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发布时间:2013-06-24 14:00:11 Tags:,,,,

作者:Jordan Georgiev








难度变化。这是增长加游戏总体时间的一种简单方法——命名用同样的敌人或障碍,但让它们更难以对付。通常最好 令其呈现双向的等比例变化——不但要让困难加倍,在必要的时刻还要令其削弱。如果使用得当,这可能会成为一种强大的解决方法。其中一个典型就是 《求生之路》,游戏中的AI Director会监测玩家的情况,以便让他们遭遇适度的敌人。


程序生成内容。这 是为游戏世界填充内容的一种经济的好手段。它可以单独使用,或者与其他方法结合使用。如果使用正确,可以极大提升游戏体验。如果使用不当,则可能会惹恼玩 家。这方面的典型例子是《暗黑破坏神》中的Elite黑帮系统。偶尔出现的精英群体打破了单调的弱势敌人生成过程,与怪物的不同结合也极大丰富了游戏玩 法。





minecraft-town(from mmogames)

minecraft-town(from mmogames)





Keeping the players engaged

by Jordan Georgiev

The following blog was, unless otherwise noted, independently written by a member of Gamasutra’s game development community. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Gamasutra or its parent company.

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The Goal?

Keeping the player base engaged with the game.

The Solutions!

Content! A lot of it. Creating a massive amount of handcrafted content is something common in many games, especially MMOs. Thousands of quests, tons of narrative, little branching – usually when a company pays hundreds of thousands of dollars for the production of a rich quest line, the goal is to get the player through most of the quests possible, instead of just branching in some direction and skipping a ton of quests in a split second.

Creating a lot of content may be a good idea if you have the resources to hire a couple of writers and a bunch of programmers and artists to create it for you, but as that isn’t the case with indies it is not the best option.

Filler content or waiting. A disastrous trend, mostly seen in social games. Instead of creating actual gameplay a lot of games seem to focus on creating very little gameplay and a lot of time wasting mechanics to water it down and span it over the most time with the least annoyed users possible.

This is simply bad design. If you deem yourself a game designer, don’t ever implement such thing in your games. There are a few exceptions to this, but in most of the cases it just shows lazy design.

Difficulty scaling. A simple way to increase the total playtime of your game – use the same enemies and/or obstacles, but make them more difficult to pass by. Usually it’s best to make it a two directional scaling – not only making things stronger, but weakening them if needed. This may be very solution, but also very a powerful one if used sparingly. A great example is Left 4 Dead and its “AI Director” which monitors the players conditions and faces them with appropriate waves of enemies.

Difficulty scaling is by far the most used techniques in indie games, and it is the one thing that usually gets overused. It is a great way to enhance the gameplay, but also a great way to ruin it if not implemented correctly or overused.

Procedural content generation. A good and economic way of filling your world with content. It could be used by itself or in conjunction with any other method. If used correctly it could greatly enhance your game. If used poorly on the other hand it will eventually annoy and irritate the player. An awesome example of this is the Elite mob system in Diablo. The occasional group of elites breaks up the monotonous process of eradicating or hordes of weak enemies and the different combinations of monster affixes provide a great variation to the gameplay.

Procedural content is a great option – it is a low cost solution, and if properly implemented could be combined with emergent gameplay and/or handcrafted content to create engaging and low cost solutions, perfect for us indies.

Emergent gameplay. By far the best means of providing more gameplay – giving the player the tools to craft his own. Of course by far the biggest design challenge and the hardest one to test. Common in competitive games – adding more people together, especially against each other and it is almost guaranteed for new gameplay to emerge. A great example of this is the whole League of Legends meta gameplay – things like counter-picking, jungling, different builds, lane setups, counterpicks and plenty of more emerged from the original game. Minecraft as I see it is a game about emergent gameplay and mods adding more emergent gameplay – very few people play Minecraft with the goal of winning the game. Instead we see people creating science, art, prototyping actual buildings, or creating all kinds of quests and goals in the game.

Creating emergent gameplay may be hard, but is the most useful tool a game designer could have. Freeing the players to experiment and discover new ways to use the game mechanics at their advantage is both great for them and a low cost solution for us indies.

Replayability. Be through emergency, difficulty scaling and/or procedural content we could achieve replayability – getting the player to replay different levels or even the whole game multiple times and actually enjoying it. A good example could be seen in Darksouls – because of the already variant gameplay adding replayability through difficulty scaling works wonderfully well, adding new challenge and getting the players to explore even more of the game and look for new ways of dealing with the harder gameplay.

Replayability is great and while achieving it may take some time, in the end it will be all worthwhile. Creating a good game is one thing, but creating a good game which could be replayed a couple of times is another.

Final thoughts.

Keeping the player engaged in a game longer may require some work, but it is all for the better. The variety of ways of doing that is great and achieving it may make the difference between that other game you checked out for fifteen minutes and that awesome one that you’ve spent several weekends on.(source:gamasutra

