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recombu消息:诺基亚OVI与苹果APP STORE应用下载对比

发布时间:2010-10-11 14:20:07 Tags:,,

据recombu网站的报道,诺基亚对外宣称旗下应用程序商店OVI日下载量达到了230万次。Kate Solomon引述了PocketGamer网站的数据称事实上这个数据并不是那么理想,因为苹果app store的日下载量达到了1770万次。



并且从下图的曲线数据增长幅度来看,诺基亚用户的下载比例并不高。asymco技术总监Horace Dediu 表示,整个图例并不能让人对OVI平台保持乐观,虽然ovi的用户达到了1亿4000万,领先于app store的1亿。



Dediu推断塞班用户应用周下载仅为012而app store则为1.24,这也意味着说app store的下载比例是ovi的10倍。



Horace Dediu称这样的数据对于一个应用程序开发者来讲应该十分有趣。(本文由游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

The problem with releasing a marketplace’s download stats is it allows you to be directly compared to your competitors.

That’s exactly what one company has done with Nokia’s most recent Ovi Store numbers.

Mobile industry advisory firm asymco claims the current download rates on Nokia’s marketplace leave it trailing the App Store by some distance.

Download derby

At the start of October, Nokia revealed daily downloads on the Ovi Store had hit 2.3 million a day – up from May’s daily rate of 1.7 million.

However, asymco claims there’s little reason to get excited about such growth, given that Apple’s App Store currently hosts 17.7 million downloads a day.

“The slope of the Ovi curve does not yet compel one to get excited over the platform’s prospects in the near term,” says asymco technical director Horace Dediu in the blog post.

“However to get a true picture, one needs to not only look at absolute download numbers but also the probability of any one user or device being used to download an app.”

App appetite

Doing so, Dediu concludes that the weekly download rate for Symbian users is 0.12 apps, compared to 1.24 for the App Store.

To reach the respective rates, Dediu assumes that there are 100 million active iOS users globally – discounting 20 million from Apple’s official total due to upgrades – compared to the 140 million Nokia claims have access to the Ovi Store.

“The rate of downloads per device for iOS is more than 10 times higher [than on the Ovi Store],” he concludes.

“This is the more interesting number if you are a developer.”(source:pocketgamer/recombu)

