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发布时间:2017-02-24 16:05:01 Tags:,,,,

作者:Gerardo Garcia






人们总是有这种错误想法,即如果自己的简历越长便越能吸引别人的注意。其实大多数情况下当我看到一份长达4页的简历时,我会发现里面的大多数信息都和我所招募的工作岗位不相干。或许你真的做了很多事,但如果Elon Musk(游戏邦注:企业家同时也是SpaceX的共同创始人)能在一页纸内讲述自己的专业故事,你应该也可以。比起那些学了50门不同语言,软件和引擎但却不能专攻于其中一项的人来说,我更愿意接受只会Unity的程序员。


Twinflames3(from gamasutra)

Twinflames3(from gamasutra)



或许你不在意,但你使用的字体也很重要。可能有人跟你说过要避免使用Times New Roman或Comic Sans这两种字体了,因为这就相当于将求职信息呈现在一件夏威夷花T恤上。你应该选择让人舒服且容易阅读的字体。像Georgia,Helvtica和Calibri都是很棒的选择。
















5 tips to get in the video game industry

by Gerardo Garcia

It’s a dream job. Maybe you’re a programmer, an artist, sound engineer, advertiser, writer, designer, etc. no matter the position, working in video games is a dream come true to a lot of people. It’s no wonder that when a job opens somewhere, a lot of people send job requests.

Some people may say that “you got lucky” when you land a job in the industry. Well, I don’t believe in luck, I believe in chances and odds. And there are somethings you can do (or don’t do) to increase your odds in order to get the job.

I usually get 50 to 100 requests whenever I post an offer, and sadly, I don’t have the time to personally interview every one of the applicants, so I only call those who make a great impression. You want to be one of those.

The video game industry is highly competitive, so you must prove your worth (even if you’re starting out), so here are a few of the most common mistakes preventing people from getting their dream jobs:

1 – Good for everything, excels at nothing

There’s a false misconception that a the longer the CV, the more impressive it will be. In most cases, when you see a 4 page long CV, most of it is filler or information that is really not important to the job you’re seeking. Maybe you’ve don a lot of things, but I’ll put it this way, if Elon Musk can tell his professional story in a single page, you can too. I’d prefer a good ol’ fashioned Unity programmer than someone who is learning 50 different languages, software and engines but can’t focus on a single one.

Bear in mind that your CV must also be read very quickly, and saving the person who’s doing it is not only polite, but pretty effective (it shows you can accurately convey a lot of information in very little space). Where you attended kindergarten or junior high is not really that important. Just your university degree or courses taken (relevant to the job) are more than enough.

2 – Bad Presentation

There are a lot of things that can be considered bad presentation, in written form, the most obvious one is your spelling. A poorly written text shows that there’s no interest and that you don’t consider yourself a professional.

You may not think of it, but the font you use is a pretty big deal. You may have been warned to avoid Times New Roman or Comic Sans (the equivalent of showing up to a job interview in a hawaiian shirt), and there’s a good reason. Pick nice and clear fonts that are pleasant and easy to read. Georgia, Helvetica and Calibri are nice and sure choices. So remember, no matter how much you love Undertale, avoid Comic Sans, Papyrus or Wingdings.

When you get called and finally get an interview, show up punctual and be nice. Now, I deal with a lot of pretty creative and outgoing people, so I get to see a lot of different colored hair, piercings, tattoos and I don’t have a problem with those. But that’s no excuse for showing up dressed innapropriately or having poor hygiene.

What you say it’s also really important. It’s not a big deal if you can’t answer some of the questions, but a lot of people tend to rant and complain about their last jobs. Why don’t you focus on the good things? How much you’ll grow with this new job, what great things you can bring to the team, etc. Quick tip: don’t be one of those who immediately asks about salary, lunch breaks, holidays, etc. That will come in their due time.

When I interview new people, I often like to ask them what’s their mayor flaw. With this question I seek to find out two things about the person: their capacity to own their mistakes and their ability to correct them.

3 – Not filtering your portfolio content

Don’t put everything you’ve ever done. After 4 pages, most people lose interest. Remember, like a good movie: the good stuff goes first. You must always ask yourself if your really putting only the best of the best. If you’re an illustrator, send your best pictures, if you’re a musician, send your best songs, the same goes for animators, writers, etc. If you’re a programmer, it’s always a good idea to provide a build of a prototype you have at hand (or if you already made a game, that’s even better!).

It’s preferable if your work is viewable online, and if it absolutely must be downloaded, don’t exceed a 10 or 15 mb limit. Also promote it and share it in blogs, social media, etc to get it exposure and get you noticed in the dev community.

Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross, an awesome game with to many bad characters, do you remember all of them?

4 – Not introducing yourself

“Hello” is one of the best ice breakers. Some people just send emails with their CVs or portfolios attached without saying a single thing. Why should I hire you and not other candidates? Don’t be shy and sell yourself. Don’t say “I come to learn”, change it to “I can be useful because of this and that”. Avoid phrases like “I think”, “I suppose”, “I may”, etc. those denote insecurity.

It’s not only your work and experience what’s being evaluated, it’s also YOU as a person. How nice you are, how polite, funny, creative, and all those things. Of course, don’t overstate the confidence, don’t be rude and don’t be smug. There’s a fine line that you must always keep in mind and it will depend a lot on who are you talking to, which brings me to the last point…

5 – Not doing your homework

At least google who you’re contacting. If it’s a company, learn about them, what they like, what they have done, the good, the bad, everything. When you send your CV to a lot of companies with the exact same text, they’re gonna notice. And this shows a lot of disdain and minimum effort. Just copy pastin’ those addresses into your CC it’s not gonna cut it.

Learn about the people you’re contacting, but don’t be an adulator. Too many compliments or flattery often come off as fake. Be natural, if you’re a fan, tell it casually, if not, you don’t have to lie about it. Knowing what they do is more than enough.

This step is only done by 1 out of 10 people, so doing your homework gives you a huge boost!

Hope this little tips help you to get that job you’ve always wanted. Some may be a bit obvious, but they’r important to always keep in mind. Focus on what you want and go for it. Do you have tips for other people? Have you done something different or have a funny story to share? Tell us all about it!(source:gamasutra



