiastic about the surprises that they’ve created for their players, they seem to neglect the increasing degree of annoyance that accompanies the player’s experience as she is being sent through the same things over and over again, only to find out about little tweaks in the story that make them wonder whether these couldn’t have presented to them in a less painful and shorter way.

For many game researchers and designer this annoying situation is a proof that interaction and story do not get well along. But I consider this to be rather a matter of bad gameplay/storytelling design. While many video games seem to send us through an actual sequence over and over again, it is evident that they spare us from having to play through sequences that we have already considered as “done”. One design technique in achieving this, is the clever use of save points. In that sense, a save point is not only a game design technique, but a technique of storytelling, because it is a way to control pacing. Save points are a means for effective repetition, and for brevity. The point about the save here is that it puts us back into the story at a moment in which the repetition of the sequence is motivated, that is, the act is still unresolved, therefore possessing an objective and uncertainty in regard to whether the objective can be achieved.

While many IF’s ask us to start all over to arrive at a different ending, which means we play through already “solved” sequences only for a different ending, many video games do not put such burden on us. The design doesn’t throw us back straight to the beginning of the sequence (let alone the game), but allows us to continue from the latest unresolved spot. We are not forced to go through to what we already know. This is definitely a healthier use of basic exposure techniques, because first, the player is spared from receiving information that she already possesses, or from tricks of exposure that she is now aware of and do not surprise her anymore. And second, since the player can continue from a point in which the outcome is yet undecided; suspense, tension, anticipation, and hunger for success remain to be acute feelings. A lot of IF’s may have been much more enjoyable if they would have had applied methods that recognize what a player has been already through (hence, has already articulated as a mental image of story), so that a smart network of links between story chunks spares her from redundant re-play of former sequences.

Maybe the problem here is that the style in create-your-own-story type of books has been translated into the interactive medium in a too unrefined way. After all, in a create-your-own-story type of book, a player is not forced to read sequences that she already knows. She can wander trough the sequences as she likes and only re-reads some of them if she really needs her memory to be aided. The repetition in here is always motivated. But when media-specific qualities such as linking come into the mix, we see that it results into forced re-play if we do not consider to allow the player to skip sequences, or provide her with save points that spare her to go back to points in the story that she considers as solved. Maybe IF designers are simply too fascinated by the “richness” of the digital technology they have at their disposal so as to forget that a designers fascination about using certain possibilities of the medium does not necessarily evoke the same kind of fascination in the player when they are confronted with these possibilies. “Consider your audience” is a very complex rule, one that requires us to consider the freshness of every moment in a story from a player’s perspective.

I can identify at least two reason that cause IF designers to put players through sequences that have become uninteresting to them:

1) The idea to provide the player with a “whole story”, each time she plays: The idea here is that even if only a minor thing has been changed in the story, the designer feels obligued to put the player through the whole thing, so that the minor change is being provided within its context. But often for a player this means that he must go through hugely uninteresting sequences for just a little surprise. The novity isn’t worth the hassle. The motivation behind being sent through so much stuff that has been already covered for just one minor change becomes unclear for the player. A mantra to stick with here is “art doesn’t know noise”. It’s one thing to enrich content with different endings, it’s another thing to punish a player with uninteresting replay for such different endings.

2) A misjudging of players narrative comprehension skills: Putting it in a blunt way, players are treated as if they possess the memory of a fish. But that is a wrong perception of players. Players are smart, players are mentally active, they do not only think at the moment they can push a button, or when they’re making a decision. Storybuilding is an active process, something that the player does as he is at play (and not only as a post-play activity), so a player’s awareness about events and their chrono-logical order is always sharp. How could it be otherwise?: Making decisions in-game always requires a strong awareness about the actual situation in the story, the events of the past, and to what they may lead to in the future. Hence sending the player through already played sequences just for a different ending, makes no sense to them. Still doing this to them may simply means we treat them as if they’re incapable of narrative comprehension, and that we perceive them being so stupid as to not being able to memorize stuff that they’ve already been put through.

By the way, being forced to go through what we already know, bears another risk of frustration: To fail during a forced replay of a sequence that we had already solved. This is a killer, because all that we want is to arrive as soon as possible at the node that we consider to be the actual problem, but now we’re being held up by what we want to be considered as having been successful in. In such cases the design starts to feel overwhelmingly stupid and anempathetic. The game does not only ignore the player’s capacity of understanding a story, but it also ignores the work that the player put into the game as she built herself that very mental image of the story.

I think IF designers may learn a few lessons about brevity and trust into the audience’s capacity from movies with branching stories. Thinking of examples like Sliding Doors or Smoking/No Smoking, we see that the scriptwriters in these films do not force the audience to watch scenes whose information they have already digested, and whose narration tricks they have already enjoyed. They trust in their audience’s capacity to take on things from a certain point in the story and reward them for their smartness with actual intriguing content. There is a lesson to be learned from this. (Source: Gamasutra)

