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拥有极其强大媒体报道量的《Pokémon Go》

发布时间:2016-07-21 11:14:50 Tags:,,,,

作者:Thomas Bidaux

不管怎样现在的你不可能还不知道《Pokémon Go》吧。在短短的时间内,这款游戏便成功打破了多项纪录并成为美国最成功的一款手机游戏,甚至比Twitter或Tinder等服务吸引了更多用户的注意。

当我们着眼于我们的报道追踪工具时发现,《Pokémon Go》在媒体报告方面拥有非常出色的表现。当着眼于过去三年里其它游戏的相关数据以及这款最近刚问世的游戏的媒体报道比例,我们发现《Pokémon Go》在其最佳表现周创造了到目前为止最多的文章报道。

Pokemon Go(from news.qq)

Pokemon Go(from news.qq)

而《Pokémon Go》能够获得如此高的报道数量的一个主要原因便是很多大众网站和游戏网站每天会发表多篇有关这款游戏的文章。

这自然可以成为《Pokémon Go》强大媒体报道的前菜。就像Game Networl便表示因为《Pokémon Go》,他们创造了流量新高:


这是Gamer Network获得最高流量的一天。



Kotaku的Keza MacDonald也表示《Pokémon Go》相关文章拥有惊人的阅读量,每篇文章至少拥有超过50万的点击率,这甚至超越了E3的相关文章。

简而言之:在过去3年里没有一款游戏能够像《Pokémon Go》这样每天创造出如此多的文章。

当然了,这只是这款游戏媒体报道的一角。虽然《Pokémon Go》拥有非常厉害的开始,但却不知道是否能像《守望先锋》等游戏那样长期留住媒体的关注。

虽然如此,当我们着眼于《Pokémon Go》,《辐射4》,《守望先锋》和《塞尔达传说:野之息》在较长一段时间内(从2015年6月到2016年7月)的新闻报道时,我们可以清楚地看到《Pokémon Go》的起点确实是最高的。它甚至超越了拥有非常出色报道量的《辐射4》,并超越了我们对于游戏新闻报道量的标准。

而大量《Pokémon Go》文章之所以如此吸引人还是因为游戏设置:就像去年,《辐射4》通过在E3开始前公开游戏而有效吸引了大量媒体的关注并让媒体和玩家期待更多相关新闻,而《Pokémon Go》不仅没有任何活动,吸引人的视频和大肆的宣传,同时也只是面向几个国家而发行。

虽然这些都说明这款游戏拥有着压倒性的优势,但这些还不足以代表《Pokémon Go》实际的媒体报道情况。

虽然我们很难去预测《Pokémon Go》之后的宣传走向,但显然它就是任天堂今年拥有最大曝光率的游戏,也有可能成为2016年拥有最大曝光率的游戏。


Pokemon Go media coverage is truly insane – analysis

by Thomas Bidaux

Currently there is no way to miss Pokémon Go. In its short lifetime, the game is breaking records left and right like being the biggest mobile game in the US ever or attracting more users than services like Twitter or Tinder.

We looked into our coverage tracking tool (more info on the tracking method here) to see how well Pokémon Go is doing in terms of press coverage. To make the coverage of the only recently released title comparable to other games we looked at data from the last three years and picked the highest performing week in terms of number of articles for each title (technically, the best 7 consecutive days).

In the graph below you can see that Pokémon Go managed to get by far the most articles on it’s highest performing week.

One of the main reasons Pokémon Go was able to achieve such a high amount of coverage is the fact that many general interest websites and gaming websites currently cover the game with several articles a day.

This makes sense as the appetite for Pokémon Go coverage is remarkable at the moment. For instance, Game Network(a publishing house hosting some of the biggest gaming sites in the world including Eurogamer, VG247 and Rock PaperShotgun) noted that they had their biggest traffic day so far thanks to Pokémon Go:


Rupert Loman @rauper

Biggest traffic day ever for Gamer Network yesterday (thanks Pokemon!)

10:10 AM – 15 Jul 2016


Rupert Loman @rauper

Even bigger yesterday!″

2:39 PM – 16 Jul 2016

And Kotaku’s Keza MacDonald stated that Pokémon Go articles see outstanding traffic numbers, with over half a million clicks at least per article, making it “considerably bigger than E3”:


Keza MacDonald @kezamacdonald

The numbers on Pokémon Go stories on Kotaku are ridiculous. At least half a million readers on most posts. It’s CONSIDERABLY bigger than E3.

3:41 PM – 12 Jul 2016

In short: there seems to be no game in the last three years that managed to generate nearly as many articles per day as Pokémon Go.

Of course this only shows a snapshot of the media coverage for the games listed. While Pokémon Go had an impressive start, games like Overwatch manage to keep up media buzz over a long period of time.

Even so, looking at the coverage from Pokémon Go, Fallout 4, Overwatch and Zelda: Breath of the Wild over a longer period of time (June 2015 to July 2016) it became apparent that Pokémon Go has an impressive head start. It even even stacks up well against Fallout 4 which saw outstanding coverage numbers and is internally our benchmark to see how much coverage it is possible for a game to get. For the overview graph we also highlighted the biggest news beats where possible. Some titles like Overwatch didn’t see one particularly strong communication topic but rather saw a very high amount of coverage from a mix of sources.

What makes the extremely high number of Pokémon Go articles even more impressive is the setup of the game: Whereas Fallout 4 perfectly orchestrated a genius PR coup last year by revealing and extensively showing the game just a day before E3 started, with press and players already eager for news, Pokémon Go was simply released in a few countries without any event, fancy videos or much fanfare.

I will offer some extra food for thoughts for you as you ponder the cheer scale of the coverage that Pokémon Go has received recently. The below graphs shows the repartition of the recent coverage for both Overwatch and Pokémon Go based on the type of media:

Our tools have been built around media outlets that cover video games. In terms of the media that we properly track, I am very confident in regards to what we consider “games” media. However, there are plenty of “general interest” media that we are missing, because they focus much more on local news and have historically mentioned video games only anecdotally (if ever). I believe that what we see in our tools, while probably fairly accurate and representative for most video games, is missing many of those media from our data set.

This would mean that despite being so overwhelmingly dominant already, it is actually strongly under-representing the actual media coverage of Pokémon Go.

While it’s hard to predict how the Pokémon Go hype will develop over the next couple of days, it is already clear that it’s the strongest covered Nintendo title in years and it will almost certainly be the most covered game of 2016.(source:Gamasutra


