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发布时间:2010-11-05 11:52:54 Tags:,,,,

作为最吸金最优产的手机游戏发行商之一,PopCap公司一直是这一行业的先驱,它很早就登陆了苹果平台,不过却把Java和Brew游戏的发行授权给了EA Mobile。至于它在新的智能手机平台上的作为,也同样受到高度关注。尽管多次谈及Android,但PopCap向该平台投放的游戏至今仍无踪影,反倒先成了微软Windows Phone 7的首轮合作开发商之一。




PopCap的开发主管Sameer Baroova表示,“我们立即决定向WP7植入产品是因为,我们相信微软在新手机操作系统上下了一番功夫……微软提供了可替代iPhone的智能手机操作系统,WP7的游戏搜索以及绑定了Xbox Live的在线游戏玩法等用户体验都非常强大。”

他认为Android的问题在于,市场过于分散,“我们并不想随大流,所以通常不是涉足某个平台的第一人,但我们确实很重视游戏体验效果”,他表示《幻幻球》(Peggle)和《植物大战僵尸》(Plants vs. Zombies)将于2011年初投放Android平台。


Baroova表示,“包括谷歌在内的大多数人,都会承认Android Market目前在产品搜索和稳定性方面的服务设置仍然存在改进空间……不过Android这个开发性平台的优势在于,它让我们发行商拥有更多选择,我们可以将产品投放到Android Market,也可以同时发掘其他销售点,比如说Amazon的Android应用商店,以及GetJar等独立应用商店。


PopCap explains it will likely release in multiple Android stores such as GetJar and Amazon

As one of the best and most profitable mobile publishers, PopCap acts as a bellwether for the industry.

It’s been quick onto Apple devices but licences its games to EA Mobile in terms of Java and Brew.

When it comes to new smartphone platforms, its actions are also being closely watched. Despite talking up Android, no games have yet been released, but it was a launch partner for Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7.

With that in mind Pocket Gamer’s Android editor Jon Mundy has been talking to PopCap to find out what’s going on.

Microsoft vs Google

“We made the immediate decision to port to WP7 because we believed Microsoft did a good job with the new OS,” explained development director Sameer Baroova.

“It offered a viable smartphone OS alternative to the iPhone with a compelling user experience around game discovery and connected gameplay experience with the inclusion of Xbox LIVE.”

When it comes to Android, the issue is fragmentation.

“We don’t aspire to be trendy; sometimes we’re not first to a particular platform but we do value being the most polished,” he explains, confirming that Peggle and Plants vs. Zombies will come to Android in early 2011.

Broken shop window

The issue of how to monetise those games is another big issue for PopCap, which has operated a traditional paid for business model.

“As most people, including Google, will acknowledge, the current implementation of the Google Android Market leaves something to be desired in terms of discoverability and reliability,” Baroova said.

“The beauty of Android as an open platform means that we also have choice as a publisher. Although we may place our products into the Android Market, that doesn’t limit our ability to simultaneously explore other storefronts as well such as announced Amazon Android app store, GetJar and so forth.

“We believe that each of these stores will different strengths with different users and we will likely support more than one storefront.”(source:pocketgamer)

