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Facebook Credits正在向非游戏领域渗透扩大影响力

发布时间:2010-11-29 10:17:44 Tags:,

Facebook Credits的影响力正在向facebook以外和非游戏支付领域进行拓展。



上次我们提到Shoebuy.com通过赠送Facebook Credits的方式提升销售,而获得Facebook Credits的用户除了可以进行facebook社交游戏虚拟支付以外,还能向癌症研究中心进行捐赠(50个Facebook Credits,价值5美元)。

现在Facebook Credits同样可以对CNN在facebook上的一些慈善页面进行捐赠。在CNN的heroes(美剧超能英雄)页面(CNN曾安排在用户吃完感恩节大餐之后进行公益广告推广)和facebook页面推出了10个受益人,分别是再度入狱的Guadalupe De La Vega、墨西哥华瑞紫市饱受健康困扰的Susan Burton、来自密西西比河肥胖症患者Linda Fondren、尼泊尔反对非法性交易的Anuradha Koirala、印度马杜赖流浪者之家的Narayanan Krishnan、在各地学校为学生提供膳食的M. Macfarlane-Barrow、在肯尼亚搭建人行天桥的Harmon Parker、在哥伦比亚清除地雷障碍的Aki Ra、在肯尼亚搭建太阳能照明的Evans Wadongo以及为受伤退伍军人提供资助的Dan Wallrath。

CNN和facebook有对上述受益人进行了详细的陈述和资助原因说明。另外按照CNN的隐私描述,本次捐赠不接受不记名捐款。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译 转载请注明:游戏邦)

Facebook Credits have been moving beyond games, to fund some charitable causes. The latest one adds a thick layer of corporate branding to promote CNN’s “Heroes” series.

This year’s ten most popular altruists featured by CNN appear on a Facebook page where you can donate to their causes using Facebook Credits from now through the end of the year. Apparently the social network is processing these transactions pro bono and calling it a donation.

CNN has donated plenty of broadcast time, including a show honoring the heroes, conveniently scheduled right after most people have just finished their Thanksgiving dinner. Pardon my cynicism toward the the news network that’s taken a beating in ratings this year, but the “all-star tribute” makes a nice alternative to reprising the Macy’s parade and all the other types of filler material that usually airs on a holiday.

That said, each of the ten altruists does have an impressive story that you can watch by clicking on video links on the CNN Heroes page. There are also links to the corresponding charity pages on Facebook to show you that these beneficiaries are legit. They include:

Guadalupe De La Vega: Post-prison reentry

Susan Burton: Health care in Juarez, Mexico

Linda Fondren: Battles obesity in Mississippi

Anuradha Koirala: Fights sex trafficking in Nepal

Narayanan Krishnan: Feeds and cares for the homeless in Madurai, India

M. Macfarlane-Barrow: Provides meals to children in schools worldwide

Harmon Parker: Erects footbridges in Kenya

Aki Ra: Clears land mines in Cambodia

Evans Wadongo: Builds solar lanterns in Kenya

Dan Wallrath: Constructs homes for injured veterans

And if you need more of an incentive to donate, CNN shows the names and Facebook photos of those who have given money to the cause. Anonymous donations don’t appear to be an option here,

especially because the page’s descriptive text window states:

PRIVACY: You agree any comments & content with your name & profile picture may be used by CNN, its affiliates and licensees in all media. CNN will use your name & profile picture in accordance with its privacy policy located at (source:all facebook)

