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发布时间:2011-12-21 17:27:05 Tags:,,,,

作者:Farshid Palad
































Overcoming The Risks of Game Development

Farshid Palad

Making games is hard. Making good games is tough. But making great, fun, games is damn near impossible. That is the hard truth that all the experienced game designers would tell you and it is our job as independent developers to just ignore them while proudly claiming our game to-be, the greatest game of all time.

Now, just to humour these “experienced” game designers, let’s take a moment and analyze the game development process using the 4 Element of Game Design. You have chosen a Story for your game, the Mechanics, the Aesthetics and the Technology.

Now you are eager to get started. You can’t wait to get your artist to draw up the graphics and your programmers to jam out the all-night coding sessions, designing the levels and animating your characters. You will wait for months before you get a version on your hand that is playable.

Sure, that is one approach to game development, a very risky one at the very least. But what happens after 6-8 months when you get a playable copy and find out the game mechanics are no fun at all. The game engine can not handle the graphics, the animation is choppy and you just found out you have to remake, from scratch, your whole game.

I suggest taking a different route, a route taken by all the pros.

FYI: This is going to be a long post but it is damn well worth it.

Risk Analysis

Don’t wait till you get a playable copy 6 months down the road. Sit down with your team and colleagues and do a Risk Analysis. Don’t be afraid by the name. It is actually pretty simple.

You and your team will simply create a list of all the things that might and/or would jeopardize your game. I have included a number of risks as example and how they relate to your game development projects.

Additionally, you will find sample ideas on how to combat each risk. Same with everything in life, if there is a problem, it is best to be solved early on or else it will lead to big disasters.

Risk #1: Fun?

For this example I have chosen ‘Angry Birds’ because I wanted a game where everyone would be familiar with its features and game design.

Problem: What if the whole cannon physics mechanism is not as fun for the player as we think it to be?

Solution: This is very important risk, as you can see, it can make or break your game. But it has a very simple solution to it. Have your programmer code a simple version of the game for you, perhaps with abstract shapes and objects, no animation is needed. This can be done in a week or two max, and you will get to experience the cannon physics mechanism first hand.

Of course if you are on a tight budget, you might say “Hey, dude, a game copy with abstract objects that will never reach the hands of the player is a complete waste.” Well, trust me, in the long run, you will save a bundle. You would have found the problem(s) with the game mechanics with this copy, and you get the chance to make it right and make your game fun.

Risk #2: The Game Engine

Problem: What if the game engine will not be able to support all the graphics and animation? Or you could have leakage somewhere within the code that will really put a strain on the playability.

This is actually a pretty common problem that arises with a lot of game projects. The result? The player will not be sucked into the game experience and those essential experiences that we strive to create for our players will not be created.

Solution: If you wait till the final versions of your game, when all the artworks are done, to test your game, you are in a disastrous position. Guess what? You have to ask your artist to redo all the work so it doesn’t put a strain on the game performance.

You should get a prototype of your game in your hands as soon as possible. This prototype does nothing except it includes the approximate number of objects and graphics that would be present at any given moment on the screen. This is done to see if your game engine can handle it. If it does, great, if not, it is better to find out now than six months down the road.

Again this prototype is not playable and is thrown away. Is it a waste? You be the judge.

Risk #3: The Level Design

For this example, imagine your typical RPG.

Problem: Currently, we want to have 14 different towns with 26 dungeons. Creating all the maps with different artworks, houses, interiors, NPCs and enemies might take more time than we have available.

Solution: First of all, have your artist design one map first, with all the bells and the whistles. And a dungeon with all the enemies and the NPCs. If it takes longer than you had hoped or can afford. Change your design immediately, reduce the number of towns, dungeons, houses, NPCs and etc.

Additionally, you can do, what a lot of current RPGs developers do, design NPCs, enemies, houses and interiors with reusability in mind. Just take your design, make tiny little adjustments and use them again in new towns and dungeons.

Risk #4: The Characters

Problem: What if the player does not enjoy the characters we have designed? What about the enemies and the maps?

Solution: For this one, unfortunately, we can not create a prototype. What can we do instead? Have your artist(s) create concept arts of your towns, characters and whatever else on your list that worries you. Once you have the artworks in place, show them to your targeted audience and record their reactions.

Have you noticed all the concept arts that pop up all over the internet prior to a release of a game? Not only it will help you in eliminating your game development risk but it will also aid a lot in your marketing campaign.


These examples were just that, examples. In reality your game will have a much longer list of risks. And it is your job to sit down with your team and find a solution to combat these early on. (Source: Farshid Palad)

