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发布时间:2014-04-04 16:38:24 Tags:,,,,

作者:James Batchelor

Spil Games前首席技术官Robbert Van Os现在有了一个新的角色:HTML5的倡导者。

创造这个新的职位对于那些过去6个月时间里一直关注着Spil Games的人来说一点都不会惊讶。在线游戏公司一直将自己定位为HTML5的主要支持者,他们甚至为了帮助开发者创造新的HTML5游戏而想办法去获取5百万美元。

Robbert-van-Os-small(from spilgames)

Robbert-van-Os-small(from spilgames)

显然,对于Van Os的委任便是他们在这条道路上迈出的下一步,我们也很荣幸能够听他讲述这一步将把Spil Games带向何方。



我的最大优先权便是确保与开发者在HTML5技术上进行对话;讨论什么是可行的,什么不可行,并分享彼此学到的经验以及HTML5中能够继续让开发者找到用户的识别领域,创造优秀的游戏,并从中获取收益。比起作为Spil Games的功能,我更是将其当成是一个HTML5产业的角色。除此之外,我还专注于维系起不同的游戏开发服务供应商之间的关系,以此去构建协同作用。


不管是Spil Games还是我自己都相信HTML5是游戏的未来。在Spil Games,我们拥有技术和生态系统。我们觉得需要有个人在这个位置上去专注于确保开发者能够轻松且成功地转换到HTML5,并分享学习经验去加速整个产业对于HTML5的接纳。


我始终都坚信HTML5是游戏的未来。当我们最初于2009年夏天谈到HTML5时,我便主张在Spil Games推动它的发展。我总是具有很大的热情希望能够与开发者进行交流,向他们学习并分享知识。如此看来,HTML5提倡者这一职位便非常适合了。


实际上,不管是任何特定的角色还是游戏,过去6个月多月里我一直对产业接受HTML5的速度感到惊讶。我的意思是,甚至在不久前于阿姆斯特丹的Casual Connect,我对能够站在HTML5一方的开发者数量感到震惊。这不再只是一个“条件”问题。我期待在接下来的一年里它能够获得更大的发展。

这种专注当然会对HTML5游戏的质量产生积极的影响。像Blinzy的《1001 Arabian Nights》以及迪士尼的《Tangled: Double Trouble》都从很多方面证实了HTML5不再只是未来的产物;而是我们当下就应该专注的内容。

你将如何帮助Spil Games的合作工作室探索HTML5的潜力?


比较全新的游戏内部广告平台等其它领域,HTML5在Spil Games的未来将扮演怎样的角色?

Spil Games的目标便是确保人们能够在自己使用的任何设备上立刻且轻松地玩游戏。因此,HTML5将在我们的未来扮演一个必不可少的角色。







在我看来,主要存在三大挑战:技术,用户以及赚钱方式。最后一个是通过Spil Games Platform的游戏内部广告收益而做到。而另外两个只是市场开发/趋势,我们只需朝着正确的方向前进便可。工具可能是技术挑战的一部分,但我也看到了许多很酷的解决方法的出现,如Goo Technologies。




‘HTML5 will play an essential role in our future’

By James Batchelor

Spil Games’ former CTO Robbert Van Os has taken on a new role: HTML5 Advocate.

The reasons for the creation of this new position won’t come as a surprise to anyone that has been following Spil Games over the last six months. The online games firm has long since positioned itself as a major proponent of HTML5, even managing to secure $5m for the sole purpose of helping developers create new HTML5 games.

Van Os’ appointment is clearly the next step on that journey, and Develop caught up with him to find out where that step leads for Spil Games.

What exactly does HTML5 Advocate mean? What does your role entail?

My role as HTML5 Advocate will focus on helping developers make the transition to HTML5.

My biggest priority will be to ensure I’m having a dialogue with developers about HTML5 technologies; discussing what’s working, what’s not and sharing lessons learnt and about identifying areas within HTML5 that continue to enable developers to find an audience, make great games and revenue through HTML5. I see it more as an HTML5 industry role than a Spil Games function. Another part is also focused on bridging different game development service providers and building synergy.

Why was this position created and why did you take it?

Spil Games, as well as me personally, believe HTML5 is the future for gaming. For Spil Games, we have the technology and the eco-system. We felt we needed someone in this position to focus on making sure developers can have an easy and successful transition to HTML5 and share learnings to speed up adoption of HTML5 in the industry.

More publishers see the audience shift from desktop towards touch devices but, it’s impossible to run existing content across all of these devices as Flash is not supported. HTML5 is the answer.

I’ve always been a passionate believer HTML5 is the future of gaming. I lead the push into HTML5 for Spil Games when we first started talking about it in the summer of 2009. I’ve always had a lot of passion for talking with developers, “rolling up my sleeves” and learning from them and sharing knowledge. Therefore, the role of HTML5 Advocate seemed perfect.

Do you expect more studios to create this sort of position and focus on HTML5? Why/why not?

Actually, regardless of any kind of specific role or titles, I’ve been amazed at the speed the industry has embraced HTML5 in the last six months or so. I mean, even at Casual Connect in Amsterdam the other week, I was astounded by the amount of developers that are committed to HTML5. It’s truly not a question of “if” anymore. My expectation is this will continue to grow in the next year.

This focus has of course had a very positive effect on the quality of HTML5 games. Games like 1001 Arabian Nights from Blinzy and for example Tangled: Double Trouble from Disney are proving that in many ways HTML5 is not a future thing; we’re seeing examples that it’s here and now.

How will you be helping Spil Games’ partner studios explore the potential of HTML5?

It’s usually a two-step process. Firstly, it’s important to remove concerns some developers have that HTML5 isn’t ready for game development. This is often easy to achieve, as we already have such strong showcases to share. Then, and more importantly, I support those partners and help them get started developing, publishing and sharing best practices. Basically, making it feasible to start making games in HTML5.

At Casual Connect in Amsterdam, I was astounded by the amount of developers that are committed to HTML5. It’s truly not a question of “if” anymore.

What role does HTML5 play in Spil Games’ future compared to other areas such as the new in-game advertising platform?

Spil Games’ goal is to make sure that people can play games instantly and easily from whatever device they’re using. Therefore, HTML5 will play an essential role in our future.

As part of that we want to make sure developers can make revenue from HTML5 and we see in-game advertising as an ideal way to do that.

Why is HTML5 growing in popularity?

Well, it starts with the situation that more publishers see the audience shift from desktop towards touch devices like tablets and smartphones. However, it is impossible to run the existing content across all of these devices as Flash is not supported. So, a technology like HTML5 helps answer this consumer trend.

What do you have to say to HTML5 critics, who believe it’s a passing fad or just aren’t convinced by the technology?

I have a lot of respect and understanding for people that are skeptical of the technology. We’ve seen this with Java and Flash in the past. In my role as Advocate, I hope to share and talk about successes and show what’s possible in a way that will help prove that this technology is truly here to stay.

What challenges does HTML5 present that other forms of development don’t, and how are these being overcome?

In my opinion, there have been three challenges; technology, audience and a way to make money. The latter one is being addressed by the in-game advertising revenue sharing announced by us via the Spil Games Platform. The two others are merely a market development/trend that shifts in the right direction. Tooling is probably part of the technology challenges, but I have seen many cool solutions come on the market, like Goo Technologies.

What does HTML5 enable developers to do that other languages don’t?

It runs on any device that runs a browser.(source:develop-online)

