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发布时间:2014-03-15 15:02:58 Tags:,,,,

作者:Guy Bar-ner

数月之前,我们Beta测试了自己的语言学习冒险游戏《Immersia’s intro to French》。以下图表就是我们发布游戏Beta版本首月到第二个月的关键粘性状态:完成关卡1(约20分钟)的用户比例,完成关卡2(约40分钟)的用户比例,以及完成整款游戏的用户比例(超过1小时)。


我们为此准备了4个月时间。就这样一个小型独立团队夜以继日地奔赴这个目标。我们怀着激动紧张的心情,为游戏的发布开始倒计时5!4!3!2!1!…… 发布了!大家开始举杯欢庆,相互拥抱。之后开始收到电子邮件:“我不懂怎么操作!”“噢,我看不到按钮在哪里。”“它看起来很好,但我玩了3分钟就退出了。”这里我们并不讨论一些技术故障问题,关键是用户根本就不理解我们在做什么!但这也太简单了……他们是白痴吗?







UI initial(from gamasutra)

UI initial(from gamasutra)


UI changed(from gamasutra)

UI changed(from gamasutra)


upper case(from gamasutra)

upper case(from gamasutra)

lower case(from gamasutra)

lower case(from gamasutra)




《Immersia’s intro to French》是一款关于学习法语的游戏,以下就是其运行方式:






icon(from gamasutra)

icon(from gamasutra)




instruction screen(from gamasutra)

instruction screen(from gamasutra)



changed screen(from gamasutra)

changed screen(from gamasutra)










Practical Tutorial and UI Lessons We Learned From Our Game

by Guy Bar-ner

The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community.

The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.

A couple of months ago we Beta tested our language learning adventure game, “Immersia’s intro to French”. Here’s the improvement we had in the key engagement stats form the first month after launching our game Beta to the second: % of people who finished level 1 (about 20 minutes of play), level 2 (40 minutes) and % of people who finished the game (just over 1 hour of play)


These stats actually lie. During the first months, many of our friends played the game with high engagement, so the real numbers were actually even worse (this is alo why initial traffic and registration rates was higher during the first month). From what we gathered, practically none of the “outside players” got anywhere near finishing the game.

And this is what happened:

We prepared for that moment for 4 months. A small indie team working night and day towards this one goal. we counted back with your finger on the mouse – 4!… 3!… 2!… 1!… Launch!

Everybody were drinking up and high-fiving each other. And then the E-mails started arriving. “I don’t understand what to do!”, “Oh, I didn’t see that button there”, “It looks really nice, but I stopped playing after 3 minutes”. We’re not talking about some technical glitch. People didn’t seem to understand what we were doing at all! But it’s so simple… what are they, stupid?

Well, of course not. They just haven’t been looking at it for the past few months like you have. We knew we had a great game, but people just didn’t seem to get it. We tested everything on every possible device we could get our hands on. We checked for bugs and glitches that prevented people from playing, and didn’t find any. And here was the first thing we learned:

Lesson 1: Talk to your players (and how to talk to them)

We started asking people around us what they thought, but they didn’t really know what to say. But it was only when we gave the game to complete strangers that we started getting results.

And here’s a tip. Don’t show them what to do – you want to see how they’ll manage by themselves. But also – don’t sit next to them and stare at them – that would make them to nervous, and no one can play a game while being “tested”. The key is to sit next to them and look as if you’re dealing with something else, while in reality that’s exactly what you’re doing – testing to see how they manage by themselves. It was only when we started doing that that we started getting real and beneficial feedback.

Lesson 2: Your’re UI is not the place for clever puns. Keep things simple.

The first thing players had a problem with is the wording of our tutorial. Worrying the it will be too boring, we inserted what we thought will be funny word plays, but those ended up making what we really wanted to do. Here are a few example.

Because our game is browser based andworks with speech recognition, we needed the user to authorize the browser to access mic. We wanted it to be fun and breezy, so this is how it looked initially:

That was a bad idea. Our wording was too long and complicated. We knew what the page was for, but that didn’t. So we changed it, and kept only what was essential. Here’s how it looked after:

Simpler, clearer, and much less overwhelming. And that’s just one example. We did the same in 3-4 different places. The impact was amazing.  Another, shorter lesson was this: prefer lower case to upper case. Just look at this:

Vs. this:

Letters just stand out more, and you don’t have to make an effort to read what it says.

These first two changes were significant, but they were nothing compared with this third one:

Lesson 3: Exlain using your UI, NOT by using words

Here’s where thing get a little tricky, but bear with me.

Immersia’s intro to French is a game for learning French. This is how it works:

We give you a sentence in English. You have to translate it into French.

To do that, you can click on a word and see it’s translation

After you know what to say you have to click an icon to record, say the sentence out loud, and click it again to stop.

If you got it right, you move on. If not, you have to check and try again.

And here is how it looked:

There are a few things you might have noticed.

One, the mic icon (3), which is a main feature, is small and also pretty far away from the text it refers to (1), and its color doesn’t stick out.

Second, there nothing to imply you have to click it, say the sentence, and click again. Because the action required wasn’t clear, we added an instruction screen:

We were pretty sure we made it as clear as day: step 1, step 2 – go!

Well it wasn’t. everything was upside down, the arrows were confusing and anyway – it was just too much text! So we tested a few options, and this was what we came up with:

The changes look minimal- but they made all the difference:

We replaced the mic icon with an icon that had “RECORD” written on it (1), we made it bigger and moved it next to the text it referred to.

We have a clear call to action: “Click record and say it in French”. Bolded, in italics, and clearly stated.

The helping hint itself (3) appeares only after 8 seconds, after the user had a chance to look around and understand where he was.

We dropped the “help screen” with its “words” and “arrows”, and tested it again. Once more we bothered people around us (by now we were talking to friends of friends of friends, and also random strangers. The reaction was almost anticlimactic. They didn’t go “WOW” at the new design. They didn’t cheer or looked at us with awe. They simply Understood what to do, every step of the way. We launched the new version and waited for the numbers to come and when they did, we couldn’t believe it. Finally, there world understood.

Final conclusions:

The most important thing to gather from this, and probably the only thing we did right – Beta test. When we first launched we had an almost 90% bounce rate. I hate to think what would have happened if we were marketing it to thousands of players. 200 are more than enough to get initial stats.

The illustration I gave were final results, but by no means were they easy to reach. Every change we made was the result of a team think-tank meeting, making a change and testing it with at least 6-7 people.

Occam was right – the best solution is usually the most simple. We tried pop-ups, tutorial videos, narration.(source:gamasutra

