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如何在YouTube上创造出色的“Let’s Play”视频

发布时间:2016-01-22 15:53:13 Tags:,,,,

作者:Shaun Chatman

在YouTube和Imgur开始成为提供游戏建议的枢纽站前,玩家都需要前往,Nintendo Power和留言板才能了解如何玩电子游戏。而现在世界变得更加美好了,我们可以找到许多“Let’s Play”的视频和图像并从中获得想要的信息。你肯定希望能够加入这股热潮中,因为你知道这是盈利游戏习惯的一种有效方式。而以下便是能够帮助你在YouTube上创造优秀的“Let’s Play”视频的几大要点。



定义Let’s Play


而像YouTube等服务型视频流的诞生从根本上改变了这一领域。突然之间玩家便可以通过展示自己的游戏玩法而向别人演示如何完成一个特定的游戏人物了。这是游戏领域一大惊人的发展,许多受欢迎的用户都创造了自己的YouTube频道。不过他们并不是“Let’s Play”的视频制作人。

为了创造一个“Let’s Play”视频,你需要记录自己的游戏玩法,你还必须区分自己与竞争对手。即你可以通过提供有趣的评论向观众展示你的个性。通过展现幽默感,你便有可能变成一个表演者,这就像是通过销售商品去创建自己的品牌的网络街头艺术家。


当你决定开始创造自己的“Let’s Play”视频并以最小的付出去赚取利益的时候,你便需要了解这些内容。就像其它业务机遇一样,你也需要在此投入适量的初始成本。显然你需要一台电子游戏主机,如果你非常重视技巧的话,你可能还需要这三件工具:PlayStation 4,Xbox One以及任天堂Wii-U。你还应该拥有一台PC或Mac去发布你的视频。

还有其它成本便是你想要支出的预算,即编辑软件。在这里你就别想着找捷径了。拥有像索尼的Movie Studio Platinum 13等最优秀的视频编辑软件便能决定你运行的是一个普通的“Let’s Play”频道还是能够帮自己赚取巨大收益的频道。

索尼的Movie Studio Platinum能够帮助你赋予视频内容更多个性,这也是创造真正反应出你的能力的视频的重要方法。它还能够帮助你基于少量的成本去完成高端渲染任务。所以这往往是没有太多预算但却拥有满满野心的玩家的最佳选择。

而在“Let’s Play”市场上将自己与竞争者区分开来的有效方法便是提高给玩家最佳游戏方法,吸引人的图像以及有趣的音效。这时候索尼顶级的视频编辑软件便能够帮你做到这点。


当你开始创造自己的第一个视频时,你应该从商业角度进行思考。在视频创造的早期阶段,你很容易受到一些冷漠的反馈以及较低的视频浏览率的影响。当你在选择“Let’s Play”游戏时,你应该着重挑选那些当下受欢迎的游戏。也许你很喜欢《忍者蛙》并且能够轻松完成游戏,但是要知道当这款游戏刚发行时它并未受到玩家热烈的追捧。除非你真的能够创造出一些有趣的内容,否则大多数人还是想看到当下流行的内容。

如果你想选择PC游戏的话,那么对于你来说最好的选择还是像暴雪的《风暴英雄》这样具有病毒性的游戏。如果你是主机游戏的忠实粉丝,那现在的大势便是《命运》。你可以使用索尼的Movie Studio Platinum创造一个关于Crota的有趣视频,如此的话你将能够迅速吸引玩家们的注意。


不管你多么努力地去尝试,你的前几部“Let’s Play”视频都有可能遭遇忽视。但这并不是什么坏消息,因为这说明你将有更多时间去完善自己的技巧。

你应该仔细考虑自己喜欢的视频是什么以及如何有效将这类型内容转变成符合自己个性的内容。然后你可以将经过证实的“Let’s Play”概念与自己的个性整合在一起。这时候你将发现自己做为内容创造者的力量,你的内容也将获得潜在观众的传播。

