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作者:Hassan Baig

自Facebook Open Platform于2007年末问世以来,社交游戏领域就变得炙手可热,得到数以亿计的风投资本。




* 因为相比《魔兽世界》之类的AAA游戏,Facebook游戏的制作更简单

* 因为要通过销售虚拟商品和道具创收并不难

* 因为我们可以通过Facebook的社交渠道获取用户

* 因为Facebook每月新增约1亿用户(游戏邦注:持续扩充的潜在用户)


* 因为就潜在用户规模方面而言,Facebook远胜iPhone,前者的用户数量比后者多出好几百万。

* 因为iPhone游戏的盗版现象非常猖獗。有约70-80%的下载数量无法给开发者带来任何收益,除非你在防盗版措施上投入大把资源。

* 因为作为一个创收平台,iPhone总是低价出售你的应用,而Facebook则积极提高产品的价值。

* 因为作为一个创收平台,iPhone在你的收益中分成30%,而Facebook则分文不取。



游戏要有ActionScript 3.0版本的前端代码,基于Adobe Illustrator/Flash格式的图像,基于Flash格式的动画内容,及包含常规mySQL数据库的后端内容。这是所有flash游戏的必备工具。

这里的不同之处在于:通过Facebook API进行沟通。你多半会让Flash通过javascript(通过 FBJS-bridge)进行沟通,然后让javascript通过Facebook API完成沟通循环。


接受Open Platform会持续出现漏洞的事实,还有就是变幻莫测的Facebook API会让你感到非常棘手,但千万不要放弃。我并不是说不要涉猎这一领域,而是想要说明你将遇到什么问题。用事实说话,不要靠运气。




facebook pet society from

facebook pet society from





* 要搜索有关Facebook游戏发展趋势的信息,登陆。

* 要寻找Facebook MAU或DAU方面的参数,关注 。

* 要把握高效虚拟商品创收模式背后的心理学原理,查看ZT Online的经典案例。




Why and How to Develop Facebook Games?

By Hassan Baig

After the introduction of Facebook’s Open Platform in late 2007, the social gaming industry has become hot with hundreds of millions of dollars poured in by venture capitalists.

Moreover since 2007, several large Facebook gaming companies have come of age – Zynga, Playfish (now EA), Playdom, Crowdstar being the most notable examples – and have shown the world spectacular spurts in revenue unprecedented in recent business history.  Social gaming is perhaps one of the hottest industries to step into right now in terms of bottomline potential and relative poverty of barriers to entry.

If you’re looking to jump into this niche, here are some pointers to get you started:

Why Facebook gaming?

* Because it’s fairly simple to build compared to AAA games like World of Warcraft and the like.

* Because it’s not that hard to monetize through the sale of virtual goods and offers.

* Because gaining user-base is immensely helped via Facebook’s social stream.

* Because Facebook is adding around a 100 million users every month (ever-growing potential user-pool).

* Because these games cannot be pirated.

But then, some may wonder: why not get into iPhone game development? Afterall, it’s an incredibly powerful tool with great production-value potential and never-seen-before mechanics.  Here are my thoughts on the subject:

* Because Facebook trumps the iPhone in terms of potential user-base by hundreds of millions of more users!

* Because piracy is endemic over iPhone games. You won’t get a dime for around 70% – 80% of your downloads unless you invest serious resources in anti-piracy measures.

* Because as a monetization platform, the iPhone undersells your applications whereas Facebook over-sells them.

* Because as a monetization platform, the iPhone takes a 30% cut in every dollar you earn. Facebook takes none.

Make no mistake about it; the iPhone is a great way to make some money. Just that Facebook is greater.

What technology should I use?

The game itself will have its front-end coded in ActionScript 3.0 (older versions are not supported anymore), artwork done in Adobe Illustrator and/or Flash, animation work done in Flash, and the back-end having your usual mySQL database(s). These are essentially tools you’d need for any flash game.

Here’s where things change: communicating with the Facebook API. You’d probably have Flash communicate with javascript (through an FBJS-bridge), and then have javascript complete the communication loop with the Facebook API from there on.

Confessedly, this is not the only way to do it. But whichever method you end up using (and you can research that on Google), it’s going to be complicated stuff. There will be days (and nights) when you’ll be stuck on something and no one in the whole world would be able to help you. Literally! So be consistent.

Do expect numerous bugs which keep popping up on the Open Platform, coupled with ever-changing Facebook API may bug you hard, but don’t give up. I’m not saying don’t get into this business, I’m saying know what you’re up against. Bet on facts, not hope.

How do I monetize?

There are two answers to this conundrum. The trivial one is this: outsource your monetization platform to service providers such as these. They’ll probably do some sort of a revenue share with you and it’ll be an all-round win-win situation.

Here’s the harder answer: coming up with content which users actually want to buy. The one thing that you’ll need to keep in mind is ensuring your game centers upon sale of virtual items. That’s the real money-maker. You can Google virtual goods if you don’t understand the concept – many blogs such as these are littered with information.

What should be your strategy to get maximum users to fish out their credit cards for you? Take it from the gurus of monetization here. Be very clear about the fact that unless your game is rich in content, it will not be a good candidate for sale of virtual goods. Which means that quizzes and simple games are out. Which means content-rich games like Pet Society or Farmville are good ideas to emulate. Perhaps the least content-rich game which still monetizes nicely is this – you can use this as a least common denominator of sorts.

Last but not least, whatever content you finally decide on – please do not forget thatmajority of Facebook game users are female (around 55%-45% break-up), and that vanity virtual items (e.g. decorations) are the biggest selling category of virtual goods out there.

Where do I gather research from?

First of all, do not forget that those who don’t do their research won’t last long in this industry. In any industry. Even beginner’s luck doesn’t last forever.

* To find out all about Facebook gaming trends, bookmark

* To find out Facebook games’ metrics in terms of monthly active users (MAU) or daily active users (DAU), bookmark

* To understand the psychology that goes behind effective virtual goods monetization, bookmark ZT Online’s classic case study here.

* To understand what successful viral mechanics on Facebook work best, bookmark this article (though the ‘notifications’ bit of it is outdated).

* To understand how Facebook’s Open Platform will morph over time, bookmark this.

* And lastly, to understand virility, bookmark this article.


Facebook game development is a hot industry right now and the time is ripe to jump into the fray. Any later and you would run the risk of missing the band-wagon. If you’re ready to take on the challenges, the rewards can be immense. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, I’m just saying it’s going to be worth it.(Source:whiterabbitonline

