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分享制作Windows 8复古游戏的建议

发布时间:2014-01-29 08:05:23 Tags:,,,,

当人们谈到“复古”游戏时,他们通常是指针对第一至第四代主机制作的多数游戏。这些游戏的一个特点就是使用像素化的视觉设计,容易上手但又极具挑战性的游戏机制。我从小玩这些游戏长大,所以我现在制作的大多数游戏都会模拟这个时代的游戏视觉风格和玩法。我想强调这些游戏的某些功能,并讨论如何针对Windows 8平台重制此类HTML5游戏。canvas是渲染2D图像的绝佳选择,制作复古风格的游戏是一项容易完成的任务,并且适用于多数硬件平台。首先,我们需要谈谈如何挑选美术风格。



Mega man(from

在Game Boy平台的8位《洛克人》(from

Mega man 2(from jessefreeman)

在任天堂平台的8位《洛克人2》(from jessefreeman)


Mega man 3(from






以下是Iñaki Diaz为我的游戏《Super Resident Raver》所创造的精灵。

sprite(from jessefreeman)

sprite(from jessefreeman)


mini-editor(from jessefreeman)

mini-editor(from jessefreeman)


set of frames(from jessefreeman)

set of frames(from jessefreeman)


sheet type(from jessefreeman)

sheet type(from jessefreeman)


sprite sheets(from jessefreeman)

sprite sheets(from jessefreeman)




针对地图制作精灵或贴图时,我通常会让它们定在8*8或者16*16像素的图像中。有时候我会使用20*20 zap贴图,因为我可以轻松在其中进入8*8ak 16*16的精灵,并获得地图的额外细节。我固定使用这些尺寸的部分原因是,在展示游戏的美术内容时,我通常要把它们放大。




1x(from jessefreeman)

1x(from jessefreeman)





4x(from jessefreeman)

4x(from jessefreeman)


在放大美术比例时,你要确保的一件事就是不要设置画布的比例,而是在这个过程中重新对美术进行取样,或者在从图像编辑器中以正确的比例将其输出。Impact是一项强大的JS游戏框架,以及我用于Windows 8游戏的工具,它的构造器中就有一个设置游戏比例的选项,如下所示:

ig.main(‘#canvas’, MyGame, 60, 240, 160, 4);

最后一个参数就是比例,在这个例子中该比例设置为“4”。Impact会对所有图片重新取样,其原理是在一个离屏画布上绘制并引用这些图片,而非展示原来的这些图片。这会令内存翻倍,并降低游戏的加载速度。如果你不想根据不同的分辨率更改游戏比例,那么最好是事先就以正确的比例输出图像。对于速度更缓慢的设备来说,这一点甚是关键。若要让Windows 8游戏呈现高性能,你就要针对最低标准的设备创造游戏。要确保你的游戏可在平板电脑上运行,并且已经得到优化,尤其是在生成放大比例的图像时。


我们已经讨论了放大图像的要点,现在要确保游戏在屏幕上呈现正确的尺寸。Windows 8应用运行时有3个最小分辨率:





window.addEventListener(“resize”, onViewStateChanged);


function onViewStateChanged(eventArgs) {
var viewStates = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewState;

var newViewState = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.value;
if (newViewState === viewStates.snapped) {
// is snapped
}else if (newViewState === viewStates.filled) {
// is filled
} else if (newViewState === viewStates.fullScreenLandscape) {
// is full screen
} else if (newViewState === viewStates.fullScreenPortrait) {
//is portrait





Bfxr(from jessefreeman)

Bfxr(from jessefreeman)


虽然这款应用不能帮你创造游戏音乐,但却可以为你的音效创造优势 ,令你的游戏更具愉悦性。


本文所述内容较多,但还有许多方面并未涉及。我希望可以撰写更多贴子分享创造Windows 8复古游戏的技巧。在结束文章之前,我要与各位分享以下几款我所钟爱的复古游戏,希望对你有所启发:

moustache king adventure(fromjessefreeman)

moustache king adventure(fromjessefreeman)

MiniFlake(from jessefreeman)

MiniFlake(from jessefreeman)

Santa's Deadly Descent(from jessefreeman)

