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发布时间:2010-05-14 04:01:04 Tags:,,,

google旗下android高级产品经理Erick Tseng转投竞争对手facebook是昨天让人震惊的一条消息。Erick Tseng在twitter发布了这一信息,他自称下周一就将就职于facebook,协助facebook做好手机和社交两个方面之间的连接。facebook随即在公告中确认了这一条消息,称Tseng将出任facebook在移动领域的主管,他拥有驾驭移动方面领先的经验,我们非常激动艾瑞克能够加盟facebook,他将帮助 facebook在产品和产品性能方面做得更好,满足用户随时随地的分享需求。

erick tseng

erick tseng

今日,tech crunch再爆出消息,oogle旗下android继Erick Tseng投奔facebook后,又一重量级人物高级软件工程师 Cedric Beust离开google,转投linkedin公司。Cedric Beust是google6年的资深老员工,其中有四年的时间供职于android。目前为止, Cedric Beust在linkedin公司要扮演的角色还未得而知,但可以推测一定是和移动战略相关。

Yesterday we reported  that Google’s Senior Product Manager, Android, Erick Tseng, departed the search giant for Facebook. Today, another Android team member is hitting the road; senior software engineer  Cedric Beust is leaving Google for LinkedIn.

Beust, who has been at Google for six years, announced the departure on his blog:

I’ve been at Google for six years but it feels more like “Two years at Google and four years in a small start up called Android that plans to revolutionize the mobile industry”. I don’t know what’s the most surprising: how ambitious that goal was four years ago or how far Android has come today.

It’s unclear what his new role will be at LinkedIn, but we’re assuming it will be mobile-focused. Beust helped the Java programming language, creating the TestNG Java testing framework. He’s also published two books, including “Next Generation Java Testing”, which covers testing techniques for Java development. Beust holds a PhD in computer science from the Universite of Sophia Antipolis in France.

Beust was hired by Google to lead its Java efforts and worked on the Gmail mobile team and then joined the Android team.

Of course, this announcement is timed with the impending rollout of the next version of the Android operating system, Android 2.2, AKA Froyo. On his blog, Beust writes of Froyo: “prepare to be blown away by what you will see very soon.”

