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发布时间:2013-03-21 11:13:24 Tags:,,,,

作者:Przemyslaw Szczepaniak

HTML5手机游戏的盈利——这应该是继HTML5手机游戏出现在市场上以来网页游戏开发者们所讨论的最重要的话题。最近我写了一篇文章指出一些最常见且可被接受的盈利解决方法。同时,其他开发者和发行商也写下了自己的看法。在此我将参考Photonstorm的Richard Davey或者MarketJS的Ben Chong的观点。尽管这个市场具有巨大的潜力,并且开发者们也一直在努力,但是对于这一领域的未来以及游戏盈利的发展他们始终没有十足的把握。我曾经多次说过,缺少市场意识是导致那些大公司将更多资源和支持投向HTML5游戏的主要原因,同时,开发者们也很难找到更多安全的空间去推广游戏并从中盈利。

HTML5 games(from rivellomultimediaconsulting)

HTML5 games(from rivellomultimediaconsulting)








我们可以基于应用内部购买,广告或订阅方式与发行商分享利润。难道仅仅局限于此?当然不是。发行商的创造性以及HTML5游戏的跨平台潜能让我们能够采取其它有趣的方法去赚取游戏利益。最近我有幸与Odobo的法务和业务经理Rob Smith进行交谈。在整个过程中我了解到,基于收益的投资也是一种有利可图的赚钱方式,并且是开发者在全新环境下(游戏邦注:不同于原生应用的封闭世界和社交网络那样)发挥自己技能的良好机遇。“如今,管制在线游戏产业本身的价值大约在350亿美元左右,而这一领域的玩家价值也远高于社交或休闲游戏产业中的玩家(一些研究表明其差额大约在每个玩家100美元左右)。但是管制游戏领域在进入更广阔的开发社区过程中却具有一些障碍。而Odobo则通过提供给开发者认证服务器端技术去应对这些障碍,即帮助那些刚进入这一领域的开发者可以无需获得专业认证而创造出具有创造性的管制游戏。有些平台也支持这一做法,即让开发者可以无需管理信用控制,业务开发和法律资源,就像Odobo那样,提供给开发者既定的‘下游渠道’。我们希望开发者能够创造出更棒的游戏并推翻创造性界限,但是如果开发者一直将时间花费在企业支持服务上,他们便很难做到这一点。”这不仅为我们创造了全新机遇去利用“二十一点”或“老虎机”等游戏而赚钱,同时也为开发者们创造了一个全新且独立的市场。“开发者不仅获得了标准的授权特许,同时也能够将自己的社交游戏玩家带到Odobo Play的游戏中,从而获得标准游戏授权许可中附属的额外利益。”虽然这并不是唯一一种替代方法,但是却能帮助开发者们更轻松地获利。关于这一理念我有两点指示:采取与FGL面向Flash游戏一样的做法,并创造出基于HTML5游戏的网络,并且完全专注于支持这类型游戏。




Are there alternative/additional solutions to earn from HTML5 games?

by Przemyslaw Szczepaniak

Monetization of mobile HTML5 games – this is by far most important and vast topic discussed by many web gaming developers since the HTML5 mobile games showed on market. Recently I wrote an article which pointed out the most common, known, and accepted monetization solutions.  Much in the same way, other developers, and publishers were describing their own point of view. Here I refer to known entries by Richard Davey of Photonstorm or Ben Chong of MarketJS. Despite the potential, and higher effort, there are still not enough solutions to give developers peace of mind about future of their business, and games monetization. Many times I have mentioned the lack of market awareness which causes low interest of big companies into investing more resources and support into HTML5 gaming, as there is still a lack of safe space to distribute and monetize games for many developers.

Are there any other ideas?

We know well of monetization opportunities of most known publishers. Every developer who has some experience, and was researching the market, knows that only a handful of publishers can really bring potentially safe revenues. Games rental, subscription revenues, advertisements, games licensing or freemium are common solutions. But, are those all possibilities? Let me try to fill up the knowledge we have already with couple solutions that may in my belief give more potential to HTML5 games monetization. We don’t really need to limit ourselves to most known/’tried and tested’ ways – we should seek, and experiment IMHO.