Santa’s Deadly Descent(from jessefreeman)

Door Man(from jessefreeman)

Door Man(from jessefreeman)


Designing Retro Looking Games for Windows 8

When people talk about “retro” games, they usually refer to most games made for the 1st to 4th generation of gaming consoles. The hallmark of these games are their pixelated visuals and approachable yet challenging game mechanics. I was a huge fan of these games growing up, so most of the ones I make today emulate the visual style and gameplay from this era in gaming history. I wanted to highlight some features of these games and talk about how to recreate them when making your own HTML5 games for Windows 8. Since canvas is perfect for rendering 2D graphics, making a retro-looking game is easy to accomplish and works well on almost any hardware. First, we need to talk about picking an art style.

Picking an Art Style

When you start thinking about your game’s art style, you have several options to choose from, such as 8-bit, 16-bit, and even some really cool 2/4-bit style games. Here are some examples from Mega Man over the years, showing off each style as the game evolved over time.

8-bit B&W Example (Mega Man Game Boy)

8-bit Example (Mega Man 2 Nintendo)

16-bit Example (Mega Man X Super Nintendo)

These three art styles give us a lot of room to play with. Since most computers, tablets, and mobile devices are not constrained to the color limitations that defined the hardware these early games ran on, you are going to have to work hard at enforcing the color palettes selection yourself One of the best ways to do this is to use a pixel editor or drawing app that is designed specifically for generating pixel art.

Pixel Art Editors

Over the years, I have gone back and forth between different drawing apps, from Photoshop to Fireworks, but lately I have moved over to specialized apps to do my pixel art. The one I highly suggest checking out is Aseprite. Not only is it free, it is open source and cross-platform. Aseprite not only allows you to create amazing pixel art, but it also handles generating sprite sheets and managing color palettes, which are critical to matching that authentic retro look. I figured I would highlight some of the great features in Aseprite and what I use it for.

First off, I am constantly working on building and testing out animations. Aseprite has a feature that allows you to import separate images and combine them into a single animation if the file names are consecutive, such as sprite_1, sprite_2, etc.

The following sprites were created by Iñaki Diaz for my Super Resident Raver game.

Once an image or animation is loaded, you can zoom in to work on the main canvas and also see the image in the mini-editor. The mini-editor keeps a 1:1 ratio that is incredibly helpful so you can see what the actual sprite looks like all the time. It can also be hidden if you don’t want to see it while you work.

When you are ready to set up the animations, you can preview the entire set of frames in the animation window as well as change the time delay between each frame.

Once you have everything ready, you can export a sprite sheet directly from Aseprite. You have three options to choose from: horizontal, vertical, and matrix, which creates a grid based on values you can customize.

And here is one of the final sprite sheets I created for my game with all of the animations and some extra space on either side in case I needed to add more sprites down the line.

Aseprite will also import from a sprite sheet and turn it back into single frame animations for you. A few other features I didn’t show off are the amazing drawing tools as well as the ability to see the color palette and change it on the fly to quickly swap out one color for another. You can also create layers, and there are some great selection tools to help you manipulate the image. As you can see, Aseprite is a fully featured low resolution image editor and has quickly become my go-to tool for pixel art creation and sprite generation.

So, now that I talked a little bit about the tools I use to work on my pixel art, let’s go over sprite and tile sizes.

Sprite/Tile Sizes

When it comes to making sprites or tiles for maps, I generally tend to make them fit within an 8×8 or 16×16 pixel graphic. Sometimes I use 20×20 zap tiles, since I can easily center an 8×8 or 16×16 sprite within it and get a little extra detail into the map. Part of the reason I keep to these sizes is that, when it comes time to display the artwork in the game, I always upscale them.

Upscaling allows you to show a smaller graphic at a much larger resolution. Since I work with pixel art, the effect tends to accentuate the pixels more, giving it the retro look most people are familiar with. There is no exact science behind how much to scale up, but I tend to do it in multiples of two. So, if I have a 16×16 pixel sprite, I can display it at 24×24 pixels by increasing the scale factor by two.

