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games博客:月获玩家25万人 电视节目同名游戏受热捧

发布时间:2010-10-10 11:26:57 Tags:,,,

日前,位于英国沃尔瑟姆市的游戏工作室GSN Digital Labs总裁杰里米·谢伊(Jeremy Shea)表示,其根据美国电视综艺节日《幸运之轮》(Wheel of Fortune)开发的一款同名社交游戏,自九月分入驻Facebook以来,已收获25万名活跃玩家。

Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

据了解,该工作室专注于开发创意社交游戏,其前身是GSN(Game Show Network的简写)公司的数码部门,在GSN被WorldWinnder公司收购后遂于2006年成立了GSN Digital Labs。

如果单从《幸运之轮》这款游戏在Facebook上的用户增长势头来看,该工作室今后推出的电视节目主题社交游戏的名利双收,似乎也只是一个时间早晚的问题。通过《幸运之轮》这种靠热门节目提前走红的游戏开发创意,GSN Digital Labs很可能更让Digital Chocolate、Lolapps甚至是CrowdStar这类公司为保住饭碗而疲于奔命。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Wheel of Fortune for Facebook could lead to even more GSN social games

Wheel of Fortune, the crazy popular game show hosted by Pat Sajak and Vanna White, was digitized (and socialized) as a Facebook game in September. It was revealed by Mass High Tech that the game was created by Waltham, Mass.-based GSN Digital Labs, a division of GSN–formerly known as the Game Show Network–dedicated to creative social games.

According to GSN Digital Labs president Jeremy Shea, Wheel of Fortune for Facebook already has 250 thousand active users since the game’s launch in September. With growth like that, it may be only a matter of time before the studio makes more game show-themed social games with big time names to drive their popularity. With a brand like Wheel of Fortune, it’s possible that GSN Digital Labs’ creations could give upcoming studios like Digital Chocolate, Lolapps or even CrowdStar a run for their money.

GSN Digital Labs was created out of GSN’s Digital Division, which was founded in 2006 after the acquisition of WorldWinner Inc. With 250 thousand more fans in Wheel of Fortune for Facebook and a studio ready for more, GSN might have just struck social game gold. (

