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发布时间:2016-01-25 15:23:12 Tags:,,,,

作者:Justin Sawchuk

我从greenlight中学到了什么呢?本质上说来是这样:当你的游戏登陆greenlight,它在第一天会因为挂在首页而获得大量关注。所以说你最好在一个极佳的状态下发布它,确认你创造了一款正确的游戏,并使用了合适的画风去吸引Steam上的核心玩家。即使不购买游戏,他们也会通过“支持”或是“不支持”这种形式去表达自己希望或不希望你的游戏留在Steam上——通过Steam Spy(游戏邦注:第三方数据监测平台,其中包括steam下产品的用户群体,发售量及在线人数等信息)我查阅了某些游戏的销售数据并发现有些游戏在在登陆了greenlight一周之内只卖出了不到一千份。第一天后你的游戏会从首页消失,这时候浏览率和投票数便会以呈指数级形式下降(所以说最好有一个好的起步,你在发布前花的精力越多,在greenlight上等待通过票选所用的时间就越少)。如果你拥有从外部增加流量的方式(通过博客或youtuber等),你的游戏宣传活动便能够持续数周,数月甚至数年。






battle(from gamasutra)

battle(from gamasutra)

xmas(from gamasutra)

xmas(from gamasutra)


Some greenlight tips from 2 failed campaigns.

by Justin Sawchuk

So what did I learn from greenlight? Essentially it’s like this. Your game hits greenlight, the first day it gets all the views because its on the front page, so you better release it in a good state, make sure you’re making the right game, with the right art style that will appeal to steam core gamers. Even if they arent going to buy it they will “vote” for it because they want it on steam or “downvote” it because they do not — I have seen at some sales figures using steam spy — of some games that get greenlight in a week but sell under 1k units. After the first day your game falls off the front page and there is basically an exponential drop in both number of views and number of votes (so the better you make your initial launch great, the better it does on launch the less time you’re going to have to wait in greenlight). Unless of course you have a spike in external traffic (IE a blog or youtuber or something) your campaign will linger for weeks, months or years.

The last game I tried to get through greenlight was xmas brickout and the problem with that one was that it was a casual game and therefore didnt have much appeal on steam — so it brought in less views and had a much lower yes/no ratio (brickout was in the 20′s and this one was in the 51%).

Okay a few more tips dealing with trolls – Do not engange – hope that your game is good enough to simply have enough good comments that drown out the trolls. The trolls will try to unravel your campaign, and they are looking for something anything to see your whole campaign unravel and you have a big developer meltdown. Any comment you as a developer make will send a notification to everyone who posted a comment in the games comment sections (including the trolls) so its better to simply say nothing.

If you’re making your game you only need to focus on the portion of gameplay that you are actually showing in your little 60 second trailer. With my first game xmas brickout I worked on 30+ levels when I only showed 5 or so them in the trailer, not only was it a waste of time but those levels I didnt look as good as they could have.

On the animated gifs – Steam says the icon should be 512×512 but you can make it smaller, and the gif will look a lot better if you’re not trying to compress into such a small filesize.

Publish at 10 PM Eastern time – the biggest trolls are probablly little kids who will be in bed and your campaign will have a better chance to not get trolled. Oh yeah wait until a really joke game is published and jim sterling does his best of greenlight trailer so you look good by comparison and arent humilated.(source:Gamasutra