如今“Let’s Play”视频广受欢迎。为了运行自己受欢迎的频道,你需要遵循这些步骤。你可以利用别人的成功方法而赚取更多利益去做自己喜欢的事。


How to Make the Best “Let’s Play” on YouTube

by Shaun Chatman

Before YouTube and Imgur became hubs for gaming advice, players had to read, Nintendo Power, and message boards to learn how to beat video games. This is a better world now, full of “Let’s Play” videos and images that entertain as well as inform. You want to take part because you know that it’s a lucrative way to monetize your gaming habit. Here are five things you need to know about making the best “Let’s Play” videos on YouTube.

Let’s Play Defined

Gamers have created walkthroughs since the days of 8-bit consoles. Video game magazines became popular in the 1990s, and debuted in 1995. All of them had a common trait. They taught gamers how to beat certain parts of levels, an especially useful trait for role-playing and puzzle games.

The innovation of streaming video on services such as YouTube fundamentally altered the landscape. Players suddenly possessed the ability to demonstrate exactly how to accomplish specific tasks by showing their own gameplay. It was a spectacular advance in gaming, and many popular users capitalized by developing their own YouTube channels. They are generally not “Let’s Play” videographers, though.

In order to make a “Let’s Play” video, you need to record your own gameplay, but you must level it up to differentiate yourself from the competition. The way to do that is to offer entertaining commentary that places your personality on display for the viewer. By showing off your sense of humor, you change into a performer, a kind of online street artist selling your wares to build your brand.

Planning to Make Videos

Since you want to start your own “Let’s Play” video and earn money with minimal effort, here’s what you need to know. There are a few modest start-up costs involved, as is the case with any other business opportunity. You’ll obviously need a video game console, and if you’re serious about your craft, you’ll probably want all three of the major ones: the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One, and the Nintendo Wii-U. You should also own a PC or Mac to have the ability to play any major release.

The other cost is the one area where you’ll want to spend the majority of your budget, your editing software. Do not try to cut corners here. Owning the best video editing software, likeSony’s Movie Studio Platinum 13, is the difference between running an average “Let’s Play” channel and owning a channel that can earn you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Sony’s Movie Studio Platinum provides you with the ability to personalize every touch of your video, the definitive way to make your clips a reflection of yourself. It also performs high-end rendering tasks at a fraction of the cost of some of its competitors, making it a wonderful option for an ambitious gamer with a modest budget.

The way you set yourself apart from your competitors in the “Let’s Play” market is by providing the best cutaway effects, splashy graphics, and entertaining sound effects. You’ll want Sony’s top of the line video editing software to achieve this goal.

Starting Your Channel

Think commercially when you make your first set of videos. During the early days of video creation, it’s easy to get deterred by apathetic feedback and low channel view totals. As you pick your “Let’s Play” games, focus on the titles that you know are popular at the moment. You may love Battletoads and even have the ability to beat it, but that was a poor-selling title when it was new. Unless you can bring something truly entertaining to the table, most people will look for something current.

Your best bet is a viral title like Blizzard Entertainment’s Heroes of the Storm if you’re into PC games. If you’re a bigger fan of console gaming, Destiny dominates the landscape now. Make an entertaining video of dominating Crota using Sony’s Movie Studio Platinum, and you’ll immediately boost your reputation as a gamer.

Practice Making Perfect (Videos)

No matter how hard you try, your first few “Let’s Play” videos are unlikely to go viral. That’s good news because you’ll have a lot more time to improve your craft. Operate as your own worst critic during the early days.

Think about the videos you like as well as how you can adapt these styles to your own personality. Then, work to mesh proven “Let’s Play” concepts with your own personality. You’ll quickly discover your voice as a content creator, and positive buzz will spread among potential viewers.

“Let’s Play” videos are wildly popular. To run your own popular channel, all you need to do is follow these steps. You can capitalize on their success to earn a lot of money doing what you love.(source:Gamasutra


