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发布时间:2010-10-30 10:35:47 Tags:,,,





MTS公司投资关系部门主管Josh Tulgan告诉记者,“俄罗斯的互联网用户仅占世界的3%,但俄罗斯黑客、垃圾邮件制造者、网络罪犯在世界上却占了相当大的比重,我们这项措施可以说是为这类天才创造了走向合法的门路。”该公司产品总监Marc Sommer补充表示,“专业开发者也好,高中学生也罢,我们都会一视同仁。”提及黑客这一话题时,Marc Sommer答道,“只要你可以用HTML5编程,那你就能设计应用。我们不搞歧视。”

据悉,MTS还将在俄罗斯和世界各地举办各种会议,旨在吸引俄语程序员为Vodafone 360应用商店编写应用。根据Wireless Intelligence的调查,俄罗斯当前的手机覆盖率已达157%,因此对该国运营商而言,手机应用将成为下一个有力的吸金工具。MTS还预测俄罗斯手机应用和游戏市场2013年总营收将达2.46亿美元。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Russian operator MTS eyes apps, won’t turn away hackers

The Financial Times (FT) reports that Russia’s largest mobile operator MTS is to focus heavily on the apps market as a future revenue growth driver and is prepared to open its doors to the country’s community of computer hackers to increase the quality of its app offering.

Russia reportedly produces 70,000 computer programming graduates a year but a notorious minority join the hacker community.

“Russia has about 3 per cent of the world’s internet users, but seemingly a much larger share of the world’s hackers, spammers and cybercrime. One benefit [of our efforts] may be the creation of more legitimate opportunities for this abundance of talent,” Josh Tulgan, head of investor relations with MTS, told the FT. Marc Sommer, products director at the operator, added: “Whether you’re a professional developer or a high school kid, the aim is to treat everyone equally.” When asked about hackers, Sommer replied: “If you can programme in HTML5 you can design apps. We don’t discriminate.”

According to the FT report, MTS will host meetings across Russia and internationally, hoping to interest Russian language programmers in writing for the Vodafone 360 app store. With mobile penetration in the country now at 157 percent (according to Wireless Intelligence), it is clear that apps could be the next revenue driver for Russian operators. Indeed, MTS projects the Russian market for mobile apps and games will be worth US$246 million by 2013.(source:mobilebusinessbriefing)

