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发布时间:2011-03-30 10:41:06 Tags:,,,


据福克斯新闻报道,纽约哥伦比亚大学认知神经系统学家爱德华·史密斯(Edward Smith)所做的最新研究表明,在线电脑游戏受拒的用户会产生“轻微的被抛弃感”。这一研究结果让史密斯发现了失恋和实际的生理痛楚之间的联系。游戏邦获悉,史密斯随后借助FMRI(机能性磁共振成像)做了进一步调查。但结果一样吗?


Is rejection in FarmVille, Facebook games like getting dumped?

Well, it’s close enough. According to a recent study by Edward Smith, a cognitive neuroscientist at Columbia University in New York, being rejected in an online computer game could elicit “tepid feelings of rejection,” Fox News reports. Though, the findings did help Smith find a link between romantic rejection and actual physical pain. Smith conducted a follow-up study using functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI. But did it trigger a similar response?

This technology visualized the pain receptors in the brains of 40 volunteers when looking at photographs of partners they had broke it off with. As a result, the fMRI lit up like Christmas tree when folks looked at photos of old flames. So when a FarmVille friend removes you, it might not sting as badly–or just stir some Internet rage. Regardless, the brain could still respond the same way as when rejected by a lover, though to a lesser degree. The next time you remove a friend from CityVille, try letting them down easy, eh?(

