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Ayeah Games推出fantasy sports式的名人游戏FanSwarm

发布时间:2010-11-01 15:43:34 Tags:,,

据好莱坞报道Hollywood Reporter的消息称初创公司Ayeah Games推出了自己的首款游戏FanSwarm(粉丝聚焦)。



如果了解Fantasy sports的玩家可能知道,Fantasy sports是根据真实的体育比赛数据进行整合的一款游戏,玩家可以参考实时比赛数据来组合自己的队伍。


据好莱坞报道引述Ayeah Games首席执行官Doug Levin的说法称他们有自己的社交曲线表来换算这些名人在当前是不是足够火爆。

游戏的角色不仅仅局限于演员,总共有包括Barack Obama、Bill O’Reilly或者Sarah Palin之内的2000名角色。

在这个游戏进行中,玩家们会就国王king或者皇后queen头衔进行角逐,他们也可以组队或者组团和其他的队伍进行对抗。玩家还可以选择名人角色放置到某些场景中去,这些是会相应得分或者扣分的,比如将Angelina Jolie(演员)和Brad Pitt(演员)放置到海滩是合适的(获得积分),但是如果Jennifer Aniston(演员)也在场的话,那就不太好了(扣分)。(大家都知道原因)

Doug Levin称他的游戏制作灵感来源于他对George Clooney并没有因为Up in the Air(在云端)这部电影获得奥斯卡而感到失望。但现在他们可以有一个在线的发泄平台了,比如Sandra Bullock和Jesse James的婚姻关系。

Doug Levin至今已经获得一轮的天使投资,而下个月他们将迎来另外一个风险投资。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboo.com编译)

Your ability to predict whether a celebrity’s star power will rise or fall is about to come in handy.

Launching on Sunday is FanSwarm, the first game to come from startup company Ayeah Games.

Dubbed a “social reality” game for Facebook, the FanSwarm concept borrows from fantasy sports, except your team consists of a group of celebrities who score points based on what’s being said about them in tweets and on blogs.

Whether an actor scores a major role or freaks out in a hotel, it doesn’t much matter, because players are scoring points whenever news is generated.

“We use an algorithm that reads the heat of the social graph to figure out if a celebrity is hot or not,” Ayeah founder and CEO Doug Levin said. “You can gain points by betting on Charlie Sheen’s and Lindsay Lohan’s crazy careers.”

It’s not limited to actors, either. At launch, FanSwarm’s data base will have about 2,000 names from which to choose including Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly and Barack Obama.

FanSwarm users will compete to become king or queen of the entire userbase: the “Swarm.” Plus, they can build teams or leagues and compete on a smaller scale.

Players also earn points by playing mini games like TV trivia and by nominating new celebrities that are accepted into the data base.

FanSwarm will aggregate news content around the celebrities and encourage commentary.

Players choose a group of celebrities and put them into 20 different “scenes,” the selection of which also increases or decreases points. Putting Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in the “beach” scene is a wise move, for example, but not if Jennifer Aniston also is there.

Levin said he got the idea for FanSwarm when he was disappointed that George Clooney didn’t win an Oscar for “Up in the Air,” but he had nowhere to go online and vent. And he knew he was on to something when he observed women reacting to Sandra Bullock’s marital problems with Jesse James.

“The environment is a highly structured way for people to express themselves, and we encourage user-generated content,” Levin said. “Leave a comment, get points, play with friends, map out your predictions about celebrities. Our research says people are interested in these ideas.”

Levin has raised one round of angel funding for the company and next month begins raising venture capital. The business model includes micropayments for virtual goodies, and he intends on selling data to PR executives, talent management and anyone else interested in the blogosphere’s opinion of a celebrity.(source:hollywood reporter)

