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Misha Lyalin谈《割绳子2》及工作室营销理念

发布时间:2013-12-30 11:37:35 Tags:,,,

作者:Zen Terrelonge

ZeptoLab工作室首席执行官Misha Lyalin曾在我们4月份的采访中表示,免费模式是手机游戏的未来。


在本次采访中,我们讨论了该公司走向免费模式的决定,以及先于App Store而非Android平台发布游戏等话题。










一切都有所不同。Om Nom现在有一个叫Nommies的朋友,这些角色能够适应不同的环境:它们可以舔舌、弹跳和滑翔。

这个版本中有更多玩法变化,Om Nom可以由此同多种物体而不只是绳子互动,它还可以自由移动,在屏幕上翻来覆去地活动。

Om Nom还是可定制的。它可以穿戴不同的服装,呈现不同主题,例如圣诞帽和糖果。这一理念可以让游戏更具个性化特点。






我们在公司内部没有什么特殊的计划,但我们认为它现在更有潜力,因为过去三年市场上的移动设备增长极为显著 。我们还做了大量营销活动,以确保人们知道这款游戏。




对,我们积极参与对话。另外,我们最近还向Facebook引进了Om Nom贴纸以便调动人们的情感。这真的很棒,人们也很喜欢使用,所以这也形成了一种持续的营销形式。在社交媒体上,你得参与对话而不只是发贴。


这些贴纸是免费的。人们并不会为Facebook上的贴纸付费,但在亚洲的情况则有所不同,那里的用户更习惯为此类事物付费。也许Om Nom贴纸在其他通信服务工具上收费更可行,但目前它主要还是一种推广手段。




我们的游戏就是重要的营销渠道。有成百上千万用户会突然从游戏中看到Om Nom消失,我们以此来推广《割绳子2》——-这并不是一个条幅广告,而是一种与人们互动的绝佳方式。

该营销活动始于12月5日,在游戏发布前先在我们所有iOS游戏中交叉推广——Om Nom先消失来引起你的注意,但过后又回来了。我们在Android版本中也将采用类似的方法。






例如,Om Nom消失在游戏中在我看来就是一种很酷的广告形式。










《Pudding Monsters》在iOS推出了付费和免费版本,《Cut the Rope:Experiments》则是免费版本,但这并不意味着《割绳子2》就会采用相同的做法。













我们试过许多平台:Windows、Windows Phone、Firefox OS等等。我们选择平台的标准是,判断该平台是否能让我们向用户传递出色的游戏体验,如果能我们就会向该平台进军。



显然,Android和iOS仍是主导平台,Windows Phone也已经小有所成,但我们并不会局限于特定平台。





从更广泛的游戏市场来看,PS4和Xbox One已经问世,会考虑这些平台吗?




Cut the Rope studio ZeptoLab: Games are an incredible marketing phenomenon

by Zen Terrelonge

CEO, Misha Lyalin, talks about 400m users, Cut the Rope 2, and why the company can afford to avoid freemium.

Following a recent Cut the Rope 2 presentation, Misha Lyalin, the CEO of ZeptoLab – who makes the game – kindly praised my gameplay by saying “you’re good.”

We originally spoke back in April around the release of Cut the Rope: Time Travel, when Lyalin said freemium is the future of mobile gaming.

With that in mind, it’s interesting that Zepto has gone against the ongoing free-to-play trend in the market to charge 99 cents for the new iOS exclusive.

After briefly watching me pretend I knew what I was doing with the new game, which is now ME App of the Day, we spoke about the decision to go premium and favour the App Store ahead of the Android launch, which will come in 2014.

When did you decide you were going to make a direct sequel to the original?

The sequel for Cut The Rope was decided around two years ago. After the original, we thought there wasn’t much scope for another but we started brainstorming and knew another was coming.

Why now?

Now is the right time to do this because it’s been three years since the launch of the original.
You said that this is one of the only mobile games to have a direct sequel, rather than a spin-off, can you be more specific?

Well, there are people that do have sequels, but I haven’t seen many games that really change the level of the game. There are many follow-ups, but it’s really major for us and we’re really proud to call it number two.

What’s different to the original?

Everything. Om Nom is animated and now has little friends called Nommies and the characters are functional for the respective environments they’re featured in: they can lick, multiply, spring and glide.

There’s so much more gameplay variety that allows Om Nom to interact with objects and not just rope, giving him the freedom to move and get tossed around the screen.

Om Nom is now customisable too. He can embrace different clothes and themes, such as a Christmas hat and sweets. The idea is to make the game more personable to the user.

New game locations include forests, jungles and more, how did you decide on them?

Everything comes from game mechanics, so those locations were based on the gameplay, characters and it’s just part of the creative process.
The original game hit one million users in ten days, what predictions do you have for number two?

In terms of downloads, they’re a lot higher when the game is free, so the one million user figure was all based on actual sales as the game was premium at launch.

I’d be lying if I said we don’t have figures in mind, but they’re pretty conservative predictions.

Internally, we never plan for anything special, but we obviously think it has much greater potential now because the amount of devices on the market has grown significantly over the past three years. We’ve also done a lot of marketing to ensure people would know about the game.