Your knowledge and skills from game development are your precious treasure.

I noticed that many developers use pre-made engines such as CooconJS, Impact, and many others. From our point of view, we prefer to use own, custom code. Why? No limits, no additional costs, except maybe that we may spend more time on coding. But, thanks to that we can always find new and cool ways to solve problems or find new ways for the game development. Having your own libraries can be a really good way to monetize part of your knowledge. The libraries you create could be also licensed to others, same as game engines are don’t you think? This is actually your work, your effort, and experience that can be also used by others. Who knows, maybe your skills are a perfect solution (or a quicker way to achieve the same) for those developers who cannot solve their coding issues? In a funny, and smart way you may create a mini shop with “Coding solutions for your HTML5 games” – just like the IAP shop in freemium games. That’s just imagination working, but do we need to limit ourselves?

Moreover using knowledge you gained on coding your own games, can be also used in getting a client work. This solution requires a vast number of contacts, and a higher experience in a field of development. But overall this is a perfect way to fill your need for more resources to go on. You may produce new innovative code, get more experience while preparing a game for a client. You are always gaining on that!

There is one more way you might consider profitable from a point of monetizing your skills. If you think your skills of game development are high enough to easily compete with others, search for game developers contests! Actually this is really good idea because of one reason: being a winner of such contest can bring you more money than you would get sometimes in a year or two of licensing/advertising /renting your games. But, there are two disadvantages: 1. there aren’t many contests; and 2. most of them strictly forbid developers to enter with a game  already released officially.

Let’s go back to revenue shares for a moment…

Here we know that we can share profits with publisher basing on in-app-purchases, advertisements or subscriptions. Is that all we can do? Actually no. The creativity of publishers, and cross-platform possibilities of HTML5 games brings another interesting way to earn gaming revenues. Recently I had an opportunity to have a conversation with Rob Smith, Legal and Business Affairs Manager at Odobo. During a chat, I learned that gambling based revenues may be also be a lucrative ways of income, and a great opportunity for developers to use theirs skills in completely new environment, far different from closed world of native apps, and social networks. “… the regulated online gaming industry alone is worth around $35bn today and the player values are significantly higher than those available to the social or casual gaming industry (some research journals place this well in excess of $100 average per user) (…) yet the regulated gaming sector has traditionally held a number of barriers of entry to the wider development community. Odobo’s model for example removes this limitation by offering developers a certified server-side technology stack that allows developers who are new to this sector the foundations to build creative and innovative regulated games, without having to be experts on certification. This is complimented by a platform that empowers developers by removing the need for developers to manage credit control, business development and legal resource, as Odobo as the platform holder provides them with the established downstream channel. We want developers to create great games and push boundaries of innovation and yet it’s harder for a developer to warrant this investment if they are continually finding their time is spent on corporate support services”. This actually brings not only a new opportunity to earn money on Black Jack or Slot Machine games revenues, but also creates a new, and independent market for developers. “… it offers developers not just a standard licence royalty but equally the ability to send their own social game players to the Odobo games on Odobo Play and gain affiliate revenue on-top of the standard game licensing royalties”. IMHO this may not only be a good alternative, but also can make live of developers easier. I believe there are two directions of this idea: going the same way as FGL did for flash games, and bring a network based only on HTML5 games, with full support to them.


As we can see not only the developers want to find out new solutions for HTML5 monetization. We need to focus on a creative side of our businesses. Trying to find new solutions for monetization keeps us active in searching, and brings more ideas. Researches proves that the standard ways to monetize HTML5 games aren’t the only way. There are more and more opportunities coming soon I believe and more enablers for developers to reach greater returns for their games. I think that I may fill up the knowledge shown here with more cool, and profitable solutions soon.(source:gamasutra)

