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pocketgamer:Ovi Store日下载量达230万 日增用户20万人

发布时间:2010-10-03 13:37:00 Tags:,,,,

日前,诺基亚宣布Ovi Store每日下载量突破230万,比今年5月170万的下载量增加了60万;与此同时,Ovi Store每日新增用户已达20万人。

Ovi Store

Ovi Store

据诺基亚所称,Ovi Store中的70名应用开发商和发行商(包括Digital Chocolate、EA、Gameloft、Indiagames等知名公司),各自累积下载量均已超100万人次。而《疯狂农场》(Farm Frenzy)的开发商HeroCraft则更胜一筹,目前已突破1000万大关,远超6月份时的600万下载量。

诺基亚客服执行副总裁泰罗·欧扎佩拉(Tero Ojanperä)表示,诺基亚认为通过手机应用沟通你我正是Ovi的核心要义,用户常常通过地图、音乐、短信、商店和其他生活工具软件搜索Ovi;诺基亚N8等新一代智能手机的问世,让开发商对Ovi寄以厚望,将其视为绝好的商机,开始为新一代Symbian智能手机用户创造更高级的手机应用体验。

据悉,诺基亚论坛(Forum.Nokia)还公布了Ovi Store百万下载量开发商名单,欲知详情者可登陆该网站查看。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Nokia trumpets Ovi Store as daily downloads hit 2.3 million

200,000 new users sign up every day 

When it comes to marketplaces, numbers are everything.

As such, it’ll do the Ovi Store no harm that daily downloads have shot up from 1.7 million back in May to 2.3 million today.

That’s according to the latest stats release by Nokia, with the Finnish firm also revealing that the marketplace is also attracting 200,000 new users every day.

Such is the Ovi Store’s apparent popularity, that the company reports 70 developers and publishers – including Digital Chocolate, EA, Gameloft, and Indiagames – have amassed total downloads of more than a million.

Thanks a million

Some have gone even further, with Farm Frenzy developer HeroCraft passing the 10 million download mark – that’s up from 6 million back in June.

“At Nokia, we believe that connecting people with great mobile experiences is at the heart of what Ovi is all about,” said executive VP of services, Tero Ojanperä.

“Today people discover Ovi through maps, music, messaging, store and life tools. With a new generation of amazing devices,like the Nokia N8, developers are looking at “Ovi as a good business decision and a chance to innovate and create next-generation mobile experiences for our family of new Symbian smartphones.”

A list of the developers lucky enough to join the million club can be found at Forum.Nokia. (source:pocketgamer)

