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每日观察:关注苹果用户对iOS及iPad mini的看法(8.11)

发布时间:2012-08-11 10:47:51 Tags:,,,

1)CouponCodes4u最近针对1873名美国人(游戏邦注:这一群体中有76%受访者已经拥有苹果产品)的调查结果显示,78%用户声称比起iPad Mini,他们宁可买新一代iPhone(尽管其中已有77%用户拥有iPhone)。



近半近受访者表示无意购买iPad mini,并且46%受访者认为这种设备“毫无意义”。

观察者认为在这种情况下,7英寸的iPad mini与新iPhone同时发布可能并非明智之举,因为对一些手头并不宽裕的苹果粉丝而言,若要两者择其一,他们更可能选择新iPhone。

2)据serkantoto报道,日本名古屋开发商Ateam推出的手机社交卡牌战斗游戏《Dark Summoner》(未绑定Mobage或GREE等社交平台,今年2月23日发布于iOS平台,并于7月18日登陆Android市场),已现已突破200万次下载量(该游戏于7月27日实现100万次下载量)。

Dark Summoner(from serkantoto)

Dark Summoner(from serkantoto)


3)Strategy Analytics最近调查报告显示,用户选择iOS是因为看中苹果平台的人性化和直观体验,他们无需自定义手机设置。而Android在多数人看来则是一个更为复杂的操作系统,但这也为用户创造了更多个性化空间。



不少用户认为黑莓是商务型人士的可靠选择,但也认为它的技术有点过时并且不够人性化;至于Windows Phone操作系统,用户尚未形成较为一致的看法。


Strategy Analytics用户体验实践主管Paul Brown表示,多数用户都不愿意更换操作系统,原因在于他们惧怕学习一种全新而不熟悉的操作系统,另外他们也会担心更换系统会丢失一些原来保存在手机上的数据。因此手机操作系统最好能够提供一些简单的过渡方式,以便获取新用户。




该游戏由暴雪新成立的英国工作室The Blast Furnace开发,这个工作室主要成员包括主机游戏行业元老Mark Washbrook、Gordan Hall(二者曾是Rockstar英国团队成员)。

5)据Techcrunch报道,广告网络Chitika最新数据显示,谷歌平板电脑Nexus 7因供货不足的问题而影响其销量增长。

Chitika数周前的网络流量数据显示,Nexus平板电脑流量大有赶超亚马逊Kindle Fire之势,但最新数据却表明Nexus与Kindle Fire相比仍有较大差距。

Nexus 7 impression(from

Nexus 7 impression(from

iPad每获得100个广告印象,Nexus 7只能获得0.35个广告印象,这一数据与三周前的0.3个广告印象差别不大。

nexus_7 web usage(from chitika)

nexus_7 web usage(from chitika)


1)Does anyone really want the iPad Mini?

by Mike Shaw

US survey suggests that even Apple fans think the idea is “pointless”.

The one thing that has been missing in all the speculation about the seven inch iPad mini is this important question: does anyone actually want it?

With the success of the Kindle Fire and Nexus 7 it would seem to make sense, but a new study has found that a large number of people really aren’t that bothered about the iPad’s little brother.

According to a survey of 1,873 Americans conducted by CouponCodes4u (76 per cent of which already owned an Apple product of some type), 78 per cent said they would skip purchasing an iPad Mini in order to purchase a new iPhone, despite 77 per cent of those indicating that they already owned an iPhone.

Furthermore, nearly half of respondents who said they would skip the iPad mini said they didn’t think very highly of the idea, with 46 per cent saying the device was “pointless”.

The timing simply may not be right for a seven inch iPad, not if it’s coming at the same time as the new iPhone. Given the rabid nature of Apple fans, and the not insignificant outlay involved in obtaining one of the company’s new toys, consumers are going to have to choose between the baby pad and the new smartphone. Is it any wonder that the phone wins?(source:mobile-ent

2)Dark Summoner Racks Up 1 Million Downloads In 2 Weeks, Now At 2 Million [Social Games]

by Dr. Serkan Toto

Dark Summoner, a mobile social card battle game made by Nagoya-based Ateam, continues to do well.

