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PopCap联合创始人Jon Vechey谈公司上市及游戏创新

发布时间:2011-04-13 11:15:06 Tags:,,,

《宝石迷阵》的开发商PopCap计划今年上市。日前公司联合创始人Jon Vechey就此接受了Games.com的采访。

john vechey

john vechey



去年公司首席执行官Roberts曾谈到Zynga收买用户,其并不认可此举,他认为优质游戏才是制胜的法宝。Vechey也赞同该说法,但他表示,Zynga显然也已意识到这一点,如今Zynga开始通过收购Newtoy(《Words with Friends》开发商)和Area/Code(《Drop7》开发商)等游戏开发公司,壮大公司开发更为复杂游戏体验的实力。






创造性在PopCap新工作室4th & Battery中得到淋漓尽致的体现。该工作室即将在iPhone平台推出首款游戏《Unpleasant Horse》。游戏邦发现,该款游戏和玩家所熟悉的PopCap家庭和睦主题截然不同。游戏中,玩家将通过控制一匹飞翔的马,消灭鸟类及其他马匹。

Unpleasant Horse

Unpleasant Horse


这些试验性的游戏都来自为期一周的PopCamp研讨会,会上公司内部各个团队,纷纷提出颇具建设性的创意构思。《Unpleasant Horse》就是PopCamp的首次结晶,游戏邦获悉,第二次PopCamp研讨会将于本周展开,或许下款《宝石迷阵》或者《植物大战僵尸》已经处在酝酿之中了。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

PopCap co-founder says he’s ‘jealous’ of Zynga

In case you haven’t heard the news before now, Bejeweled creator PopCap is planning to go public sometime this year. -The Blog! met up with company co-founder Jon Vechey (pictured above) and CEO Dave Roberts during a NYC media tour where they’ve been outlining their plans to make a splash on the stock market.

Even in the middle of all of this big news, Vechey — during a larger conversation about social gaming — tells me he’s a little jealous of FarmVille-maker Zynga’s overnight success, and the fact that they’ve managed to reach millions players that have previously been untouchable.

“[PopCap] has benefited from Zynga’s success,” he adds, meaning less that they’ve been able to transform FarmVille players into Bejeweled Blitz players, but have been able to access new players via Facebook and been able to successfully turn their social version of Bejeweled into a money making machine. Bejeweled Blitz earned over a million dollars in the past few weeks, he says. Not bad, considering a year ago the game wasn’t making anything.

Last year, CEO Roberts was quoted talking about Zynga’s ability to buy customers and, then added in a dig about how good content will win out in the end. Vechey still backs up that notion, but says that Zynga has apparently grown aware of this and is now doubling down on creating more sophisticated game experiences by acquiring ‘real’ game companies like Words with Friends developer Newtoy and, more recently, Drop7 creators Area/Code. (As a side note, Vechey is a big Drop7 fan, and even pulled out his iPhone to give me an impromptu demo on how to play it).

“Before if you asked me if Zynga would be around in five years, I would have said no. Now I can see Zynga being around — the question is whether it will be relevant or not.”

Speaking of relevant, Vechey says that he doesn’t expect casual downloadable PC games to be relevant for much longer, and he blames game portals, like Yahoo, MSN (and our very own AOL Games) who — for years — demanded a 70% cut to to distribute those games. Now you can work with Apple who just takes a 30% cut and doesn’t have a problem promoting other companies, he says.

As for the topic of the day — PopCap going public — Roberts seems cautiously optimistic about making the jump. PopCap, as a company, tries to protect developer’s creativity, and if going public jeopardizes that, he says, “We won’t do it.”

Creativity seems to be king at PopCap’s new 4th & Battery game studio, which will soon launch its first game Unpleasant Horse for iPhone (pictured above). This mobile game is far from your standard family friendly PopCap fare, where you control a flying horse that destroys birds and sends other horses to their demise (by shoving them into a meat grinder).

“People are making way too big a deal of this new company,” says Roberts. PopCap created this offshoot, he says, to help the developers blow off creative steam and come up with new ideas that can be executed faster than say, the next Bejeweled or Plants vs. Zombies game. However, if these one-off games strike a chord with the public, he says, then they might be considered for re-release under the official PopCap label.

These experimental games are brewed during week-long PopCamp sessions, where groups of in-house developers come up with and execute on ideas that might be the next big game. Unpleasant Horse was the product of the first PopCamp and the second PopCamp is happening this week, where — who knows — the next Bejeweled or Plants vs. Zombies just might be in the works.(

