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Niko Partners的分析称中国玩家从MMO转向社交游戏领域

发布时间:2010-09-28 15:56:30 Tags:,,

据gamasutra网站的消息,由Niko Partners制作发布的2010中国典型游戏玩家调研报告(2010 Chinese Gamer Focus Group Findings report )宣称中国网络游戏有下滑趋势而社交游戏正在逐步火爆起来。



Niko Partners合伙人Niko Partners在接受gamasutra网站的专访时表示,由于越来越多的休闲游戏和社交游戏被推向市场,很多非游戏玩家正在逐步被培养为游戏玩家。


The results of the 2010 Chinese Gamer Focus Group Findings report from Chinese video game industry analysis firm Niko Partners suggest the Chinese games industry is trending away from MMOs and hardcore titles and toward games on social networks.

The report suggests that market saturation in the MMO space and the more accessible nature of social games as primary factors in the shift, which has contributed to a decline in the average amount spent by Chinese gamers, the report says.

“Thanks to the launch of so many casual games and social network games, more consumers have become gamers. Therefore, while there are more and more gamers entering the market, overall gamers seem to be spending less, though maintaining high levels of usage,” Niko Partners’ managing partner Lisa Cosmas Hanson told Gamasutra.

The study also notes that Chinese gamers, particularly those who have purchased home PCs, are spending less time playing in internet cafes compared to previous years.

Despite this decline, Hanson insists that Internet cafes will remain a “critical part” of the Chinese game industry going forward. (source:gamasutra)

