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发布时间:2011-10-12 12:56:18 Tags:,,

作者:Brice Morrison











Game experience on Android platform(from

Game experience on Android platform(from



平台可以多种多样。我首先想到的便是掌机(游戏邦注:如Wii,Xbox 360,Playstation 3),Facebook游戏,PC/Mac,iPad或iPhone。除此之外还有许多平台可以被加以利用:



Game Shows就是一个游戏平台,它不仅拥有很多竞争者,同时也拥有越来越多的用户,让用户能够通过手机为自己喜欢的游戏投票。









“持久性”,你与机器的对抗(《Bullet Hell》,《Side Scrollers》)


认真思考问题并想出解决方法(《Lolo》,《Panda Poet》)

体验经典的爱情故事(《Love Plus》)










Game Design’s Prerequisites: Platform and Experience

by Brice Morrison

Game Design needs stakes in the ground.  Without context, discussion is meaningless.

Imagine the following: you’re talking to someone who is an athlete, and they say to you, “One thing you can do in sports is to make quick steps from left to right.”  What do you get out of this?

Well, you would probably think to yourself, “Hmm, that sounds like a good idea,” and nod.  But hold on a minute.  This advice isn’t applicable at all.  What sport are you talking about?  Baseball?  Football?  Hockey?  And not only that, when do you perform these so-called quick steps?  When you’re warming up?  When you’re going in for a goal?  When you’re on defense?  Without knowing the context specifically, it’s useless.

Or imagine another scenario: You’re talking to an artist, and out of the blue they tell you, “A lot of times it can really help to use a wide variety of colors.”

This has the same problem.  When do you want to use a wide variety of colors?  In a comic book?  On a banner ad?  How about a storyboard for a film noir?  What about a sculpture or a costume in a play?  This information is critical.  The discipline of art is too broad to give out vague advice.  While it sounds interesting, it isn’t applicable.

Game design often has this problem.  I believe that Game Design is the most advanced art form there is, the art form of the 21st century.  Instead of creating with paint or clay, game designers create with human experiences.  Instead of being constrained to a canvas or a computer screen, game designers perform their work on PC’s, controllers, boards and cards, physical movements, and the real world.

But in the same way as the examples above, game design is useless without any context.  This isn’t some shortcoming of the discipline; it’s a fact of any discipline.  The only difference is that game design is so new that many people haven’t outgrown the tendency to discuss for fun instead of discussing for practicality.  Many times game design is described in these floaty, academic, theoretical terms.  People have interesting things to say, but they are often struggling to find applicable things to say.

I’m guilty of this sometimes too.  But the time has come.  The game industry has matured for 30 years, and game design as a discipline is at a point where people should be able to latch on to ideas and understand them completely.  Gone are the days when designers and design enthusiasts should be able to get away with design discussions that sound “interesting” but can’t be applied.  The discourse should be changed and the education improved.

What is the solution to this?  How can we make sure that design discussions are practical and useful, instead of lofty and theoretical?

In the same way that other disciplines and subjects do: provide context.  And in games, there are two main ways to define context: The Platform and The Experience.

The Platform

The only place that games exist without a platform is in our minds when it’s being imagined.  But once a game is to be played by others, it requires a platform.

A platform can be almost anything.  The first ones that come to mind are ones like consoles (Wii, Xbox 360, Playstation 3), Facebook games, PC/Mac, iPad or iPhone.  But there are endless other platforms out there:

Board games use cards, dice, board pieces and fold out boards.  Some board games like Scene-It incorporate both a physical board, cards, and television, expanding the platform

Alternate Reality Games are a particular favorite of mine because they know no bounds in their use of their platform.  They’ll use graffiti, websites, emails, real-world signals and codes

Game Shows are game platforms that obviously involve their contestants, but are also increasingly including the audience, allowing them to vote for winners by phone

And of course, real-world sports

Designs for these different platforms vary wildly, and just like the sport that’s being played in the beginning example, knowing what platform the discussion is about is necessary to being able to say anything meaningful.  ”Players like to play along with their friends.”  This may be true for a social game, but not necessarily for a single-player PS3 game where players are having a solo experience.  ”You want to make sure players are being fed praise constantly”.  This may be true for a Wii casual title, but probably not for a PC hardcore indie title, where players thrive on challenge.

All of these examples, even the ones that aren’t on platforms normally thought of as games, are providing an interactive experience for players.  They are worthy of discussion and discourse of game design.  But only after defining the platform can the discussion be valuable.  Sure, you can make some comparisons, “Well a PS3 game can be social too,” but why go through to mental trouble to make that leap?  By defining what platform we’re talking about, you create boundaries for useful techniques to be made and compared.

Platform is the first part of being able to have a decent design discussion.  When paired with its second counterpart, useless design discussions are stopped in their tracks.

The Experience

The second part of the context is the experience that the game is trying to create.  Games have a goal, something that they are trying to make happen.  A side scroller is trying to get players to press buttons and enjoy themselves all the way to the end.  A Facebook social title is trying to get players to enjoy logging in every day and inviting their friends.  A board game is trying to get players to compete, laugh, and enjoy themselves as they fight for the win.

Without defining the experience the game is trying to make, it’s of no use to say what did or didn’t work in any given game.  For example, a bullet-hell shooter game can say that it was able to keep players happy for longer by adding super-forms to the bosses, which doubles the difficulty.  And this may be true for some of those games.  But do you think that advice is going to be helpful to a game like flOw, which seeks to give a soothing experience to players?  That design advice would be counter productive because the intended experience is completely different.

There are many different kinds of experiences, many of which games as a medium are just beginning to scratch the surface of:

“Endurance”; you versus the machine (Bullet Hell, Side Scrollers)

Competition (Starcraft)

Think hard about a puzzle, and then come up with the solution (Lolo, Panda Poet)

Experience a classic love story (Love Plus)

Go on an action packed adventure (Uncharted)

Build and create (Minecraft)

Tell stories of virtual people (Sims)

As we’ve discussed in length on the site, the Experience is what drives the game design.  Any game decision that is made is measured against the Experience it is trying to evoke in the player.  Does it do it effectively?  If not, then why is it there?

By understanding the experience that a particular game is shooting for, it makes it possible to evaluate techniques used in the game for other uses in other games.  Otherwise, there is no way to tell what is useful and what just sounds interesting.

Drive Towards Useful Discussion

“Adding hundreds of complex combos to a game allows for great depth.”  What are you talking about?  That wouldn’t work for my whimsical iPhone side-scroller at all!  Oh, you’re talking about hardcore fighting games on a console.  Great advice!

“Making a good balance of cookie-cutter level geometry and unique models makes the world feel huge and free.”  What’s that for?  Ah, an exploration game for the PC.  Doesn’t apply to what I’m working on but it makes sense.

Design should never be discussed without understanding the Experience and the Platform.  Sure, it will be interesting, but it won’t be applicable.(source:thegameprodigy

