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《Peggle Blast》是如何使用一种让人讨厌的F2P战术

发布时间:2014-12-30 09:40:47 Tags:,,,,

作者:Ethan Levy

《Peggle Blast》是让人上瘾的《Peggle》系列游戏的免费入门内容,上个月它被苹果推荐为“Editors’ Choice”之一。在美国的iPhone和iPad平台上它已经进入了下载排行榜单的前25名,并且与其最初的游戏具有同样的乐趣和上瘾性。而它同时也使用了我最讨厌的一种免费游戏盈利战术。

作为盈利设计顾问,我的大部分工作都是面向UI/UX。大多数免费游戏都是基于少量的盈利功能,而它们的成败则是由游戏的内部乐趣因素以及玩家的描述所决定。就像《Candy Crush》,《Farm Heroes》或者一些《Saga》游戏,《Peggle Blast》也让玩家能够购买额外的移动而不只是在失去一个关卡时选择放弃。但是这一功能使用的是作为玩家的我觉得很烦人且失礼的做法。

当《Peggle Blast》提供给你更多移动时,它并未清楚地告诉你你将进行购买。

play on(from gamasutra)

play on(from gamasutra)


password(from gamasutra)

password(from gamasutra)



floppy fish(from gamasutra)

floppy fish(from gamasutra)

这与《Crossy Road》中直接呈现出角色购买的设置完全相反。你是否想玩Floppy Fish?如果你想玩,那就花0.99美元去购买。这是推动玩家购买的明显方式。

但是并非只有《Peggle Blast》在使用这一功能。这是许多免费游戏困扰我的一种模式。据我所知这一功能已经经过了a/b测试,一些数据表明,未在这些按键上呈现价格的方式能够创造出更多收益。但作为一名盈利专家,我觉得这是一种非常无礼的执行方式。


How Peggle Blast employs a most hated F2P tactic

by Ethan Levy

Peggle Blast, a free-to-play entry in the fantastically addictive Peggle series, was featured last week as one of Apple’s Editors’ Choice. It has reached top 25 downloads in the US on both iPhone and iPad and is just as fun, whimsical and addictive as the original game. It also employs one of my most hated free-to-play monetization tactics.

Much of my work as a monetization design consultant comes in the UI/UX. Most free-to-play games are built on a small pool of monetization features and their success or failure is determined by a combination of the game’s inherent fun factor and the presentation to the player. Just like Candy Crush, Farm Heroes or any number of Saga games, Peggle Blast offers the player to buy extra moves instead of giving up when they are about to lose a level. But the presentation of this feature uses a trope I find annoying and disrespectful as a player.

When offering you more moves, Peggle Blast does not make it clear you are about to initiate a purchase.

A simple choice: Play On or Give Up. Missing is the price tag that makes it clear that clicking Play On means spending money.

After clicking Play On, the player is asked for their password. Unless they saw the momentary switch in the previous screen to “Purchasing” while waiting to connect to the network, it may be particularly confusing why the game is asking for their password.

Only after signing in is the choice presented. Do you want to buy one Extra Balls for $0.99? The player has clicked a button, entered a password and only now is it clear that they are making a purchase.

Contrast this to the straightforward presentation of character purchasing in Crossy Road. Do you want to play as Floppy Fish? If so, it will cost $0.99. It is clear and unequivocal that the player is initiating a purchase.

This feature is not unique to Peggle Blast. It is a pattern that has bothered me in any number of free-to-play games. For all I know this feature has been thoroughly a/b tested and the data proves not showing a price on these button results in more revenue. But even as a monetization specialist, I cannot shake the feeling that this is a disrespectful implementation.(source:gamasutra)