Here is an example of how this works:

1x (Actual Size 16×16)

2x (New Size 24×24)

4x (New Size 48×48)

As you can see, the higher the scale factor the more pixelated the artwork looks. This is incredibly effective when you have smaller sized art like 8×8 sprites and map tiles.

The one thing you want to make sure of when it comes to upscaling your artwork is that you don’t set the canvas scale but instead resample the artwork on the fly or pre-export everything at the right scale size from the image editor. Impact, which is an incredible JS game framework and the one I use for my Windows 8 games, has an option in its constructor to set the game’s scale. It looks something like this:

ig.main(‘#canvas’, MyGame, 60, 240, 160, 4);

As you can see, the last parameter is the scale, which in this case, is set to “4.” Impact actually resamples all the images by drawing them to an off-screen canvas and referencing that instead of the actual images. This doubles the memory and slows down the load time of your games. If you don’t anticipate changing the scale size of your game based on different resolutions, then it may make more sense to just output everything at the correct scale factor ahead of time. This is especially important on slower devices. When it comes to getting high performance out of Windows 8 games, you have to build towards the lowest common denominator. Make sure your games are tablet ready and are as optimized as possible, especially when it comes to generating upscaled artwork on the fly.

Screen Resolutions

Now that we have talked about upscaling our artwork, we need to make sure that we have the correct screen size for our games. Windows 8 apps run at three minimum resolutions:

Full Screen – This is the default resolution when the game is running in full-screen mode. This can be anywhere from 1366×768 and up.

Snapped – This happens when your game is docked on the side of the screen and another application is running next to it. The minimum width of this resolution is 320.

Filled – This would be the full-screen resolution minus 320 for the snap view. This resolution happens when you have another app docked on the side of your game in snapped view.

You can easily detect resolution changes by adding an event listener to the window like so:

window.addEventListener(“resize”, onViewStateChanged);

And, here is an example handler for the resize event:

function onViewStateChanged(eventArgs) {
var viewStates = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewState;

var newViewState = Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationView.value;
if (newViewState === viewStates.snapped) {
// is snapped
}else if (newViewState === viewStates.filled) {
// is filled
} else if (newViewState === viewStates.fullScreenLandscape) {
// is full screen
} else if (newViewState === viewStates.fullScreenPortrait) {
//is portrait

Notice how we can also detect screen rotation? You can disable that for your game, but in order to be approved by the store, you need to handle the other three view states properly. When it comes to figuring out the actual resolution, remember to divide the resolution by the scale factor of your pixel art. So, if I am using a scale factor of four, then I only have 80 pixels wide to work with in snapped view. For full-screen view, I would be working with a resolution of around 341×192. Remember that this resolution is wide screen, so you may need to think about having black bars on the sides or top/bottom of your game depending on how your graphics fit into this resolution viewport.

To see how this would work in an actual game, check out David Isbitski’s Win8GameKit on GitHub and go through the default.js file in order to get a sense of how to handle resolution changes and other important aspects of building an HTML5 game for Windows 8. It’s also important to note that not all games are playable in the snapped view, so think about if you need to pause the screen and show a message telling your players to unsnap the game in order to continue.

Sound Effects Generators

The last thing I wanted to talk about briefly is making sound effects to match your retro-style game. One of the tools I use is Bfxr, which you can use online here or download as an AIR app to use offline. Here is what the app looks like:

You may be overwhelmed at first, but here are a few tips on how to use the application. On the upper left you will see different sound “templates” for effects that you would need in your game.

Simply clicking on one of them will generate a sound on the bottom left. As you add more sounds to the list, you can click on them to preview and modify them. When a sound is selected, you can use the center window to manipulate the sound effects. On the bottom right, you can save the effects out one by one, or save out a .bfx file, which can be loaded up later to see all the sounds you were working on.

While this app won’t help you with creating music for you games, it will give you a head start on all of the sound effects that you would need to make your game more enjoyable and polished.

Wrapping Up

I covered a lot in this article, but there is so much more to go over. I hope to do a few more posts like this that show the techniques I use when creating retro looking Windows 8 games. Before I end this post, I wanted to highlight a few retro games that I love, and hope will come to Win8, to help inspire you:(source:jessefreeman

