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intomobile消息:iPhone 4在华脱销 中国联通出手24万部

发布时间:2010-09-27 15:58:32 Tags:,,

日前,iPhone 4在中国市场断货,其在华主要销售渠道中国联通正为iPhone 4的供不应求而纠结。据《华尔街日报》报道,这位中国运营商老二截止昨日已出手24万部iPhone手机,其中20万部为订单出售,另外4万部为门店销售。这一数据与去年11月份iPhone 3GS在中国市场的尴尬成绩单形成鲜明对比,当时iPhone 3GS刚上架第一周仅卖出5000部,直到六周之后才勉勉强强地爬到10万大关。

iPhone 4

iPhone 4

虽然与苹果在美国狂售150万部的战绩相比,iPhone 4在华24万部销量实在是小巫见大巫,但要知道,这还仅仅是中国联通的销售业绩,并不包括中国用户直接从苹果购买的数量。另外水货市场的销量也还没有统计入列,只有完全掌握了这一市场数据,才能准确判断iPhone 4在中国的刚性需求到底有多大。

中国联通目前尚未透露iPhone 4的供货信息,但苹果方面已表示将继续挖掘中国市场潜力。iPhone 4在中国首战告捷对苹果来说确实是个利好消息,iPhone在中国的热销已经让苹果跻身亚洲手机市场的第五名,尽管不久前苹果还曾在这个全球最大的手机市场遭遇滑铁卢,不得不屈尊降价。

Apple iPhone 4 demand exceeds supply as China Unicom nearly sells a quarter million handsets

Word out of China on Sunday suggests the iPhone 4 is flying off the shelves and China Unicom is struggling to meet demand. According to the Wall Street Journal, China’s #2 wireless carrier sold up to 240,000 iPhones yesterday with a total of 200,000 pre-orders and 40,000 in-store purchases. This number contrasts sharply with the iPhone 3GS launch back in November of 2009. China Unicom sold a mere 5,000 units in the first weekend of sales and climbed slowly to meet the 100,000 units sold milestone a long six weeks after launch.

While the 240,000 figure may seem comparatively low (Apple sold 1.5 million in one day in the US), these figures are from China Unicom sales only. It does not take into account the number of handsets purchased directly from Apple, nor those iPhones obtained thorough China’s lucrative grey market, an off-the-record number that you must include if you want an accurate representation of China’s demand for the iPhone 4.

China Unicom did not provide details on the upcoming supply of the iPhone 4, but Apple promised it was working hard to get handsets into China as soon as possible. This is good news for Apple, the iPhone’s popularity in China has propelled the smartphone vendor to the #5 spot in the Asian country, an impressive position for a handset that has been on sale for less than a year in the world’s largest mobile phone market.(source:intomobile)