What marketing methods have you used and when did you start?

We started a few weeks ago. We posted different clues on social media, generating a lot of conversations with fans. When people talk, we use it to offer more information.

So social media is actively used for two-way communications and not just one-way posting?

Yeah, we actively participate in conversations. Also, we recently introduced Om Nom stickers to Facebook so they can be used as emotions. That’s been really cool and people love to use them, so that’s an ongoing form of marketing.  With social media you need to enter conversations and not just post.

Do you charge for stickers? If not, why?

No they’re free. People don’t really pay for stickers on Facebook, but in Asia that’s a different story, over there they’re more accustomed to paying for such things. Perhaps if Om Nom stickers work out in other messengers then we may start charging, but right now it’s more of a promotion.

In that case, would Line be a marketing option you’d look at?


Beyond social media, how else are you marketing your materials?

Our games are important marketing methods. Tens of millions of people suddenly saw Om Nom disappear from the game itself to promote Cut the Rope 2 – it wasn’t a banner ad we used and thatt’s a pretty cool way to impact people.

The campaign started on December 5th across all iOS games ahead of launch – he disappears to get your attention, but he does come back, though you’ll definitely notice he’s missing. We’ll have a similar approach for Android.

Not very many people realise that mobile apps and games have become an absolutely incredible marketing phenomenon. We’re working to realise that further for ourselves and other brands – ads are a third of revenue for us and we don’t see that slowing down.

What brands do you work with?

A lot of ads are for movie promotions, toys and other games.

When you work with other games, is that paid for or a mutual exchange?

It all depends, we support different models. Exchange doesn’t matter for us that much because we don’t buy our traffic, so we sell those slots. We’re very careful with our ads and make sure we don’t use the same formats that are found on the web.

For example, Om Nom missing from the game is pretty cool advertising to me.

You said a third of revenue comes from ads, where is the rest generated?

In-app purchases, paid apps, merchandise and licensing. Back in 2010, all revenue was based on purchases of 99 cents or 69p, so we’ve grown a lot since then.

You’re launching exclusively on iOS and charging $0.99 rather than going free, why is that?

We will still work on Android eventually, which will be free-to-play. The reason we’re launching on iOS exclusively and charging is that that the original game had tens of millions experience the game for 99 cents and we want to have an exclusive window of time for those people to do the same again with the sequel. The game will remain that price until sometime in the new year.

How much will the game cost when the window closes?

That’s still undecided.

When the Android game is released, will the iOS version have a freemium option too?

We know freemium is the way to go and that’s everything we’ve done in China has been freemium for a while, but it depends on the market.

We’ve been creating freemium games for a while, but eventually I think you may see free stuff from us on iOS.

Pudding Monsters has been paid and free on iOS and Cut the Rope: Experiments is freemium, but it doesn’t mean Cut the Rope 2 will have the same approach.

With free, the funnel is so much wider, but for us, we get users because they love the game – we don’t buy the users. Our business is different from many others, which is why we can afford to launch multiple paid options and do things unconventionally.

But if I was launching an unknown game on the market now then I’d go free.

The game has over 400 million downloads, why is it so popular?

And counting, they don’t stop. The game and character were exceptionally well done and they were designed just right.

But this notion of being able to embrace the mechanics by cutting the rope, using gravity and swipes filled a gap in the market, which is really cool. We’re trying to expand the franchise with the seeds we’ve already planted.

How many staff do you have now?

We started with two people three years ago and we’re now at 80 people. That’s a good size for us, there’s an amazing number of things you can achieve with so many people.

Everyone was involved in Cut the Rope 2 in one way or another, but there was a dedicated support team of around ten people.

How big is cross-game promotion for you?

Cross-promotional is a big thing for us and the level of response we’re getting is pretty amazing.

It’s also amazing that people talk about our brand and recommend it to each other, then buy and download it and so on.

How do you feel about different platforms like Windows and BlackBerry?

We’ve experimented with a lot of platforms: Windows, Windows Phone, Firefox OS. You name it, we’re on a bunch of different ones. The way we feel is if a platform allows us to deliver a great experience and if it’s going to matter, we’ll be there.

What’s the Firefox version like?

So, it’s on Firefox phones. It’s all HTML5-based and it was quite surprising just how great the experience is.

Obviously, Android and iOS are still dominant and Windows Phone is in there somewhere, but our eyes are always open.

It’s important because apps are somewhat limited, you get a game, play it and everything happens right there, so something web-based is very natural way to expose all of that. The world isn’t going to keep moving technology forward and we look at all of them, even augmented reality.

How did AR use come about?

We feature the technology on product labels. We started playing with it a while ago just like any other technologies.

Ultimately, we’re a games company so our merchandise has to be different. We think of the products as digital toys, we’ve had millions of engagements.

In terms of wider games, the PS4 and Xbox One are now on the market. Are they considerations for you?

Of course, we’ll eventually be coming to those platforms. We’re available on the Nintendo DS and 3DS and that’s gone well.

What’s the vision for Zepto in 2014?

We’re going to continue to grow and innovate the Cut the Rope franchise with new games and products.(source:mobile-ent

