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Facebook游戏Secret Plant Society提供温室栽培植物的乐趣

发布时间:2011-01-11 11:23:01 Tags:,,

Secret Plant Society是一款种植类游戏,但又与现在Facebook社交网站上“泛滥”的农场类游戏有所不同,玩家的种植阵地由农场转向了温室。在该款游戏中,玩家可以开发,种植,收获和贩卖各种不同的植物。其中,由杂交培育出的各种奇特植物是该款游戏的亮点之一,吸引了不少具有收集癖好的游戏玩家。



在游戏Secret Plant Society中,玩家可以种植新品种植物,扩建图书馆和温室或钻研种植某个品种的植物。当然,玩家也可选择放慢游戏进度,用自己喜欢的节奏体验游戏的乐趣。

游戏初始,玩家拥有6款初级的常规三叶草植物。通过互相杂交便可获得“神奇种子”(Mystery Seed)。待神奇种子长大成熟,玩家便可以欣赏杂交而成的奇特植物,而杂交植物比普通植物更值钱。


在Secret Plant Society中,杂交开发新品种植物是该款游戏的主要亮点之一。在此,游戏植物图鉴将向玩家显示游戏可实现的杂交品种,以避免玩家为游戏中并不存在植物花费无用功。



在其他游戏元素方面,Secret Plant Society玩家可以扩充温室,购买各种季节饰品装饰温室。随着温室的不断升级,玩家可以使用更高级,蓄水量更大的花盆进行植物培育。一旦植物枯萎,玩家便要及时浇水以恢复其生机。而在社交元素方面,Secret Plant Society玩家可以访问好友的温室,互相赠礼。



另外,Secret Plant Society中既可使用标准货币——金币,也可使用Green Bucks。玩家可以使用游戏货币购买肥料等具有缩短成熟时间的游戏道具,缩短的时间越长,肥料的价格也就越高。玩家可以通过完成各种游戏任务,赚取经验和游戏币以购买植物种子和装饰道具等。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

I know what you might be thinking – “Please tell me this isn’t another game where we’re forced to grow things.” Unfortunately, it is. However, this definitely isn’t your average “farming” game on Facebook; in fact, it doesn’t take place on a farm at all. Gamehouse’s Secret Plant Society gives each user their own greenhouse, a set of pots and seeds, and then sends users on their way to create, grow, harvest and sell a wide variety of plants, mostly created by the user themselves.

The game’s focus on hybridizing your plants to create new varieties is an unexpected, but definitely appreciated twist in the “agricultural” genre of games on Facebook, and it seems to offer a real hook for those that like to “collect everything” in their games.

You’ll start with a series of just three kinds of seeds – what you do with those seeds is up to you. You can either try to create new plants, expanding your library and growing your green house to new sizes, or you can specialize in a particular variety of plant, slowing down your progress but letting you customize the game in just the way you’d like to experience it.

Meet us behind the break for a complete look at what makes Secret Plant Society different from the average Facebook game.
The game begins by offering you six starter plants, which you’ll learn to take care of through the game’s tutorial. The basics here are what you’d expect – you’ll plant various flower or plant seeds, wait for them to grow (different plants require a different amount of time to grow), and you can then harvest them for coins once they’ve matured. However, the gameplay takes on a twist, as you are allowed to hybridize your plants to create new varieties.

For example, your six starter plants are regular Clover Plants. Hybridizing them by allowing Clover to grow side by side can produce a Mystery Seed. Growing this Mystery Seed to maturity (in the same way that you’d grow any other plant), will reveal its nature to you. In our case, this new plant is the Vigorous Clover, which has more than one “flower,” if you will, for each plant that is grown. These hybrid plants tend to be worth more coins when sold, so it’s worth growing them.

You’ll be able to keep track of the many plant types you unlock via the in-game almanac, which shows you detailed information about each plant that you’ve researched. You’ll see how long each kind of plant takes to mature, how many coins it costs to plant them, and how many coins the plant will sell for, along with the experience points that you’ll gain for growing it. Plants can be mastered, but depending on the rarity, price, etc. of the plant, the amount of individual plants that you’ll need to harvest of each kind varies.

As the real draw of the game seems to be the creation of new plant types, luckily, the Almanac also shows you how many different hybrids you’ll be able to create with an individual plant. In this way, after you’ve filled in all of the blank spots that are shown to you in the almanac, you won’t waste time trying to make other hybrids, since you’ll know they don’t exist, at least within the game.

As for other gameplay elements, you’ll be able to decorate your greenhouse, and customize it by expanding it to larger sizes, purchasing storage chests to hold excess decorations (like the recently released Christmas decorations, as an example), adding upgraded Pots to grow flowers, and so on. These pots will hold more water than your standard “Starter Pot,” which only holds three hours’ worth of water. If you let a plant wilt once it has been grown, you can bring it back to life by using the watering can in the game’s menu.

In terms of social elements, you’ll be able to visit your friends’ green houses, and send them free gifts, which, as of this writing, consist solely of “stake” decorations, so that you can make each individual pot have its own decoration, if you so choose.

The game contains the standard currency of coins, but also allows you to spend Green Bucks, the premium currency, on items like Fertilizer, which speeds up the growth time of plants by a variety of times, ranging from 1 hour to 1 day. Of course, the more time the fertilizer takes off of a plant’s growth time, the more it costs, and vice versa. You’ll be able to earn more fertilizer, along with coin and experience point rewards by completing a light series of quests, asking to plant certain seeds, purchase specific decorations, and so on.(

