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本周德国社交网站VZ Networks社交游戏排行情况

发布时间:2010-09-04 09:33:37 Tags:,,

当社交游戏在VZ Networks活跃用户数稳步发展的同时,该网站上的游戏数却出现了暂时减少的神奇现象。据StudiVZ和SchülerVZ数据显示,上周统计的89款游戏在这周则仅为87款。

VZ Networks

VZ Networks

VZ Networks三个网站的游戏安装总数在本周仅为2200万,增长率为1.77%。在Elex,wooga和Plinga等公司的强势作用下,本周游戏排行榜的前五位仍然不变。

在游戏排行榜的前20名当中,Elex有7款游戏入选,其中Frohe Ernte位居第一,在VZ的整体用户达到了2791987,Frohe Ernte 2和Frohe Ernte 3也进入第四和第六的排位。wooga尽管只有三款游戏进入排行榜,但是三款游戏都进入前五名,其中Brain Buddies和Bubble Island进入前三,Brain Buddies有超过220万的用户。Plinga有三款游戏入选,表现最好的是Icy Tower,用户超过了60万。


VZ Networks top

VZ Networks top

Games on the VZ Networks keep growing at a constant pace. It is interesting to see that in fact the volume of games is shrinking temporarily. On StudiVZ and SchülerVZ we counted 89 games each last week and count just 87 games this week. The total volume of installs on all three networks increased by 1.77% to just over 22 million installs.

The Top 5 remain unchanged as does Elex’s wooga’s and Plinga’s supremacy on the VZ Networks. However, other types of games like Goodgame Studios’ café simulation “Goodgame Café” and other city building or hospital simulations are catching up and are pushing into the Top 20.(source:social games observer)

