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MI6游戏营销大会即将举行 微软就Kinect发表主题演讲

发布时间:2011-03-15 10:16:21 Tags:,,

微软宣称Xbox 360 Kinect体感系统创意总监及微软游戏工作室总经理Kudo Tsunoda将于旧金山2011年MI6游戏营销大会上发表主题演讲。


Kudo Tsunoda

MI6总裁兼首席执行官Jonathan Block-Verk对此主题评述道:“营销人员和开发者看似毫不相干,但最受消费者欢迎的产品往往是这两个团队紧密配合的成果。Kinect的成功直接映证了这种合作的可行性。Kudo是个有远见卓识之人,其影响力和技能造就了当代游戏业最具开创性的项目。”他总结道:“他的演讲将会引起行业进一步了解将营销和开发结合起来的价值所在。”

2011年MI6游戏营销大会还将邀请其他游戏界著名人士前来参加,如来自EA Sports的Peter Moore等。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Kinect Director Kudo Tsunoda To Keynote MI6 2011

Microsoft has announced that Kudo Tsunoda, creative director of Kinect for Xbox 360 and general manager of Microsoft Game Studios, will present the keynote address at the 2011 MI6 Game Marketing Conference in San Francisco.

Titled “Working Together: Marketing’s Critical Role in the Development of Kinect,” the keynote will explore the development process for Kinect, and how marketing played a key role in the hardware’s launch success. The conference is set to take place on April 7, 2011 at the Grand Hyatt in San Francisco.

Jonathan Block-Verk, president and CEO of MI6, said of the keynote, “Marketers and developers may seem to be on opposite sides of the coin, but in reality the very best outcomes with top consumer products are a by-product of these two teams working closely together. Kinect is the successful, direct result of such a unified vision. Kudo is a true visionary whose influence and expertise have resulted in one of the most groundbreaking programs in the gaming industry today.” Block-Verk concluded, “His keynote will provoke the industry to further understand the disruptive value of convergent marketing and development visions.”

The 2011 MI6 Game Marketing Conference will also play host to numerous other notable speakers, including EA Sports’ Peter Moore, Rockfish Interactive’s Dave Knox and Alliance Leadership’s Carolyn Mehran. (Source: Gamasutra)