The title was released worldwide on iOS on February 23 this year, on Android on July 18, and hit 1 million downloads on July 27 – after around 170 days.

And today Ateam announced that Dark Summoner hit 2 million downloads, meaning a second million users joined the game in just 2 weeks. The title is not using the Mobage or GREE networks by the way.

To celebrate the milestone, the company has set up an in-game campaign that allows users to lay their hands on these special cards:

Ateam also says that Dark Summoner’s first promo video on YouTube racked up 600,000 views in about 2 weeks. The company updated the video with a new version, which I embedded below.

Ateam went IPO in April this year (current market cap: US$130 million).(source:serkantoto

3)What do consumers look for in a phone OS?

by Zen Terrelonge

Opinions say iOS is easy to use, Android offers flexibility, BlackBerry is secure, but WinPho is unknown.

Android and iOS continue to power the best-selling phones on the market, but Strategy Analytics has looked at what consumers actually think of the OSs on the market.

iOS users choose the platform based on the user-friendly and intuitive experience on offer, with little need to customise their device.

In contrast, Android is regarded as more complex which is a caveat of being an open operating system, giving users more wriggle room to personalise their device.

BlackBerry is considered a secure and reliable choice for businesses, but consumers reckon the tech is outdated and unfriendly, while they’re unsure of what to make of the Windows Phone OS.

Taryn Tulay, report author, Strategy Analytics, said: “The size of the associated content and app ecosystem, and the perceived quality of the content within it are key factors in determining how consumers perceive different mobile operating systems and how strongly attached they are to their OS of choice.

“Consumers find value in features and applications that are convenient, useful and used on a daily basis.”

Paul Brown, a director in Strategy Analytics’ user experience practice, said: “Most consumers are hesitant to switch operating systems with the fear of having to learn a new, unfamiliar operating system as well as the potential for loss of any data or content currently saved or downloaded to their device.

“It is imperative for operating systems to offer an easy transition from one to another to obtain new users.”(source:mobile-ent

4)[Launch] Activision launches new Pitfall game from The Blast Furnace — Activision’s has released an all new version of its classic computer game Pitfall on iOS. The game was developed by the company’s new U.K. studio, The Blast Furnace. Based in Leeds, The Blast Furnace is lead by long-time console industry veterans Mark Washbrook and Gordan Hall, both formerly from Rockstar U.K.(source:insidemobileapps

5)Report: Nexus 7 Supply Issues Stall Growth

Frederic Lardinois

Google may be taking the ill-conceived Nexus Q back to the drawing board, but the Nexus 7 tablet has been quite a hit since it went on sale a few weeks ago. Since then, though, Google has faced a number of supply issues and the company even suspended sales of the 16GB for a few days to catch up with demand. The latest data from ad network Chitika shows how those supply issues have stalled the growth of Google’s first tablet – at least when measured by web traffic from Nexus 7 owners.

Just a few weeks ago, Chitika reported that the Nexus tablet was on its way to surpass the Kindle Fire in its traffic rankings. By now, the company predicted, the Google tablet was supposed to be ahead of the Fire. Instead, its latest data shows that it’s still trailing Amazon’s tablet by quite a bit. While traffic from the Nexus 7 to Chitika’s network of member sites grew rapidly during the first few weeks after it went on sale, growth stalled over the last three weeks. Chitika reports its tablet data relative to the iPad and the Nexus 7 currently accounts for 0.35 impressions per 100 iPad impressions. That’s virtually unchanged from the 0.3 impressions it reported three weeks ago.

With only a few new Nexus 7 owners surfing the web due to Google’s supply issues, the company’s numbers probably reflect the usage of existing users. ”While the Nexus 7 experienced a huge initial surge in both sales and Web traffic, users don’t seem to be surfing as much as one might expect them to.” As the novelty of the device wears off and as the honeymoon phase comes to an end, people simply don’t use it as much as they used to. Now that the Nexus 7 is back on sale, it will be interesting to see if the growth rate picks up again.(source:techcrunch

