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Zynga向购买Farm Cash的FarmVille玩家免费赠送巫师猫

发布时间:2010-10-29 10:33:13 Tags:,,

Zynga公司十分希望玩家购买FarmVille虚拟货币Farm Cash。为什么这么说呢?很简单。在新一轮的促销活动中,凡是购买Farm Cash的FarmVille玩家都能得到一份免费礼品。

Farmville-Black witch cat

Farmville-Black witch cat

当玩家登录FarmVille会弹出如上图的窗口,为所有购买Farm Cash的玩家免费赠送一只黑色巫师猫。据悉,这款黑色巫师猫无法在游戏商店中购得。我们相信Zynga将始终坚持这一做法。毕竟向玩家赠送一个永远不能在商店买到的道具无疑最有利于刺激玩家购买Farm Cash。


Zynga really wants you to purchase Farm Cash in FarmVille. How do we know this? Simple – in a new promotion, Zynga is now offering yet another free item to users who make a purchase for Farm Cash.

The next time you login to FarmVille, you may see a pop-up like the one above, offering a free Black Witch Cat with any Farm Cash purchase. As of this writing, the Black Witch Cat is unable to purchase from the game’s store, and we’re guessing that that’s the way it will remain. After all, what better way to entice users to purchase Farm Cash than to reward them with an item that can only be earned through a purchase?

If you’d like one of these Halloween kitties, but don’t necessarily care about the color you receive, remember that if you own an iPhone/iPad, you can purchase the exclusive White Witch Cat – it’s the same animal, only white, and with a purple hat, rather than black. (

