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发布时间:2014-07-04 11:24:54 Tags:,,,,














Candy Crush Saga(from ipadown)

Candy Crush Saga(from ipadown)

King的《Candy Crush Saga》中的Lollipop Hammer(一种付费IAP道具)便是一种非常典型的例子;在前面10至15个关卡中,你可以多次免费使用Hammer。




《Clash of Clans》在这方面便做得很好。具有提升50%生产力的高价值道具的worker将消费你500个宝石。

关于商店中的第一个IAP能够提供500个宝石的设定并不是什么巧合。《Clash of Clans》在呈现,推广并销售第一个道具方面做得非常出色。基于这种方式去设置你的游戏商店能够提供一个明确的价值定位并降低玩家因为选择而受挫的可能性。对于玩家来说他们需要在游戏中购买什么,他们能从购买中获得什么,他们需要花费多少,以及如何在需要的时候立即购买等等内容都非常明显。









5 steps to optimize the first in app purchase

By Guest Author

1 Soft launch slowly and gather data

You may have a good idea of how players will be playing your game, but you need to be sure and let players confirm your hypothesis.

A long soft launch is an important part of the design process.

Two months with a solid trickle of new players will help you identify patterns that may not have appeared during in-house testing and allow you to tune your economy so that players can afford to spend premium currency freely.

This is a critical and often overlooked concept – getting your players to understand and spend premium currency.

In countless tests we’ve been able to conclude that games that are more generous with premium currency (the currency most often sold as in app purchases) generate players that more often purchase and spend this currency. Creating a more ‘free flowing’ premium currency game can be done by boosting the amount of currency that players start with or by reducing the cost of items across the board.

The former is typically more effective in most games, likely because players spend more if they feel they have more.

2 Know what your players should buy

You should be able to answer the question ‘What should my players buy first in my game?’ very clearly. After all, if you don’t know what players’ should buy, how can you expect players to know?

You should also be able to prove you have answered this question properly with real player data during soft launch.

Use analytics to confirm the first item that really resonates with players. Analytic events surrounding frequency of use are essential here. Added variables that include where a player is in the game when the purchase is made will also help to create a clear action plan to properly price and merchandise the item.

3 Demonstrate value early and often

Once you are confident you know what a player should buy and when, demonstrate the item’s value in the game early and often. If the item is a ‘frequent use’ versus ‘one time benefit’ item, having a player interact with the item several times during the early stages of the game is ideal. Players need to be accustomed to using the item and they should see how it can help them progress through the game.

The Lollipop Hammer (a premium IAP item) in King’s Candy Crush Saga is an excellent example of this practice; in the first ten to fifteen levels you have already used the Hammer multiple times for free.

You inevitably come to a point in the game where progression is nearly impossible without buying one and you clearly know how it works, the benefit it provides in the game.

4 Make it easy for them to buy and use premium items

The next step is to create an IAP that will allow players to purchase and use the item immediately. The lowest price IAP in your store should give at least the right amount of currency to buy the item.

Clash of Clans does this very well. The worker, their high value item that provides a 50% increase in productivity, costs 500 gems.

It is no coincidence that the first IAP in the store gives 500 gems. Clash of Clans does an excellent job of presenting, marketing and selling this first item just as you need it in the game. Setting your game store up this way provides a clear value proposition and decreases the likelihood that players will be paralyzed by choice. It should be very clear to players what they need to buy in the game, the benefit it provides, how much it costs, and how to buy it immediately when needed.

5 Use that data to optimize the value of other IAPs

Now that the value of your game’s currency has been set, you can use that information to adjust the value of the other IAPs in the game.

It is a good idea to offer some bonus currency as an incentive to making a larger purchase. Having the percentage of bonus currency increase at a consistent rate makes it easier for the player to understand the store, pricing and the premium currency’s value. While the tendency might be to create nice round numbers for the currency, the bonus percentage should dictate what the amount of currency granted should be.

Table 1: A standard IAP economy

Note in Table 1, the $9.99 price point grants 240 units of premium currency and a 20 percent premium currency bonus over buying the $4.99 IAP.

If the currency amount given was 250 instead of 240, the bonus currency granted would be 25 percent rather than 20 percent. The result is that the value of the $19.99 IAP wouldn’t be as appealing to players.

Logical inconsistencies in IAP pricing tiers create confusion and make players second-guess their decision to buy. Before launching, take a close look at your IAP store and make sure it’s a smooth experience for the player. The guiding principles should be to keep things clear and simple, and provide good value for money.

Get your premium items, the timing and pricing of them right, clearly demonstrate their value, and you’ll get a lot more paying players.

Keep watching their play and working within the same principles to deliver the right items and game experience for the right value, and you’ll be well on your way to many more engaged and happy ‘paying customers’.

Consider that in a game with 2 million players, increasing paying players by only 1 percent and increasing their average lifetime purchases from $30 to $50 would result in an additional $400,000 in revenue.(source:pocketgamer)


