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i-Jet在俄罗斯社交网站Odnoklassniki推出游戏Pet a Pet

发布时间:2010-09-09 16:43:24 Tags:,,

据social games observer网站的消息,俄罗斯游戏发行商i-Jet在俄罗斯社交网站Odnoklassniki推出新的社交游戏Pet a Pet。



Pet a Pet游戏由俄罗斯游戏开发者Akella设计研发,上线首日就有超过45000名注册用户,并以每分钟新增200名用户的速度增长。

i-Jet和Akella一致认为Pet a Pet有发展成为Odnoklassniki网站游戏榜前五的实力。在这款游戏中用户(特别是儿童用户)可以通过鼠标对虚拟宠物进行散布、喂食、抚摸等各项操作。

与此同时i-Jet还筹划着将Pet a Pet带向欧洲发行。

i-jet game

i-jet game

Russian publisher i-Jet Media has launched the new social game “Pet a Pet” (“Zveriki” in Russian) on the Russian social network Odnoklassniki. The game has been developed by the Russian game developer Akella and registered over 45 thousand installs on the day of the launch. With reported 200 new users every minute i-Jet and Akella are confident that Pet a Pet will become a Top 5 game on Odnoklassniki.

With its 3D graphics Pet a Pet sticks out from the i-Jet portfolio. The goal of the realistic graphics is higher emotional involvement. Players are meant to live with their virtual pets , to walk and feed them or stroke them by scrolling the mouse. These features have been developed specially for children who want to look after their own pets. After giving the game testing time in Russia i-Jet plans to bring the game to Europe. Pet a Pet is subscription-based, which is an unfamiliar monetization model for social games. However, General Producer of i-Jet Alexey Kostarev is convinced that the subscription will be more successful than other existing models.

Russian developer Akella produces social games as well as educational games. Pet a Pet is the project that is meant to combine both. It is supposed to be of interest for parents willing to test or increase their children’s sense of responsibility which reminds of the Tamagotchi movement. Pet a Pet was first presented on the Russian Game Developers Conference and was nominated for the best online project. Although the development costs of the game are not disclosed, Pet a Pet is rumored to be the most expensive one ever produced in Russia.(source:social games observer)

