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手机游戏《Speedx 3D》绑定OpenFeint功能增收39%

发布时间:2010-11-08 14:52:34 Tags:,,,

如果你想知道手机游戏绑定一个社交网络后是否真能迅速畅销,问问开发商HyperBees就知道了。他们的Android游戏《Speedx 3D》早在今年2月份就上市了,但将近一个月前才添加了OpenFeint功能,结果证明这一招显灵了 ,该游戏的销售额增加了39%。



这是一个很乐观的统计数值,但他们事先并没有预料到会有这一结果。虽然这39%的增长也许只是一个孤例,不过是占据了天时地利的优势,也并不能说明其他开发商也能轻易复制这种成功。而且,《Speedx 3D》也并不像许多游戏那样发行后就陷入沉寂,它在Android Market上架以来一直就是最受热捧的游戏之一。另外,OpenFeint也才刚刚面向Android用户开放服务,可选择的Android游戏数量还比较有限,更何况用户一向就对本来就十分著名的游戏更新版本抱有好感,所以《Speedx 3D》的这一成就并不值得大惊小怪。

可能我们对《Speedx 3D》确实有点冷嘲热讽了,但不管怎么说,如果不是增加了积分排行榜、成就管理模式等OpenFeint功能,《Speedx 3D》的销售很可能不会有任何起色,Hyperbees自己的看法也同样如此。

HyperBees公司有关负责人Tom Mleko表示,“我们原先认为《Speedx 3D》绑定OpenFeint重新发行后,它的销售会有所上升,但没想到市场反应居然这么惊人,《Speedx 3D》更新版本的销售额居然增加了39%,我们其他游戏销售额也增加了9%,OpenFeint和Android的结合真是绝配,我们很看好OpenFeint准备绑定的游戏。”

虽然这是OpenFeint所创造的一个成功样板,但是别忘了,这款游戏的市场成就并不只是靠绑定OpenFeint就能搞定。其他游戏如果也添加了这个社交网站的积分排行榜和成就管理等功能,是不是也会变得更完善?我想答案是肯定的。只是不要指望推出一款《添鸦跳跃》(Doodle Jump)的简单克隆版本后,就想通过OpenFeint功能在6个月内创造39%的销售飙升奇迹。

最近,OpenFeint还公布了第三轮添加该服务的Android游戏名单,《手指任意球》(Flick Kick Football)、《Dot 3》、《奶牛不会飞》(Cows Don’t Fly)、《Prism 3D》、《JellyBalls》、《迪纳摩小子》(Dynamo Kid)、《Abduction!》、《足球竞技场》(Bonecruncher Soccer)、《口袋赛车》(Pocket Racing)、《Egggz》、《Chopper Control》、《快乐岛》(Chopper Control)等游戏均在其列(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

OpenFeint on Android: The 39% difference

If you’re a developer who’s wondering if integrating a social network like OpenFeint really makes a difference, just ask HyperBees. Their Android game Speedx 3D has been kicking around the Market since February – quite a long time for any app to have run its course. But 28 days ago they added OpenFeint, and have now seen a 39% increase in sales.

It’s a great statistic, but it may not be as cut and dry as it sounds. The 39% difference could be an isolated case that few other developers can repeat, resulting from little more than being the right app at the right time. After all, Speedx 3D didn’t exactly languish in obscurity like most games do. It’s been one of the most popular games in the Android Market since its release. Combine that with the fact that OpenFeint is still a new service for Android users with only a small selection of games available, and you’ve got a great recipe for renewed interest in an already popular title.

Ok – maybe we’re being cynical. After all, if it wasn’t for the promise of leaderboards, achievements, and all that other OpenFeint jazz, Speedx might not have seen any kind of a sales boost at all. Hyperbees certainly seems to think so;

“We expected there to be some uptick in sales when we re-launched Speedx 3D with OpenFeint, but the end result was truly amazing. Following the update we recorded a 39% increase in Speedx 3D sales and a 9% increase in sales across other titles,” said Tom Mleko of HyerBees. “OpenFeint has been a great partner for Android and we look forward to what they have in store for the future.”

While it’s a great example of the success OpenFeint can bring, just remember kiddies – there are other factors at play here than just the integration of OpenFeint. Will any game be better with the addition of leaderboards and achievements through a social network? I’d tend to think so. Just don’t expect to see a 39% jump when you integrate the service into your poorly crafted Doodle Jump clone six months from now.

OpenFeint has also announced the third wave of Android games that will be getting integrated into their service. Expect to see OpenFeint enabled versions of Flick Kick Football, Dot 3, Cows Don’t Fly, Prism 3D, JellyBalls, Dynamo Kid, Abduction!, Bonecruncher Soccer, Pocket Racing, Egggz, Chopper Control, and Happy Island hit the Android Market sometime this week.(source:gamezebo)

