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游戏推荐:Office Wars,发泄办公室挫折的诙谐游戏

发布时间:2010-07-10 01:17:03 Tags:,,

办公室政治是每一个成员最深恶痛绝的工作氛围,但又往往无可避免,遭遇办公室挫折的同学们该怎么去面对?Broken Bulb工作室最近推出了一款facebook新游戏Office Wars办公室战争,可以让每一个遭遇挫折的同事尽情发泄心中的压抑。



在Office Wars游戏当中,你可以组织一群手持各种办公用具的小团队进行大战。该款游戏的娱乐价值在于它本身所呈现出来的幽默,和吻上班族成员的心态。

但是Office Wars目前还不是开发得相当完善,部分功能还未正式对玩家开放,也许在不久的将来游戏可玩性的覆盖面将进一步加大。



Office Wars from Broken Bulb Studios is the latest in a long line of violent, combat-oriented workplace games. While some might look down on virtual office combat, we view it as a humorous (and much more legal!) way to work out some of that cubicle aggression.

What Is It?

In Office Wars players hire a small army of office drones and arm them with weapons ranging from coffee mugs to computer towers. Players then pit their employees against the office armies their friends have raised.

How to Play

In Office Wars players don’t actually control the combat themselves – so there is no need for lightning quick reflexes. Once a fight has begun, the outcome is predetermined. The trick is to equip your employees with the proper items, and boost their stats in the right way, to give your office the edge.

The game’s menu is, appropriately, the office itself. The first step is to hire an employee, using the computer. Employees come in all shapes, sizes, and sexes, and even have different personality types. They all start off more or less the same for gameplay purposes, though.



Once you have an employee or two, they must next be armed. Weapons and armor are purchased from the locker, and start off as office basics. Players will fight with lunch boxes, waste baskets… even balloons. Like any good fight, things escalate quickly. High-level weapons include a staple gun and a power drill.

The real “meat and potatoes” of the game is combining the right employee weapons and clothing with the right employee stats. After achieving milestones, players will earn a small number of Brownie Points that can be spent to improve an employee’s health, strength, agility, or several other key stats. Players will have to decide if they want a quick and weak employee, a slow and strong one, etc.

A big part of Office Wars’ entertainment value comes from its humor and pop culture references. In one mini-game players are tasked with smashing up a printer with a baseball bat – a scene that should be familiar to all Office Space fans. Plenty more references are made to that film, the office, and pop culture in general. Even the Companion Cube from Portal makes an appearance.

Broken Bulb seems to have a clear path for where they plan to take Office Wars. Although the game doesn’t feel incomplete currently, various features are listed as “coming soon.” In the future, players will be able to equip their employees with accessories and new hairstyles, and engage in boss fights.

Whether or not someone will enjoy Office Wars probably depends on two factors: How much of their life they have spent sitting in a cubicle, and how much direct control they feel they need over videogame battles. Players that are content to let their employees duke it out automatically will find a lot to like in Office Wars.

