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发布时间:2011-11-04 10:30:05 Tags:,,,,







game system design(from

game system design(from



1. 研究市场所具备的组件。

2. 研究最新游戏的性能要求,预测未来游戏需要的额外性能。

3. 考虑系统售价。

4. 设计外观以吸引用户眼球。彩色LED能够提高外观的神秘感。贴图视窗目前非常流行。

5. 选择预算允许范围内容的最优质、最高速母板和RAM配置。

6. 选择优质显卡和合适CPU。添加冷却系统;3D游戏的功率消耗和运作速度会产生大量需排放的热量。选择快速且大小适当的硬盘驱动器。最后,添加功率较大、冷却效果较好的电源装置和高容量电线。

7. 选择外部组件。选择高清大屏显示器。键盘不是关键。可以找设有小型风扇,能够冷却手掌的鼠标。然后是其他配合某些游戏的输入装置(游戏邦注:如方向键、踏板、操纵杆、步枪或吉他),主要是视频游戏的掌机设备。

8. 组合组件。研究在此意义显著;组件要能够完美配合。

9. 基准测试。进行必要调整,附上文件,然后发行!(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

What Is Game Systems Design?

Computer games and video games employ huge data sets to manage complex graphics and translate inputs into game mechanics. They require their platforms, or gaming computer systems, to respond quickly to changing input from users at the console or on the Internet – delays, or ‘lag,’ can get a character killed and infuriate the gamer. Game Systems Design is the process of choosing or creating the components of a computerized system for running games and combining them for maximal performance.

The Challenge of Game Systems Design

Gamers want their systems to provide several capabilities and operate quietly.

Power: Game systems handle high frame rates, very complex calculations and rapid changes. The requirements of future unreleased games are still unknown, but this system must handle them.

Speed: The system must calculate movements, graphics and random events, rendering appropriate graphics and events about as fast as gamers can take them in and respond.

Stability: Game systems enthusiasts often ‘overclock’ when using PC (computer) game systems, adjusting settings to make components operate faster. This requires resilient components, extra power and extra cooling capability.

Game Systems Design Process

Game systems designers go through a consistent process across platforms. The major differences result from budget and business strategy considerations.

1. Research the components available on the market.

2. Research the performance demands of the latest games, and calculate the extra capacity that tomorrow’s games may need.

3. Consider the system’s selling price point.

4. Design the case to attract gamers’ interest. Colored LEDs increase the case’s mystique. Cutout windows are popular.

5. Choose a motherboard and RAM configuration that are as high-quality and high-speed as the budget allows.

6. Choose a good graphics card and an adequate CPU (Central Processing Unit). Add cooling systems; the power and speed demands of 3-D gaming produce lots of heat to be dissipated. Pick a hard drive that’s fast (for quick data recovery) but not too large (for budgetary reasons). Finally, add a powerful, well-cooled power supply and high-capacity cables. (Designers at companies with hardware arms may design custom components.)

7. Select peripheral components. Choose a large display screen with decent definition. Keyboards aren’t critical. You can find a mouse that cools your palm with a small fan. Other input devices, like a steering wheel, footpad or pedal, joystick, rifle or guitar, may be fitted to particular games, especially for video game consoles.

8. Assemble the components. Research is valuable here; the components must work together well.

9. Benchmark testing follows. Tweak as necessary, document and ship!(Source:degreedirectory

