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发布时间:2010-11-12 10:19:25 Tags:,,

昨天在伦敦举行的社交游戏峰会上,由OMGPOP, Applifier, ZSlide和Wooga公司成员一起分享了中小社交游戏开发者如何在社交游戏巨头把控市场的环境下获得更好的生存空间。

Wooga在社交游戏领域可能是后起之秀中的佼佼者,目前该公司在facebook应用开发者排行榜上位居17位,旗下总共有4款社交游戏,月活跃用户高达1215万,日活跃用户为207万,其中Bubble Island和Monster World分别由500万左右的月活跃用户。公司成员Henric Suuronen认为,作为新晋的社交游戏开发者仍然存在着相当大的发展空间,德国公司wooga正式进军facebook游戏项目也仅仅只是一年的时间。



而来自ZSlide公司成员Louis Choquel谈到的是另外一个开发者们共同关注的话题Facebook Credits。Facebook Credits让开发者不知所措的地方在于facebook平台要从要从开发者Facebook Credits消费者抽取30%的分成,但是同时facebook有时候还向用户免费派送Facebook Credits,这个时候开发者们就很难甄别究竟用户消费的Facebook Credits是他们自己花钱买来的还是facebook派送给他们的。



来自Applifier公司的Jussi Laakkonen则认为中小开发者直接的抱团协作更有机会在激烈的竞争中去发掘新的用户,不管是Applifier,还是IGAPI或者AppStrip都能为开发者游戏提供工具条展示支持。特别是在facebook取消向非游戏玩家进行病毒式信息传递之后,游戏间的营销展示成为了另外一个可行的用户获得渠道。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明:游戏邦)(其实真没讲出什么可借鉴的内容来)

Henric Suuronen from Wooga also let us know that his company was expanding rapidly, and that they put a proportional amount of resources on games that make the most money.  This flexible, scalable system is the method of choice for social game developers, it seems.

Louis Choquel from ZSlide explained that there are risks on platforms, as they had developed their game on FBML and that Facebook technology was later dropped.  Also, Facebook Credits have secret costs.  Facebook takes 30% of profits, but they also give out free Facebook Credits to all users, which affects companies that attempt to understand whether they’re getting real money or “free” money.

Jussi Laakkonen emphasized that localization is an important part of expansion today, and his company Applifier is dedicated to getting new games to shoot across their games network to increase the number of installs you can get.  Localize your game, and then maybe you’ll get lucky with some international players, he wisely explained.  You’ve got lots of ‘”habla espanol” people in the United States itself, so make sure you’re thinking about it.(source:social times)

